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John T. Reeve s 1 3 1 - =.:a_rchL1.a11 St • Br emen , Georgia I. YOR I VAIJ ALLEN TLANT GEORG IA �-, �<ttlptrtq @£ W:qr J\srcnshm ('lliftis.cnpal) arartersuille, <1i.eor_gia S-e::.Tc.embcr 11, 1 966 Tho HoJorablc ;tlvan Allen, J r o Mayor of tlanta Atlanta, Gsor5ia Dear Sir: We 1-.rould not claim to hav a cull l{nowledce of all the events and cii-·cu· . stances of th past ,,;eek, but we do fe 1 that vrn have " see::.1. 11 e:.1ouch, on TV, to J.I1at:s some co '111e11ts, 2nd ive uish t,o cor:-,mend you for the exc'"'lle::.yi:. ::1a·~2.1er iI1 1·rhic h ro have co:aducted yourself a:::.1d g iver- 1 ad e r ship in a difficult time . What. hapx:hs in At l e.nt.a does vitally "touch" us who live L1 Ac·rnrth, Ca:1t.o:a a:1.d Cartersvi_le, and 1·1e are crat ful for t· .. l cac ership th2:i:. you ar£ r( iViL__ to the City of Atla:~·~a . We 1rnuld pa:::.:ticulc:.rl;y- ·c2...re :1ote of the courasc the ·~ you si1m-red in onterin_-· th~ tro bled ar1;;.as, and the :9atic~1co 2.na ti1e fair:1c ss c-.Ld uisdo:-a. thflt nu have displayed. ·we uish to add our tba:1ks and c_:ooa i;,;ishc:s ti1a t you i--Tell aeserve . Si:.1C6:i:'Sly, ¥· I 1Yvw. I'{) l'l ~ l'V\ J).S j____ -mn-,~ ».. .l , J;/~.J°~ JC7!;?;,;i,:,_ (


. ///. -:J./4..e" {._,. yv. Me·nbers of th€ E°)isco al C.llL'C ... of th~ As e '."Sion , CartE.rsv:.J 7 e. (- / ,/ �filqurtq ®f W:frr J\str11sinn ('lfpisrnpal) filru:tersmll.e, ®eor_gia S-e:;,tcmber 1 2, 1 966 The Ho·101:abl e I van Mayor of Atlani:,a Atlanta, Geor6ia All e __ , Jr a Dear Si r : The a ttached let·cor: is a note of api)re cia t ion f rom mysel f and some of t,he members of this Episcopal conzreGation ~ I t repres'e:.1.ts the sentimsnts of ma:ay :-norc persons o~ this conere£ation tha:1 who inc luded by name on thi s l etter . ope::.1.L1 · of our Sunda y School a:1.d other ha')yJ dist,r~ctio:as, some uho 11 re :prcse:1t missed t.he let"i:,er , 2:i. d tl1e op.1ort ·:1ity of sic:.1L1r the let t,er . But 1.,1 i th th 0 But I 1.·muld like fox• ~rou to ·oe assured of our inter st , our support a~a of our ap,reciation. Sincerely, 'P\hU/.) Louis TonsH. . ire Re c tor Church cf the Ascension Cartersvi le, Georgia �