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DEATH! to the Traitors It's tiD1e for old-fashioned American Justice �SAM ADAMS -- Patrio t This or ganization is n amed for Samuel Adams (1722-1803), Ame ri can revolut ionary patriot an d statesman . Various Commi t tees of Publi c Safety f uncti oned as executive bodies in the co l onie s bef ore an d du r ing ...the Revolutionary War. The dec ision of the Commi ttee of Public Safety, established by the second Provin c i al Congress of Ma s sachusetts in February, l775, to occupy Cha r lest own an d Dorcheste r Heights, led to the Battle of Bunke r Hill . Sam Adams decisively infl u ence d e ve ry important aspect of the pre-revolution a r y s t ruggle ag a ins t Gr e a t Britain. In the re a lm of practical p oli t ics , he promoted the formation of the Boston c hapte r of the Sons of Li berty. He ga ined a r eput a tion as a l i terary agitator and revolutionary ideologi st. The first p itched battle of the Revolution occurred when Briti s h t roop s, en r oute to Lexingt on to arre st Sam Adams, met the armed ~esistance of the local patri ots . The hi storian, John Hyde Preston, in h i s book entitled REV OLUTION 1776 has t hi s to say of Sam Adams: 11 Samuel Adams ha s a much c l e arer cla im t han George ,Washin gt on to the title of Fa t he r of His Country. nurse. Adams wa s the fa the r , Washington the Adams conceived the 'inf an t, and Washington save d its life." Pre s ton goes on to say : "Samuel Adams was bo r n with a rebel's soul; he had a genius for rebellion . " - 2 - �Idiot Card .r IEws ~Nn 'NEGROE.s ARE TOPS! 1EWS AM]) NEG-ROES AR Modern Thinking" = 3 = TOPS! �THE INNER ENEMY TODAY Why does a White man hate his own kind, and why does he wish to destroy his own kind by inter-marriage with non-Whites? The answer lies in our educational system and 1n our polltical system 9 both of which are operated not only for the degradation of the White man~ but for the degradation of all races to a sub-human, animalistic level. Our present- day educational system produces people who are stripped of all race-pride and moral courage, and f illed with selfhatred and disgust. A twelve year course of carefully planned and executed brainwashing in the public schools destroys inner pride and self-identity. The products of this process enter into public, a dult life as racial zombies, able to fulfill a robot role in a factory or office, but unable to exercise or live up to their duties as White men and White women ••• to bear the responsibilities ' of maintaining and furthering Western Civilization. The most vicious of these robots enter into our political system. They welcome each new act of individual self-degradation as a gadge of honor. These parliamentary politicians hate Western Civilization, ' because this means living up to and maintaining the standards above and beyond individual self-interest and greed. When the se 'democratic' politicians act to tear down the last vestiges of our great Western Civilization, which has been built at such cost by so many generations of White folk, a few o.f us are incense d and outrag d . �But mos t people acc ept as a matter of course the dictates of these p o liticians; that our Civilization must be destroyed, and that we, as a sort of half-negroids, must s 1.nk to a lower form of ex istence , so represented by the squalid multi-racial nations of Haiti and Br azil. This i s called the 'equalization of living standa rds'. / But there are a small minority of us who are still White menl We are n ot r obots ••• we have not been affected by the brainwashing in the public schools ••• and we despise our traitor -p ol iticians! We, a historic few, say to this parliamentary scum ••• WE WILL FIGHT! We are of the same stock as the leg ions of Caesar, the Vandals who sac~ed a degenerate Rome, and the sailors of Sir Francis Dra ke! Well we know the role wh ich history has prepared for us. Although we have been born into a mo r al and spiritual ' squalor worse than that of any nation in world history , we arise from this filth to assert ourselves as White menl Our enemies now are not Indians, d isease, or wild beasts • •• they are the mass of non-Whites, and by non-Whites we mean all those who think and act as negroids even if they have a white skin. Nothing can save our Western Civilization except the harshes t measures ag ainst these non - Whites, by means of propaganda and physical terror. There can be no mercy for those who have abandoned the ir own racial identity and traditions through self-corrup tion and individual greedo �WH IT E MA N A WAK E ! THE HO-UR IS LATE! - 6 - �THE WHITE MAN'S REVOLUTION Littl e Rock , Arkans as • • • Concord • Oxford, Missis sippi • 0 • Bunker Hill Again, the Ame rican White man has asserted himself against a f oreign dictato rs hip whoS"l:l occupation center is Washington , D. c. This foreign control of our United States of Ame ri ca began in 1933 wi th the anti -White regime of Franklin D. Roosevelt . Using Worl d Wa r II to consolidate its power , this anti-White group disguised by the term 'liberal' has now over-reache d itself, by t he passage of the so-called 1 Civil Right s Bill'. This anti-White organization exhibits t wo f aces to the outside world • •• the Democratic and Republic an Parties. , Commissar Eisenhower of the Republican Party used guns and bayonets again s t the White folk of Little Rock, and Commiss a r Kenne dy of the Democratic Party used guns and bayonets a gains t the White folk of Oxford. By doing this, the mask of 'libe ralism' lies the naked p ower of Jewish Communism • •• de termi n e d to destroy the Western Civilization of the Whi t e man . This use of naked powe r aga i nst t he Whi te folk of Amer i c a is an open admi s s ion of , defea t by the Sovie t - style Supreme Court, and the Federal Jud i ciary , both cont rolled by anti-White Jews. This ·exercise of naked powe r means t hat t he Federal Government no longer represent s the Whit e folk of the United States of America. Now, at last, the Federal Govern- ment openly admits that it is a foreign occupation dictatorship using armed force to maintain its edicts and directives upon the captive White citizens. - 7 - �• . . Communism and Race - Mixing are JEWISH - 8 - �THE WHITE MAN'S REVOLUTI ON I S NOW HERE! As Samuel Adams did in 1775, this is more than a prelude! Across America from New York City to Los Angeles , from Minneapolis to New Orleans, Committees of Public Safety are funct ioning to ale r t all White citiz e ns. The re is no longe r need fo r pa tience 9 nor for small, sa~e talk. The danger is immediate! The menace wi th in is Jewish Communism with 1 ts absolute cont rol of the Federal Judiciary, Justi ce Department, and the Armed Fo rces. The menace without is Russian and Chinese Communism with tent acles of subversi on in the State Depart ment, the nationa l mediums of the r adio, press and TV ••• with penetration in depth in many educational systems from the elementa ry grades to the State Universities. The 'liberals' of today are the loyalists (traitors) of 1776! A great dange r to us is the use o f the Panem Et Circen ses ,( bread and circuses) t echnique of t he 'liberal ' propaganda mac hinery. Using direct force against us, combined with planned distracti ons imposed on our White folk, these tyrants hop e to blunt the hatred against themselves. The press, radio, and TV unendingly shift emphasis , from our internal problems to baseb all games, Cuba, East Berlin, . Viet Nam, etc. Our task, as activists of the Committee s of Publ ic Safety , is to apply constant and ever-increas ing pers onal p r e s sures against these 'liberals ' , traitors, and Jews. Our views must be direct, positive, and le ave no doubt of our basic positions. The stakes are our very lives ••o the survival of our White folk! THOSE WHO ARE NOT WITH US ARE AGAINST US1 9 �- 10 ·- �RACE NAT I ONALISM The biopol i t ieal foundat i on of the DEMOCRATIC NATIONALIST PARTY is RACE NATIONALISM . RACE NATIONALISM is the only alternative for Western Civilization to both the slow death through degeneration by Jewish 'democracy', and the quick death at the hands of Asiatic Communism. The old 'nationalism• was racially indiscriminate, and racially destructive. Economic injustice resulted in class warfare and the spread of Communism . The Jewish Consensus became powerful on both Finance Capitalism and the Communism it bred, for their only concern was the power which either system provided for them. RACE NATIONALISM stands for the corporate social and economic welfare of the Nation. It places the Nation above the class, special- interest group , and the individual in the spirit of Nation , and t he Na tion fo r all' . 1 all for the It believes in private ownership within a framewor k of nat i onal regulation ••• this is social and ' economic n a tiona li sm. I ts racia l ism is complemen tary to its social and economic nat i onali sm, by givin g un i ty a foundation of kinship, binding man to man with a blood c onne c t ion, se eking the preservation and improvement of the racial he ri tage. I t seeks the service of the par t in the greater service of the whole. RACE NATIONALISM has no c onfli ct between the interests of the Nation and the Race. Instead, t he interests of the one a re t o be sought in the interests of the ot he r. We can look back to a racial unity p r e - dat ing the divi s ion and coagulation into nation-states in order to a cqu ire the vision to look forward to a comm.unity of brother- s tates in t he future.

11 �FOLK -- IDEA -- NATION Delineat i on of the Nation: 1. We demand the union of all Wh ite f o lk o f trn North American Continen t into a common Folk Community. 2. Only members o f our White f o lk may be citizens of the Nation. 3. No Commun is t o r Liberal may be a cit iz en of the Nation, because of a dv ocac y of the mon gre l izati on of' our White folk. 4. No Humanist or Pacifist may be a citizen of the Nation, because of dis l oyalty to the Nati on o Folk Pol i c y: 5. The Gove rnment shall promote White folk integrity through the complete and officially enforced se g regation of all non-Whites in the Nat i on. 6. We demand that all int ermarriage between citizens of the Nation and non -White s it. the Nati on be outlawed . 7. We d emand the creati on o f a Nati onal Eugenics Commission to secure the e thni'c future of our Wh i te folk . S. Immigration shall be restri cted to select White folk from lands of ethnic consanguinity. Civ i\ Right s Policy: 9. All citizens of the Nati on shall share equal duties and enjoy equal rig hts and privileges. 10. The right to vote on the Government and legislation of the Nation shall be the p rivi lege of citizen s of the Nation only . 11. Only citizens of the Nation may be can didates for public office , and be employed in departments and agencies of the national and loca l governments. 12 . Only citizens of the Nation may engage in juri sprudence, and be eligible for court and Jury duty . 13 ~ Only citizens of the Nation may bear arms and serve as members of the armed forces of the Nation. 14. All persons engaged in activities of entertainment and educational and cultural espression must be citizens of the Nation . Economic Policy: 15. The workers, farmers, industrial and agricultural technicians, engineers, managers, and businessmen, as ci tizens of the Nation, - 12 - �shall work together as a team and be repre s ented ~y their own members i n the Government oo they wil l subordinate their ind ivi dual an d group interest s to the gre ater interests of thei r White folk as a whole. 16 . The Government shall secure private ent e r prise by guaranteeing equality of economic opportunity for a ll citizens of the Nation . 17 . We demand a fair price for b oth produ ce r and consumer, and the safe guarding of bo t h against spe cul at i on and profiteering. 18 . As sc i ence increa s es the power to p r oduce , we demand that the pur c ha s ing powe r of the consume r be r aised proportionately. 19. The Go vernment sh.all a l one · e'i:erc:iJe,,\ t '1 9onsti tutional right t o i s s ue debt- a.rid in t eres t-:-free . curr en:c·y ' ·based on the nat i onal p r oduetion of goods and · renderance of services . Social Pol icy : 20. The Go vernment shall se cure t he unending improvement of the healt h and ]iving con d iti ons of t he citizens of the Nation . 21 . We demand the t o tal eliminati on of flood and dust-bowl conditions under a l ong - range program to conserve, utilize , and develop the water, s oil, f or est , mineral, and nuclear re sources of our North American Con t inent . 22. We demand the development of prop e r recreational facilities fo r the White youth of the Nati on, beginning with the e st ablishmen t of youth centers in every community. 2~ . We demand the complete reorganizat ion of our educational sys tem, so that every individual citizen of the Nation is afforded full opportun i ty for self-expre ssion , self - re a lization, and tho rough in tegration into the iife of hi s White f ol k Community~ Foreign Pol icy: 24. We demand that the sovereign interest s of our Nati on be secured by firm and sound b ilat~r al diploma cy. 25. A strong and effective . system of n~ti onal de f ens e s hall be created to meet any . international eventua li t y. 26. We demand the formal incorporation of Canada, Green land, and the adjacent North Polar Regions int o our Nat ion. Political Policy: 27. We demand a reorganization of all governmental departments to eliminate duplication, waste, and corrupti on, and to insure efficiency, economy, and sound administr ation. 28. We demand the elimination of all idealogy and influences from every phase of our political and cultural life which tend to cause the degeneration of our White folk Community. - 13., �THE THUNDERBOLT MAN America's Future Hope For Whittfolk Salvation �THE SAM ADAMS COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY Pa t r iotic Polit ic al Action of the DEMOCRATIC NATIONALIST PARTY This year must be the year of political counter-attack against the insidi ous forces of diversion and subversion within our midst. THE SAM ADAMS COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY has been founded to reassert the pol i tical functioning of the White folk majority within our United States of America . Since the turn of t he century , our American political scene has been domi nate d by various f a c t ions and self-interested minority pressure groups whose g oals h a ve g enerally not included the promotion of the g eneral welfare and t h e survival of the Nation. This h a s produced an i n tolerab l e political situation within, and an imposs i ble fore i gn posture without , our United States of America . The fr a gment a ti on of our Ame r ic an political life by Trotsky ,type p o li t icians of bot h t he Demo cr atic and Republican Parties is di r ec t ly responsible for the c ontinu ing vi ctory of Internat i onal Commun ism. There is only ONE SOLUTI ON • • • re build the political o r g aniza t i on o f t he i ne f fe c ti ve Whit e fol k maj o r ity, and concentra t e it s united wi ll up on the p olitical que s tions of t he day. THE SAM ADAMS COMM ITTEE OF PUBLI C SAFETY wi l l atta ck t he l oca l Tr ot sky - typ e pol i t ician s of both the Demo cr a tic a n d Rep u b l i can Parties. It will conduct a c ampaign of propaganda and physical te r ror a ga inst the guilty individuals and their asso c iates. - 15 - �It will dr-ive these traitors from public off i c e , and r educe them to a position where suicide -will be the only sal v ation for the ir crimes against their own society, their own people , and their own Civilizati on . It will organize public meeting s, publ i sh hard-hitting .r exposes of the minority diverters an d subve r ters in our midst, issue d i rec tives to its members and aff iliates wi th reference to spec ific issue s and problems, and wi l l di r ectly sponsor in dividua l candidates for any and all p ublic of fices. THE SAM ADAMS CO"MMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY will pre-select the cand i d ates for public office s so t hat the individual voter membe r of t he Wh ite fol k majority will be able to make a posi tive d e cision at the polls. It will aim at the complet e control of the status - making machi n ery with in our local society. The Executi v e Committee will assign a speake r to appea r b efore your group for detailed exp osition of our plans and ' me t hods, at no obligation, and in complete c onfi d e nce . WRITE TODAY . .. DNP THE SAM ADAMS COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY M. Nelsen, Secret ary P.O. Box 1785 Chicago 90, Ill. REMEMBER ••• YOUR UNIFORM IS THE COLOR ---OF YOUR SKIN! - 16 - �