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,.-, \ ,; ('.'.~A ,;..., l. ' •. ' '// ' ' ( )' ' , ..; \\._ ·7,c~'.f]if ' . A,.>',.),·' r::~·~-1g;:~:l_'.!{'",'71 .):·- . ___ ,, ,.:. "J _..,..,v•.,.->' -~--~ .;,:-~. ·\ ~ ~ . I ~- ! .. • ~ ., .,_, ~ _4r,...v- / . -:, -· ·: .. ·1 .. ·, ·~ /'


' ... .1 .\ .1 .,, .... ,... , ,~.. ·'i·~_f{, .......... _.._...,.___,.. ___ House fo r sale on fapie D r"vc. For Sale signs went Ii> as the school .. ,; .... __.._.. ...-....... , _ _,. ............... __ -~....-......... - ...,,.,._.,.. ....... .,.,.~ . . ·- . . .:- ....... . . . .. ,..,, .....~.) .. T he ~cw •:ork Tlrn r~ (by Rob(':-l \'\"11.lkcn - ild;:-eu on L incol n A\'enue. The p:ircnts, saicl school· official, are lmrrlcr !o integrate. "==-,-----__:____.. \- -..::.:.:.:.=-=-~~=== =~=~========== ,. : or I aa Special lo The Xc-11 York Tlmu t :'\GNEOLA, L. I., J une 25 - vi ew at the J unior and Senior · Arthu r Choic , a Negro busi- Hi;;h School. nrssman in the suburban com- Mr. T erry, who bas bei:!n Su· ,munity oi H.ooscv~!t, lool,cd at perintcndcnt for 18 years, said - h,s hands t he other da y and that last yea r white parents -;asked, "Wr.a t have we got tha t's waited until thei r children ha d i 1contagious? " fini shed the school yea r to sell

I He Wa.S que.-tioning why an- their homes and move out.

. ·iother wa,,e of white home own - 'But this yea r, a checl{ with , e:r~ should withdraw their chil- lthe school attenda nce office : ' drcn from the Roosevelt school ' howed that withdrawa ls have ' 1lsystcm at the end of the school averaged three a day since t he : 'lyc,a r this w<'ck, sell their homes end o JI.fay. Last yea r, about: ·,and move from th e communitv 150 pupils left the school syslin the- town of H empstea d to tern of :'l,,900 st,,dcnts. lotiier par s of the island, This year, there: is an a dded �