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A WARNING TO MEN To all men, especially ministers of the gospel and whosoever will: The Lord is not pleased with the work that is being done by our leaders and Missionaries. He has given me a message to convey to all Christians and sinners. The world is in greater turmoil, was and is suffering from poverty and self-destruction. Unless we as Christians unite and tell the world what we should do to save ourselves, we shall be destroyed. This applies to our religious leaders and organizations of today. The spirit of God works with me, and I know he is displeased. God has told me that you will be given a period of from three to six years to consider and work together. The past sufferings we have felt is nothing compared to what the future holds. The things that the Lord is most displeased with is the work of the religious leaders. This whole system should be changed. If anyone questions me or would like to talk to me, contact my home at 324-9486. 5329 South Ellis. REV. HOWARD QUINN �