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M O U N T B E R R Y GEORG I A 3 AR EA 0 1 4 CO D E 9 404 o 2 3 2 - 5 37 4 September 8, 1966 Office of the President The Honorable Ivan Allen Office of the Mayo-r City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Mayor: You have earned the gratitude and admiration of people throughout this region and indeed throughout the nation for your handling of the tense situation on the streets of Atlanta last Tuesday evening. You have helped to establish an image of Atlanta as a city, not of prejudice, but of progress. You have worked conscientiously and effectively for social justice, economic opportunity and fair treatment for all citizens. When, despite your best efforts, tensions reached a breaking point, you moved with resolute courage, tempered by reason and restraint, to protect your city against some of its citizens and, in fact, to protect these people against some of their own temporary excesses. We realize that your magnificent performance on this occasion does not insure against a recurrence of violence in Atlanta. I am sure , too, that you can take little pleasure in commendations for your handling of a situation which you undoubtedly hoped would never occur. Still , we should be permitted to express our pride i n a cap t ain who ke eps h i s ship on cour se when the sea is rough as well as when the sailing is smooth . Best wishes for a successful voyage and safe landing from an old submariner . Cord i ally your s , ~tP~ «ah nR. Bert rand Pre s i den t J RB:hd INCORPORATED AS THE BERRY SCHOOLS• FOUNDED BY MARTHA BERRY IN 1902 �