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, ~ld S nim to l he com- $20,0QO FOR JAILING SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Jan. 31 (}P)-Anastacio Vargas, 74, convicted, sentenced to death and later pardoned for a murder he didn't commit, received a $20,000 judgment in a false .imprisonment suit against the state. Vargas received the death sentence in a 1926 trial for the slaying in 1925 of a woman. The sentence was later commuted to life and in 1929 he was pardoned. A later investigation showed he was innocent. Vargas won a $26,500 judgment in 1958, but a higher court set it aside. He refiled his suit after, the state legislature passed a law permitting persons to sue the state for false imprisonment. Judge Robert Murray made the $20,000 award. Vargas had sought $25,000, the maximum permitted under the state Jaw. �