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I. PRESID EN T'S COU NCIL ON YOUT H O PP O R TU N IT Y WAS H ING TON 20006 November 21, 1969 fyfr. D an Sweat · Office of th,e Mayor C ity Hall Atlanta; Georgi a,. De a r M r. Swe a t: The staff of the Presid ent's Council on Youth Opportunity will conduct a Training Session for the Northeast and Southeast Mayor 1 s Youth Coordinators on Thursday and Friday, December 4-5, 1969, in Boston, Massachusetts. I, I· Subjects to be discussed include planning grants, the role of the states in the 1970 Youth Opporhmity Campaign, youth involvement, youth - -employment programs, public rela tions and fun d-raising, local organization, and the use of Urban Corps students. I ·I j I ! j ' lI Howard Phillips, Deputy E x ecutive Director, John H e in, Director of the Research and Public Affa irs Division, Geo:1'ge Gain e s, Director of Program Planning and Evaluation, and Bonn Clayton, Assistant Director, T e chnical Assistance Division, will be w ith us from the Council staff, as well as several resource people who are knowledgeable about thE: above subjects. Registration w ill be in Room SOS~ J. · F. Kennedy Federal Building , beginning at 8:30 a..m. both days and.concluding at 5 p.m. Thursday and 4:30p.m. Friday. Boston Youth Coordinator Clar e nce 11 Jeep 11 Jones has gen erously offered to assist you in finding w e ll-located h~tel accommodations. If you ne e d as sistance in this regard, call Mrs. Mary Stewart for reservations at 617 /722- 4494. If you have other questions, please call me at 202/382-6595. !-- 1 l l I_ (7&' /J ·. ~ 01Ua-? er · hllis Ca rrasco . Southea s t R e ri°i on ai Co ordinato.r YOUTH OPP ORT UNIT Y CAMPA IGNS: JOBS· SUMMER CAMP ING· FEDE RA L CAREER S · SHAR E. YOUR SUMM ER· STAY i N SCHOOL ,. J �