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OUR AMERICAN DESTINY f It is our American destiny to bring about the unity of the Whiteman's World. The lifeor-death threat of an aroused Asiatic world under the domination of Communism affords the challenge which will close the ranks of the Whiteman's World in an earth-shaking battle for survival, We Whitemen of America can force world-history to take the pathway of our will---ond thus carry forward our destiny-only by holding to those values which have elevated us to our present high place in history; chief among these values is the recognition that we must play our role not merely as so-called human beings but as Whitemen, deeply conscious of our American destiny. The Whitemen of the coon-skin cap and long rifle, and the brave White warriors and womenfolk of the covered wagon days, who ,conquered and settled this great continent of ours, were but carrying forward a mighty destiny. Our American destiny is, in a very real sense, the entire Whiteman's destiny. It is our bound duty to carry it onward into t~ future. In the days ahead, of heavy threats demanding heroic replies, our Whitefolk brothers and sisters of distant lands will look to us for leadership. The Whiteman of Australia, as he bravely stands at the most advanced western frontier of our White World, ·must know that we are with him. The Whiteman of South Africa, as he fights for survival in the very heart of the black world, must know that his destiny is a part of our destiny. O ur deep consciousness of being Whitemen and V{hitewomen is as old and primitive as our hills. Forsake this precious bond and we will perish. With this thought in mind it is obvious that we cannot step from nation-consciousness to world-consciousness overnig ht. W hatever supra-historica l consciousness we a re able to crea te in the future, a s a quickening infl uence in the lives of our American Whitefolk, must be based upon, if it is to survive, our common-denominator consciousness of being Whitemen and W hitewomen., Geography and space must be pushed aside and the Whiteman must be viewed as a living and breathing biological and spiritual organism, composed as a great Whiteman's Community of individuals in agreement on .the basic things, ever-expanding by procreation. �- .

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