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BER The Riot In Atlanta a ee 1966 with 114 to last stars Mars are and tar is Saturn. s Sen. Robert on this day in histor y: first permanent hat ls now the ted States was Augustine, Fla. Crimean War 5,000 persons a tornn do and S· er The ordinary trouble-makers and the professional agitators stirred up the riot in Atlanta this week. May~r Ivan Allen, Jr., and the city's Police Department kept at from spread ing and becoming even worse than it was. Several things stand out: - One was the courage of Mayor Allen. He calmly insisted upon law and order. He acted at the actual scene of crisis, not from the remoteness of an office at City H all. His cool head and great determination were examples for all to follow. The incident could easily have spread b eyond control had it not b een for Mayor Allen. The Griffin Daily News admires his calmness under fire, his physical as well as moral courage. -Another was the restraint of the policemen. T aunted and insulted, they -,resi..'lted the normal impluse to strike out violently, which would have been exactly what the agitators wanted them to do. -A third is that known hate peddlers cold-bloodedly whipped up the d emomtration in a professionally trained m anner. They rod e up · and down the streets and used loudspeakers to encQurage individuals to gather into what became a m ob. Some method must b e foUJtd to prevent the abuse of civil rights by such exhorters as these who prey upon suspicions and emotions. They exploit what they call their " black brothers." They are guilty of Soci: inciting to riot and should be punished for that crime. -Also, all people must respect law and order. This Is there. begins with the individual citizen and the individual police- whtre it s man. T he policeman, for example, has no right to insult for a Chris lieve tha t a citizen when he issues a traffic ticket. Nor has the citizen a ll right. the right to insult the officer as one did and got away with it in Atlanta some few days ago. Take it from there and The Bible I extend it from the traffic ticket to the felonious crimes. that harms If policemen are to enforce the law as it is their obliga- it, or your , tion to do, the ordinary law-abiding citizens must accord wrong. It aJ them the tools with which to work. After all, a police thing that c officer represents all the great body of law-abiding people to your Chri who make up a peaceful and orderly society. If an officer your infiue of the law abuses his position-which is rare indeed, right. Most m ention\ these days-recourse may be had in an orderly manner not as the use c but not bv lawless riots. evaluated b~ -Finally, we have a severe problem which must be The troub solved. Numerous long range proposals have been made, iliat we thii and a good many put in practice. Short term, we have a crisis which now amounts to riot, rebel1ion, insurrection and in some instances open revolution against duly con• of wh::it \Ve tituted governmental authority. America can not tolerate our Christia I remem this. Mayor Allen and his administration handled the situation there quite well. Other mayors and officials have who told a hoy. It has al done less well in other cities of the nation. America can- problem you not continue indefinitely to bleed internally. ~v~::i:ti!~,J �United States burned off N.J. taking 137 es ess International ca ve S WAYCROSS JOURNAL-HERALD It is not the most popular thing to say in some quarters CITY, N.J . - but the hard truth is that local governments in Georgia ks Jr., executive and elsewhere must consolidate and modernize or see e Miss America their strength and influence further diminished. , Calif. -Sheriff rry, describing a disturbance to edia were tipped a 1 planned and President ing to a request mocratic leaders .S. troops in carelessly oven instrument the 600 million Atlantic. world." Paradoxically it is often those ·who profess to be supporters of local government who are contributing the most to its decline. A recent ~port by an independent committee listed 80,000 local governme.n ts in the United States. This number, the experts say, should be reduced, perhaps as much as 80 per cent. The truth of the matter is that power has gravitated to federal and state governments because local governments simply could not or have not coped with the problems of a modem society. One reason for the failure of local governments is simply that they are too small, too poor and, , in some cases, too inefficient to get the job done. In theory lhe best government is that which is closest to the people. But this concept breaks down when local governmental units fail to function properly. It has become increasingly clear in recent years that many local government se.r vices should be merged in the interest both of economy and efficiency and that, in some· cases, consolidation of governments is called for. This view, of course, meets with stout resistance from some local officials. But streamlining is inevitable if local governments are to survive. ,lion Pricea • 1ng by carrier: One ds months $8.50, lvJ c, a e u.so, With Ye Editor , one week U \II, eaceJt wlthm lrUfl.n, rates are carrier. B:, maU illea ol Griffin: ~.10, sis months nonths $3,85, one . Delivered bJ' to: One Year adeil:) We laugh at some jokes and gag at others. • • • • • ... ,

"Pins are about the only things that are pointed in one direction and headed in another." - The Anoka (Minn.) Union horses and .Nea-r his he and three m job. He told down the roa and he skill three feet second did Ii he drove wi dangerous c kept as far cipice as h job. When it ments, we a close we ca still please O the very ap fka,oaPA · TC llJ Ye a re o t!Q)t our hear ts, all men. C PRAYER: ther, we p~ power so th live here f living epist and read 0£ rit we praY, "Our F athe1 •..• Amen. Thoug A thoug British wri George Bei " Silence is expression ~ ~ ~ • • • • • We liked it better when the voters chose candidates on a basis of character instead of "image". E Quimby Melton, Jr. Editor ~bllshed Dally Eseept Sunday, Seeonil Clal:I Poet.we Paid al GrWin, ua. - Single Con .,. 'invasion Louis Egj·pt · ers dev leys whi well as ,:itn �l THE MACON NEws· Established 1884 PEYTON ANDERSON, Publisher BERT STRUBY LAMAR PARKER Business Manager Ge neral Manager JOE PARHAM Editor Published every afternoon except Sunday at 120 Broedway, Macon, Ga. Second-Class postage paid at Macon, Geor gia. The Macon News Is not r eJponslble fr,r money paid for subscriptions until such money has been received ftt our cfflcc. MACON OFFICE 120 Broadwa~ \ Macon Zip Code 31 2118 JA'I' TRAWICK Mana g ing Editor Single Copy - Dally 10c Sunday 20c Delivery and Mall Subscription Rates Macon and Georgia I Wk. I Mo. J Mos. 6 Mos. I Yr . cl ally and Sunday 55c S2.39 S7.1S S14.30 S2!.60 Dally only 35c $1.S2 S-C.55 $ 9.10 S18.20 • 3% Sales Tax must be added to subscription, In Ga 1,0USTON·PEACH BUR E AU ATL ANTA BUREAU 1.ro4 Watson Blvd. 345-A State Ca ollol Warn er Robin~ 31093 Atl anta, Ga. 30:33"


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Frid ay, September 9, 1966 Th·e Atlanta Riot Georgians respect and ;:idmire the cooi courage of Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen, who walked fearlessly into the midst 'of a rioting Negro mob in an effort to bring orrler out of chaos . Even the wildest of the SNICK crowd, even the most bloodthirsty, recognized the bravery of Mayor Allen. And even the most irresponsible of white extremists, who would condemn all Negroes for the Atlanta riot, must have admiration for the mayor. It is not difficult to figure out what happened. SNICK had been losing prestige and contributions had fallen off dram aticallv. It is said tha t suddenly the civil rights organization found itself in the money again . Bt t it was t.ainted money : possibly from Havana or Mosco w or P eking. In any event, key SNICK people were in Atlanta, spoiling for an excuse to blow the town apart. Demonstrations before an Army induction center failed to capture the imagination of the young Negroes needed to demonstrate . Then a white policeman shot a known Negro criminal seeking to P.scape. Qu icker than you could say, " Black power," SN ICK went into acti on. A mindless mob gathered and , like sheep, followed the admonitions of SNICK professionals . P eople and ca rs were stoned. A great deal of damage was done. Mayor Allen climbed to the top of a car to ask for peace, and was shaken off. P olice had to use tear gas and fire into the air to regain control. Just as it is not hard to understand what happened , so it. is not difficult to predict what will happen in the future . The re wi ll be other incidents used as exc uses for riots and d e s t r u c t i v e demonstrations. These must be put down and order restored as quickly as possible. But responsible Negro citizens must help in this , and white people must understand that this help is badly needed . �EMERY 1773 HOLIDAY Bl~VO. FOREST PARK, GA. 30Di0 �.. �The Prayer For Today From The Upper Room Bring hither the fatted calf, and kill It; and let us eat, a nd be merry: for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. (Luke 16:23-24) Prayer: Our Father, in humblessness we come confessing our sins and looking to Thee for forgiveness. Restore in us the joy of Thy salvation, and help us that we IDIIJ' no more cut ourselves off from Thee. Grant our petitions, we beseech Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Trouble In Atlanta (Fra>m The Greensboro Watchman) We are sad over the racial outbreak in Atlanta, but we are hiding our feelings very nicely, thank you. We are sad becau se a riot such as this should never happen south of Ma son and D ixon's Llne. It was a vicious attack on the entire white . community when the mayor, pleading for peace, was dragged fr om tj:le top of an automobile with shouts of " Down with the whit e bastard." It is to be remembered that this same mayor of Atlan ta is generally recognized as a moderate if not an integrationist , and he is the man who is 51.lpposed to be telling the rest of us bow to behave. In spitt? of our _laments, we are thus happy to add that if it bad to happen in the South, we are glad that it happened in Atla1!1ta . Atlanta has been breaking itself at the seams of late, a s the tntegrationist capital of the South, boasting about how it could handle its racial problems when no one else could do it. Those who had any doubts about this Atlanta buncombe had only to peel back a thin veneer of advertising, and where the whltes have refused to do this, the Negroes by their latest riot have done it for them. "Black power" is just as destructive in Atlanta as it ls in St. Augustine or Birmingham. If the liberal Atlanta press would just concern itself with the truth, it would reveal that what now happens in Atlanta is quite as bad, and perhaps a bit more vicious, than what happened in Selma last year. The chief difference is that in Atlanta, a lot of local police and local people got involved in the picture, while 1n Selma, the local whites stayed wonderrul.ly out of the troubles, and let the state handle the job. The limited use of tear gas on a public highway which the Negro demonstrators refused to leave was the worst thing that happened in Selma during that riot. On the other hand, in Atlanta the local police routed the Negroes in a militant assault, led by their own mayor, by invading their private homes with tear gas and other weapons. We point to Atlanta now as living truth that the liberals and the militants of the North have only the vaguest idea of the truth. They look upon the people of the South and especially those or. Alabama, as some strange creatures who do not know how to behave. They refuse to accept the one irrevocable fact, and that 1s that the current disruption between the races is not confined to geography, and that when the same challenges are tossed in New England, the reactions are identical with those when these challenges are tossed in Alabama. The principal difference is that down here we have lived with the crisis for generations, end we know the truth where the North binds itself to it. We know from experience; the North suffers from its total ignorance, end Atlanta is merely a part of the North at the moment. H zar For The Trustful 1 1 �r THOMAS MASTERSON • 873 NORTH SUPERIOR AVENUE • DECATUR, GEORGIA 30033 September 17, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr . City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr . Allen: Thi s letter is to record my a dmiration of your magnificent beha vior during the recent racial disturb a nce s in Atlanta. I felt a deep sense of a dmiration for your courage and your wisdom in you r han dling of the ma tter. No ma yor in Ameri c a has come clo s e to y our recor d . We are f a cing de e p troubl e as the r a c ial tr oub les eas ily r eme di a b le a r e d ealt wi :th, while we are l ef t with much mor e s e ri ous pr ob lems -- pr obl ems t h a t wil l t ake y ear s and d ecad es t o work ou t . It will cal l for courage and wis d omt o b e a muni c ipal leader in the c oming ye a r s , and I f e el f ortunate that y ou hav e g i ven othe r ma y ors a model on whi c h to mol d the i r own behavior. Good luck and best wishes, Mr. Allen. �,- �50TP ES1" A /,p ,_.,......, 919 PO lMESVlu.£ GA ,2 ~2P £5~ YGR IVAN Al.t.d, ITV MLL 9"Y VE EXPl£SS CNIR AN.C ;TleN Ml> OONCEllN F'OR YOUR EFFORT 10 r.8 41N)[ft COlffllGl 'RE MOIAL Dls:'Mt&MIICE C.YS THE CMTTAHOOCMEE BAmsT CCNF'EM:~E CHATTAHOOCHEE ASSN HALL COf.NTY Ga\ ._ ,~ 1270 ( 1-5 1 ) SVILLE ,;5 "fo-j) �~ -.. Griffin -Daily Hews , Fritjay, Sept o 8, 1966 BE The Riot In Atlanta • A er1ca Bee § n ernally The ordinary trouble-makers and the professional agitators stirred up the riot in Atlanta this week. May~r Ivan Allen, Jr., and the city's Police Department ~ept It from spreading and becoming even worse than it was. Several thii\gs stand out: -One was the courage of Mayor Allen. He calmly insisted upon law and order. He acted at the 3:ctual sce~e of crisis not from the remoteness of an office at City Hall. His cool head and great determination were examples for all to follow. The incident could easily have spread beyond control had it not been for Mayor All~n. The Griffin Daily News admires his calmness under fire, his physical as well as moral courage. · -Another was the restraint of the policemen. Taunted and insulted, they resisted the normal impluse to strike out violently, which would have been exactly what the agitators wanted them to do. -A third is that known hate peddlers cold-bloodedly whipped up the demonstration in a professionally trained manner. They rode up and down the streets and used loudspeakers to encQurage individuals to gather into what became a mob. Some method must be found -to prevent the abuse of civil rights by such exhorters as these who prey upon suspicions and emotions. They exploit what they call their "black brothers." They are guilty of Soc ins:iting to riot and should be punished for that crime. -Also, all people must respect law and order. This Is there begins with the individual citizen and the individual police- where it I man. The policeman, for example, has no right to insult for a Cbr: lieve tha.1 a citizen when he issues a traffic ticket. Nor has the citizen all right, P ress International the right to insult the officer as one d id and got away with Thursday, Sept. 8, it in Atlanta some few days ago. Take it from there and The Bible extend it from the traffic ticket to the felonious crimes. that harm: of 1966 with 114 to If policemen are to enforce the law as it is their obliga- it, or yOUI tion to do, the ordinary law-abiding citizens must accord wrong. It: is between its last them the tools with which to work. After all, a police thlng t hat new phase. officer represents all the great body of law-abiding people to your Ch rnlng stars are who make up a peaceful and orderly society. If an officer your inHt piter, Mars and of the law abuses his position-which is rare indeed, right. Mos these days-recourse may be had in an orderly manner not mentio1 g star is Saturn. as the use but not bv lawless riots. ates Sen. Robert evaluated t - Fin ally, we have a severe problem which must be The troul rn on thls day in solved. Numerous long range proposals have been made, t hat we th y 1n history: and a good many put in practice. Short term, we have a we can get first permanent crisis which now amounts to riot, r ebellion, insurrection a Christian, f what is now the and in some instances open revolution against duly conof what Wt nited States was stituted governmental authority. America can not tolerate our Chrlstl1 t. Augustine, Fla. this. Mayor Allen and his administration handled the gite Crimean War uation there quite well. O ther mayors and officials have ,t,.. ..,...,,= ~ u • • 'pb P atio . A merica cannot co111tU1ue c r- manac iFor riffin struclt ' ltIJ ei-re1s t1ia.m �\ P . A GE 4--THE SM YRN. A HERALD, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15 . 1966 . 1 EDITORIALS: Allen Showed Deep And Abiding Sens·e Of Responsibility Cobb Countians who have held a dim regard for Atl anta 's Mayor Ivan All en for several reasons, including a possible land gr ab acr oss the river into Cobb , did some s econd-gu essing la s t week and mus t have c ome t o the conclusi on that ' 'Ivan ain 't that T errible." The forthr ight, s c rappy, Atlanta - building

vlayor Allen proved his mettle twice in a row

a gains t for midable foes and earned nationwide r ec og niti on of his civic and p oliti cal c ou rage. Ivan Allen demons t ra ted a deep and abiding sense of resp ons ibility th at r eflected the herira ge from fva n Allen, Sr., a Whitfield County l ad who cam e t o Atlanta around the turn of the c entu ry a nd buil t one of the city's leading bus ines ses, became a civic and political leader , and now has retir ed t o an honored and respected senior citi zenship. T here were two phases of this Horatius at the Bridge " stand by Ivan Allen, ·Jr. The first cam e when the mayor met head-on the angry challeng e of a firefighters ' union assdciated with the dreaded Ji mmy Hoffa of the Teams ters, a11 outfit that plays rough. Allen and his City of Atlanta associates banned from the Fire Department those who would not work unless gr anted an immediate pay raise which Al len was unable to give legally, a nd the city began rec ruiting new personnel t o fill the gap. Then, s talking impassively into the m idst of an excited cr owd of Negroes incited by Snick ag ents, Ivan Allen proved that bravery - and dauntless courage form the most effective shield against danger. Into the teeth of the mob, the Mayor threw back the challenge to civic responsibility that must be met if firstclass citizenship is to be claimed. And he won. The promoters of the riot, leaders of Snick (SNCC), face serious charges and their organization has been abandoned and repudiated by calmer members of the Negro community. Only one more big fight needs to be won by Mayor Allen for a clean s weep of the c ivic honors , a nd in this one he iS somewhat stymied by two obstinate forces--the contractors on one hand and the carpenters' union on the other hand. He has no effective control over either side--onlY peaceful persuasion and sound argument. For nearly four months Atlanta building has been halted by the stubborn dispute, and such projects as the new auditorium a re peopled only by lone and tired pickets. Meanwhile, the economic-financial tight-m oney crisis has cut ciff the arteries feeding new money into the building field, and carpenters who eventually may go tb work under a new agr eement possibly can find that there will be no work after the current projects are finished, simply because inflation and tight-money have combined to cut off many new jobs. When and if the mayor wins this one by causing work to be resumed, he indeed will have · rivaled the feat of mighty Bobby Jones in eff~ting a grand s lam." P. S. - - HOLD T HE PR ESSES! T here was a slight backs et over the week-end, to the Ivan Allen triumph in the racial unrest, when Negro rioting flared up in the Georgia Baptist Hospital area on B oulevard. This mob scene occurred in the heart of _the Great Atlanta F ire dis aster section of five decades ag o, .an ar ea r a zed by fl ames. '.fhe area was rebuilt into an apartment-dominated residential r egion that in time passed through the usual phases of decline and decadence, until it became filled to overflowing with the colored popula tioo pushed by Urban Renewal and other factors, and now it rates as a new ghetto br slum area. Whether the· Allen-brought peace will endure remains to be determined, as calls go up for fresh demonstrat ions. I �J. J. DANIELL 123 McDonald Street Mori e tta, Georgia 30060 NAVAL AIR R <,. 1· a I ~ 1-,, L• - Mr , I van All en , Sr . 2600 Pea c htree Road Atlanta , Georgia NE ��Memo To Mr . Ivan Allen, Senior ~aybe you can use this e x tra copy of Bi~l Kinney's editorial in his Smyrna Her a ld. Se pt. 16, �l(. atzenbach Skirts Demand . To Prose.cute Carmichael - By ROBERT S. AL~EN and PAUL SCOTI WASHINGTON - Attorney General Katzenbach has a "Black Panther" by the tail and· doesn't know whether to try to bell it or let go. The militant "cat" is Stokley Carmichael, 25-year-old organiz.. er of the Black Panther Negro . Party and the head of the Stu- . l ~ . -~ dent Nonviolent , ilti f, , C o o r dinating . ( " \ ,p;.. . C o m m i t tee. i. "='" , ·' (SNCC). A group of , .. Ohio legislators led by Representatives Robert Sweeney, D, . and W a y n e ..,., ~ Hays, D, both . ~ 1, .,, strong civil right '~ , advocates, have · bluntly notified ALLE!I Katzenbach to ., 5coTT either end his vacillating on Carmichael or they will go directly to President Johnson and demand forceful action. For more than a month the lawma er• havf' 00111harded the attorner~~netal With JeLLer.,, i 1:Jephon1calls and telegrams urging r 'osecution of Carmichael for .elling Cleveland egroes to delY the Selective Service law and not register for the draft. the orders of the Selective Service System. "Accordingly, we are request-' ing that the Department of Justice forthwith commence proceedi ngs of a criminal nature, applying the penal provisions of the draft law against Carmichael. "As members of Congress, we have sensed that action of a criminal nature would have been initiated long ago wer-e 1r not for the fact that this individua l has been parading about the land masquerading as a supposed civil rights leader. We are of the opinion that if left unchecked by the government, such dangerous Americans as Carmichael could and will pro- But Katzenbach has done nothing. All Sweeney and Hays have gotten from him Is a polite brush-off over the phone and form letters signed by aides that Katzenbach had their correspon· dence. Stil unanswered is a letter citing Carmichael's inflammable anti-draft statements and urging his prosecution as a deliberate law violator. _.,<u1......,m,,,....,<-.4,.~v0...,.our at ention to the fact that Stokley Carmichael made an appearance in Cleveland recently in an effort to sitr up sentiment against the war in Viet , am," the legislators wrote. '·As part of his presentation, Carmichael counseled his audience, in exce s of 500, that they should 2bsolutely ref us c to comply with the provi ions of the Univer al Military Training and Service Act."

* *

CITI "G THE LAW - Flatly branding Carmichael as ··a dangerous American who appears on the scene "ith the obvious .,_ra;,.,,_.,os"' ...~e of forn nting riot in our CJ ·es, the I ans continued : •·we are advi. ed that the penal provision· of the Universal M'lltar) Training and , ervice Act . . . d , appl\ again. t such prr ons as Carmichael who would unde take to not only rid1 c I the ml I ar •. hu to coun. el otncrs to avoid ·compliance v.i I mote riots of sizable dimension in our cities and succeed in the develop~ent of a pattern of anarchy m many parts of the land." Should Katzenbach continue to ignore their insistence that Carmichael be prosecuted, the leg. islators will seek a congressional probe. "The Carmichael case involves much more than just one })erson a vocating defiance o the draft Jaw," says Representative Sweeney. "The question is whether the attorney general is practicing a double standard of justice; one for civil rights violators and another for civil rights leaders who violate the law." �J<k}v •' ~ ~ ad~~ 16:25, 29 December 2017 (EST) ~ ~~-, 1-ltf-bt , .£Ah ' 16:25, 29 December 2017 (EST) _ / _ . - ,, //AA /1,.,'/ _,-u • , ?---~~4 ,fb-f _/J-u,ij -~ ~ ~ /J1-d ~

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__, \ ' 16:25, 29 December 2017 (EST),-i,:_ Yk_~~ ~ ~ ~ /j ~ 1/z._ �' t-'rti Jto/A v7~22' . 0&J~------~/~~- �MRS. H. W. BARNES GRIFFIN . GEORGIA i • �\~-.-GRIF F I N , GEORGI A �MRS. H. W. BARNES GRIFFIN , GEORGIA kc..~~d-,·..7 ~ - ~ ~ ~ B,._1~ 7 ~.a__ ~u,~7~~ ~PL L/-h_ ~~ 3/~~-& ~ '* >f~ . d ,,("'7/J' ~~s-fa- ~ ~ c:::?N~ - ~ ~ ' It¼- ~,;;;-;# ~ ,~ ~ ~ J~ ~ /0,2_ ~u2~""- / /3~ ~/a--/L_- "- _ I~ /Mu) . �r E TERN UNION W . P . MARSHA LL CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TELEGRAM SYMBOLS DL =Day Letter NL =Night Letter R. W . McFA LL PRESIDENT (IJ, LT _Inrcrnationa l -Letter Telegram . The filing time shown in the d,ce line on domestic tclegrnms is LOCAL TIME at point of origin . Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination 847p EST SEP 11 66 AA335 SSA85 A SHA107 NL PO 2 EXTRA VIDALIA GA 11 HON IVAN ALLEN CITY HALL ATLA I ADMIRE YOUR COURAGE AND WISDOM ALL GEORGIANS CAN POINT TO YOU WITH PRIDE AS A MAN ,OF ABILITY A MAN OF HON OF ACTION JAMES SOL PARTIN VIDALIA GA. SF120l(R2-65) �������WllllBm Jfnn1nGS ~ CO., FINANCIAL PLANNING SPECIALISTS DIVISION OFFICE SOUTHERN MUTUAL BUILDING inc. ���2756 Mt. Oliv~ Drive Dec tur, Georg i Sept ember 8 , 1966 The Honor~b i e Iv n Allen, Jr . M~y or, City of Atl nt City H 11 Ptl nt , Georg i ." We were mo s t imp r _se~ with your pe rson 1 involve ment, br · very n Je votion to Atl nt uring the i s turb nces couple of ni g hts g o. We h ve just returne' to the re fter living in Cl~vel n , Ohio for ye r . We were so proud of At l anta , n ex toll e" it s ch rms to our many frien s in Clevel n , n ~ on Tue c y ni g ht you shoie the worl why we h ve re oon for our p r 1 e . We h ve lw Y" b~ n supporte of the Nef lOes ' ques t f or better o p~ ortunity n e o u 1 tre tmen t, b~t we « eplore the recent turn of vent tow r 1 wles$ s olution . Our lovely city h been n ex mple for • 11 to ~ee of how theoe ch nge c n be wrought witho~t soue lching the o pport ni ti es of ny one g ro p . We ho p e, s y ou o,th t the re willbe no more uch occurren ce ~ here. Yo r s v ery truly, Dr . & Mr s . l .S. Milli • na �· 1222P [ST SEP 9 66 AF1,t = A "CA157 PO S#UR5VILl.t GA 9 1111,A [ST KW 1Y/IN Al.LEN JR, PIAYCR, CITY Of' ATLANTA ssr,,, f CITY kALl iATI..l t Ca.GRATIA..ATlCMS ON YO~ ...'VlHG ft£ GUT~ TO JAtL CMPIICHAEl. MAYBE lT IIIU INSPIRE OTl«R NAYORS TO KEtP ~ GOCO VOAK GO?NG 1H) STOP AU. (1F THIS, f'OOLI stes~ , MR MD NA$ VALlER L VEST \ 12)e t 270 ( 1-51) . .... '


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�CLASS OF SERVICE This is a fa st message unless its deferred char# actcr is indicated by the proper symbol. . WE TERN UNION W. P . MARSHALL CHA I RMAN OF T HE BOARD TELEGRAM SYMDOLS DL =Dny Letter NL=Nighr Lener R. W . McFALL PRESIDENT LT - Internnrion3 l -Letter Telegram The filing t ime shown in the dare line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL TIME at point of destination 329A EST SEP 8 66 AA188 A LLC73 NL PD 5 EXTRA TOA CHAMBLEE GA 7 11-lE HON IVAN ALLEN JR, MAYOR OF ATLANTA CITY OF ATLANTA ATLA DEAR SIR DETERMINED EFfORT TO MAINTAIN LAW AND ORDER IN OUR CITY HAS AGAIN BEEN DEMONSTRATED. AT GREAT PERSONAL RISK TO YOURSELF -YOU STOOD FI RM IN THE FACE OF VIOLENCE AND EXEMPLI FIED THE TR UE LEADERSHIP THAT HAS MADE OUR COUNTRY GREAT. WE ADMIRE YOUR COURAGE AND OUR PRAYERS ARE THAT OTHERS OF ALL RACES WILL EENEFIT FROM OUR EXAMPLE MR AND MRS O H MI MMS 3294 EMBR Y CIR CHAMBLE E GA. "SF1201(R2-65) �I . 19 16-19~ �... / "~ . �I- �I - ���-- -- .... -- - . - JAMES M. SMITH 2070 SYLVANIA DRIVE DECATUR, GEORGIA 30033 ~ ~ L ~ ·- ~ ~ ~~l ~ 9~~ ~~ D.J.Q,~tii- ~, t ~~ kch_ ~ JU__~r ~ U)--Uf\_ a_~ ~ {U,Q_~ -{~ ~ ~I tr Y\.,6V) - CL ~ (j__,~ ~ Vj/1_ ~ ~o}L. . ~ &&. /4:LL J)_ ~~ q1udi - ~ \ r z r t _l ·LJ),\_ ~ 11' al[.Q4_ ( 9 1--/- ~ I 7L ~ ~ ~ {, ~ i~ ~ ±.o ~ ~ ~ ~~/ ~ ~ !Y).4 . 7 �I f flu_ l+nuru:.JJ-ti. ~ a.H..ut, ' ~ ~ ~ m{]L(J at. I " u~ ~~ ~ : ~ tA.J.) ~ cL ~ ~ - Jj ~ .,t t vi rn. P1-L it~ lf oU.A- ~ CLVLJ ~ ~SM/ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~n.L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w-J ~ ~ lJoLL-\, ( v ~ ~ .1J,u_. ~ ~ ~ a_vvP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s -~ (LJJ...., IHVU'LL- ~ . 0-QJ ~ tj H_L ~ 5 ~ ~ cLrtU- ~ ~4cu._J ~DU.A-~~ ~ ~ p~ ~ ~ ~oL .._,~~,L..6· ~ ~ ~ & .. �2 / o ~w ~ ~ ~ 1a-u ~ t/ nu 1uu~p (l..,\_(L. l,Ut_ ~ ~ SLu.nLL ~ ~~ ~ .Lk.L u..nnJ_J , ~ I ~~p~ l 1'Yw . R~ P. P..uJJW-i ,Ill) ����98 Wills Drive Alpharetta, Georgia 30201 BETTEH 8USiNESS Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 �' I r ,l.. �LAWSON L. PATTEN LAKELAND, GEORGIA 31635 Telephone: 482-3448 cJ - ff - L ( ��LAWSON L. PATTEN LAKELAND, GEORGIA 31635 Telephone: 482-3448 �The Week in Perspective OPINION Obituaries, Weather B WASHINGTON, D. C., SEPTEMBER 11, 1966 Dead End Awaits the Black Power Road EDITORIAL The arrest of Stokely Carmichael and two o,f his SNCC lieutenants on charges of inciting last week's riot in Aitlanta may ma;rk a turning point in what .appears to be a struggle for supremacy between the moderate and the extremist elements in the civil rights movement. The importance of the decision by Altlanta's Mayor Allen, who has taken a strong lead in behalf of Negro rights, lies in one simple fact. Public officials, assuming thait the requisite proof is in hand, must be willing to prosecute a Carmichael or anyone else where a serious offense is involved. If for a political reason or some other reason they will not take firm action against a leader, how can they expect those in .the lower echelons to respecit and obey the law? And, of at least equal importance, why should anyone suppose that the moderate civil rights leaders will speak out and act against violence if the civil authorities are unwilling to do so? This is a testing year, a year in which events may determine whether good sense oc "black power" in its exitreme manifesta.tions will carry the day. It will be tragic if, because of weak knees in cdlty hall, it should be made to appear that the rock-thrower and the Molotov cocktail are the wave of the future. There is risk of oversimplification in discussing the moderate as opposed to the extremist wings. There ts good rearon to believe that a very large majoriity of Negroes do not support and are even opposed to the extremist tactics. This does not necessarily mean, however, that all moderates will condemn the extremists out of hand. Some of them may even derive a certadn vicarious saJtisfaction from the excesses of a Carmichael m- an Adam Clayton Powell, even though they know in their hearts tha t an appeal to black power, for exa mple, can eventually lead only to a dead-end street as far as any perma- gation o,f last month's trouble in the Anacostia area is a case in poinit. That affair, involving a clash between Negroes and police, has been under study by a group of prominent citizens appointed by Commissioner Tobriner. Its co-chairman is Sterling Tucker, a respected Negro leader. The study group has reached no conclus ions. In fact, it is just beginning the job of drafting its report. Yet Adam Clayton Powell, whose position in Congress entitles one to expect something better from him, has charged into print with the accusation that the investigation is a "whitewash" and that the committee has too many "mild-mannered Negroes." Following this lead, Julius Hobson, who heads the group known as ACT, paid his respects to "pasteurized Negroes" on the committee who, he said, would sell other Negroes short "for a few pieces of silver." To the extent that anyone in Washington takes Powell and Hobson seriously, this sort of demagogic prejudgment is as harmful as it is outrageous. And it should not be allowed to go unchallenged. Although not aimed specifically at the Powell-Hobson combination, the executive board of the District chapter of the NAACP has just apl)Toved a resolution which is a reflection of responsible thinking by moderate leadership. The resolution, offered by H. Carl Moultrie, president of the local branch, said that the NAACP "must condemn with equal vigor the gaithering of crowds to protest the arrest of an individual, or individuals, as it does any form of police brutality." If witnesses think the police are guilty of brutality in making an arrest, the resolution continued, there are appropriate avenues, including the NAACP, through which corrective action can be sought. But "violence on the part of a person, or persons, or groups of persons, must be unequivocally condemned." The resolution ended with an expression of hope that "all other organizations do the same as we in calling for law and order." So fair the call from other organizations has been considerably less than deafening. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, however, has just denounced "black power" in any contexit of violence. As the struggle within the civil rights movement shapes up, and if public alllthortit!es follow Atlanta's example in cracking down on violence and incitement to violence, the country should hear before long from other moderate voices. For if one thing 1s clear, it is thait future J)Togress in civil rights depends upon co-operation within the framework of law by whites and Negroes whose dedication to equal treatment and equal opportunity is genuine raither than opportunis-tic. If anyone doubts this, let him look ait what is happening to the 1966 civil rights bill in the Senate. There certainly 1s nothing to be gained in the future by following those who think or who pretend to think of progress in t erms of black power, and who talk nonsense about burning down the city to get what they want . An impm-tant thing for everyone to remember 1s that gains can be lost. And one way to reverse the national mood which has produced so many very substantial civil rights gains is to enlist an army under the racist banner of hotheads who want the Negro to go it alone. 1 'Trouble I got, man-what I want is progress!' nent advancement of civil rights is concerned. In this connection, it is interesting to note the results of a recent survey conducted by a respected polling agency in Watts, Harlem, Chicago and Baltimore. The questions were asked by trained Negro pollsters. And the responses revealed that most Negroes, even in the ghettos, want pretty much the same things that most white people want. They want be r housing. Not the principal surprisingly, since they viotims, they are worried a; ut crime, and they are more interes adequate police protection than i talk about police brutality. They want ~ir children to have a sound, disciplined e~ ucation. In Harlem only 2 percent of those interviewed said that school integration was their grearoest problem. The real educational problem, in the majm-1ty opinion, is the pre&ffllg need for better neighborhood schools. Again, a cautionary note is in order. It does not necessarlly follow from the survey findings that most of the people in the ghettos are against violence in pursuit of their reasonable objectives., In Watts, :for example, 48.4 percent of those interviewed think the rioting there helped their chances foil" equality in jobs, schools and housing. Only 23.8 percent believe the rioting was harmful to ruttainment of thlis objective. The obvious inference from this ts that the demagogue, the rac1st-1n-reverse, will find his best opportunity in the ghettos and that thl1s 1s why he makes his major pitoh there. It should be borne in mind, however, thait the ghetto is not synonymous With the Negro commundity in the U'nited States. Many Negroes do not live in ghettos. The moderaite Negro leader, however, has a responsibilit y to help allev:Jate the conditions in the ghetto. And he also has a responsibility to stand up and be counted in oppositMon to those who seek to exploit the distress 1n .the ghettos for purposes of their own-from motives which are a,t best dubious and which in the long run can only retard the drive of the Negro for his equal and rightful place in the Ame:i:ican society. Here in Washington, the investi- ���P. O. Box 2151 Valdosta, Georgia September 8, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georg ia My dear Mr. Mayor: Though I have many times disagreed with some of t he stands you have ta ken I want to write you and commend you on your actions during t he recent Vin e Section riot. If there is one thing I admire in a man it is courage and you displayed as much of this as any man could ever be called upon to show. My deepest congratulations on how yo~ conduct ed yourself during this messy ,situation. Very truly you_rs, ftcuzld ~tJ 'EARL T. MAYO ~ I �E M ORY BASS 112 GEORG I A AVENU E V A LDOSTA, G EO R GIA Sept. 8, 1966 Hon. IV.AN ALLEN, Mayor, City of Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Dear Ivan:· I want to join your host of friends and Ja w-abiding Georgians in commendi.11g you for your courageous and t:unely action in handling the uncalled for rioting in Atlanta.• It is past time t-0 put a stop to such violence, lawlesness a,'1d demonstrations in th,k- oountry and I think you have set a fine example that shou.1D be emulated by other Mayors and state officials - and the federal government too. , More power to you. Regards. Sincerely, ~ b/b ~~ �AREA CODE : PHO N E : SOU[ ll IHI IE lflN FOOlDS, INC. 1616 MURRAY STREET • P.O. BOX 2037 • COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Sept ember 8 , 1966 Honorabl e Ivan All en , Mayor Cit y of At l anta At l anta, Georgi a Dear Ivan : I t has be en my priv ile ge to watch the progress At l ant a has made in i ts r ace re l a t ionship dur ing y our t enur e of off i c e . We can point wi th pr ide t o our s ucce ss i n Col umbus a l s o , but, Atlant a, be ing such a l ar ge cit y , woul d nat ura l l y be mor e i n t h e nationa l s cene than Col umbus and i t ha s c er t ai nl y been not i ce a bl e over the country that At lanta has had pr ogre ss on s u cn a n amic ab le basis. It is not my persona l opinion that the Negro c i tizens in Atlanta a re to b l ame for th i s outburst . The source of the troub l e i s f a r more basic . It is certainly the fau l t of the powers who countena nce such demonstration s and ac t ua l ly encourage them . We wish you every success in your progressive program . With best regards . Sincere l y yours, ~~ Frank Thompson President FT/gb INC. 404 FA 3-7393 �HARDY REALTY 8c. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY FORMERLY HARDY TRUST COMPANY WILSON M. HARD Y 9 EAST SECOND AVENUE CHAIRMAN HAROLD CLOTFELTER PRESIDENT P , 0 . BOX 1470 ROME, GEORGIA 30161 JOHN ROONEY, JR . REAL ESTATE SALES - LEASES VIC E-PRl!:S, 6, TREASURER DEVELOPING-FI NANCI NG JACK H . ANDERSON September 8, 1966 VICE- PRES. S. SECRETARY CHARLES H . CLOTFELTER JACK H . BUSBIN Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, ,Georgia Dear Ivan: All Georgia is proud of you. I understand that John Davis, Congressman of the Seventh District, in a talk a day or so ago, spoke of Stokely Carmichael as the most dangerous man in the country, and I rather agree with him. Yours sincerely, Wilson M. Hardy H: p TELEPHONE 232-5343 �Olitg of j h1fottma1' JOHN J . ®eorgfa J . T . COLEMAN , JR. CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL JULIUS J . SHOOB OFFICE OF THE MAYOR P . 0. BOX RAUERS MAYOR PRO TEM VICE CHAIRMAN OF COUNCI i.. JOHN W . C ARS WELL 10 3 B A L D ERMAN 3 1402 LOUI E M , NUNN ALDE RMAN MAL.COL.M AREA CODE 912 MACL.EAN ROBERT 233-9321 MAYOR J CUMMINGS ALDE:RMAN EXT. 345 September 8 , 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear I v a n :-I know how you feel. You have my deepe st sympathy. Sincerely, /!A v-- Malcolm Maclean, Mayor MM/o �MANUFACTURERS OF ~ , "'-~~). -~baJ«/ if~ FOR MEN AND BOYS September 8, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: When you were active in Scouting I had a great admiration for you. I thought you gave us wonderful leadership and I was real proud to have the opportunity of working with you. Never was I as proud of you as I was after noting how you handled the disorder which erupted in Atlanta on Monday of this week. You have given Atlanta wonderful leadership and I think your courageous handling of the racial disturbance will do a great deal to prevent others from occarring. I think there -are very few who -want to see the colored race mistreated. On the other hand, we do not feel that they should be permitted to completely take over and have no regard for law and order. In this respect, you handled the situation in a very noble manner. My congratulations to you, Mayor Allen! Sincerely, HUBBA'R.D PANTS COMPANY

CJ ~ ,(__ George c. Turner Vice-President GCT:fs �.JULIAN 265 E . H . Co x HANCOCK AVENUE ATHE NS, G E O RGIA September 9, 1966 Dear Ivan, I want to take this opportunity of congratulating you on the stand and the action that you took in last TuesdayTs trouble in Atlanta. I donTt know that I have ever seen anyone display such courage and in my humble opinion, I donTt think that anyone could have handled the situation any better. I do not believe that there are many men that would have stood up to the situation like you did and the people of Atlanta and the State of Georgia should be most grateful to you. With personal regards and best wishes. Julian H. Cox JHC/ bw Honorable Ivan Allen, Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia �B. SANDERS WALK ER 240 SECOND STREET MACON, GEORGIA September 9, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of the City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: I feel compelled to write to express my great admiration for the manner in which you handled your recent unpleasantness. I think people all over the State and nation wil:l always admire you for your wisdom and moderation and, also, your courage. I am proud to ca 11 you my friend. Sincerel~, B. Sanders Walker BSW / at �CHARLES CHRISTOPHER M '= GEHEE l 6 [. J one/.J SiJz.ee.J.. 5 avannah., (jeo1tg--i-a The Hono1ta6le 2-van Ali.en, /Y/G.ffolt (i..t!f Hall AJ.l..ani. a, (;eo1tg--i-a D ealt !J-van: The /U...OU in /luan;ta ±iu.A week welte one oi ±he mo./.J;t uni oJt±una±e developmenu i_n ±he hA_/.)1..0lt!f oi oUJt na1..i_ve c.i..:l'J, 6u± !). wanJ. ;lo comp.Li.men± y ou on !fOUlt ./.Jplendid handli..ng oi ;tiu.A diii,iculi. ./.JUua;li_on. !}oUJt j udgmen± and coUJtag-e welte ad.rruAa6le and when !) ./.Jpeah oi coUJtag e .9- am no.i ./.Jpeahing oi ;the i act ±ha± y ou meAelff wen± .i...n1..o x he middle oi ;the mob , bu± !). am ./.Jpeahing- p altii_culalti'J oi y out1. coUJta.g.e in ;taking ;th.e po4ui_on ;tha;t 'JOU ;look dUJt.i...ng x h.e /U...ox M well M in !fOUlt handling oi ;t/2e 4Uua1..i_on la±elt. !). 6eli_eve_ ;th_a;t !fOUlt acii_oM will have a .iA.emendoU--d ini luence i o1t g ood wdh xh.e ci_vi_c and 41..a±e au±holtdi_UJ ±houg/2.ou± ;t/2e n a1..i_on. Ali ;t/2.i...nking men who aJte no;t 40 ;te.1uu-ii_ed oi a 61ock vo;le

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6ack6one di4 appealt4 , know ;th a;t eveA.ff1-h.i...ng ;tha;t we cheJtA_/.)h. in xiu.A coun±Jt'J A_/.) dependen± upon law and 01tde1t. !}.;t 4eem4 ;t/2.a;t 4 ome oi oUJt n0Jt1..h.e1tn ci..1..i.UJ ./.Jh.ould be in ;the "6anana Aepubli_C4 11, and!). am p aJtti_culaJtl!f g,Aa±J_ti_ed X.O 4 ee ;th_a;t IJOUlt iiJtm hand h M been 4.1:Aongly app1toved 6y .the nolt1..h.e1tn p1tUJ4 M well M x h e (ong,Ae/.J4, !}.;t_ A_,/.J af.4o g,Aa±i_tymg ;lo ./.Jee ;th_a;t 40 man'J oi ;the /U...g/2± .th..i...nkinfl- n eroe/.J, paJtUculaJtl!f in At.l.an;ta, have ;th.oug/2± .th.a± !f OU handled ±he 4Uualion well. !). .th.ink ;tha;t !f-OUlt Allan;ta (ong,AUJAman made a VeA.lj- good 41..a±emen± when he ./.J aid ;tha;t n o mailelt how we F6G1e abou± ;the meaning oi 116lack poweA 11, i..t inevda6ly lead1 1..o vi_olence. Jo1t1..una±el!f, Velt!f iew oi euh.elt Jtace 6eli_eve i..n 116lack powelt , 11 whde powv:r. '(, 01t an!f oxhe1t kind oi poweJt .tha;t conno;te4 vi_olence. �!). A.emem6eA J:..hax 1:..wo weekA ag-o when we weAe Ai.:lt.i..ng on y.owz_ poA.c/2 ax Toxa.wOlf y.ou, l.augh.i..ngl.y., J:.. ol.d how a man .i..n pu6l..i..c 1..i..i e ffA.a6A i:..he newApapeA ea/1...ly. .i..n J:..h e moA.n.i..ng 1:.. o Aee whax J:.. hey. a.A.e A ~ng a6ou.J:.. /2.i..m, Ao !). know y.ou a.A.e happy. a6ou.J:.. whax y.ou have A.ead. And lei:.. me add, J:.. hax when .th..i..A happened SJ. wa/.J .i..n Jl.oA..i..da and J:..he pA.eAA J:..heAe wa/.J unan.i..moUA .i..n !fOWl i avoA.. /Y/a.A.!f j o-Ul,,,:j me v i beAi:.. w.i..AheA 1:.. o y.ou and 1:..o Lowe. S.i..nceAelff , c~ c /YJ<{;ehee �1716 Beverly Wood Court Chamblee, Georgia September 8, 1966 Mayor I van Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen:May I congratulate you on the magnificent way you conducted yourself during the disturbance last Tuesday evening. Your great courage and sound judgement turned a bad situation into one that brought c reditt to your city and state. I am sure that I am joining with all of the citizens you serve -when I offer you my thanks for a job well done. Whoever said that Atlanta has a "weak mayor" form of government? Sincerely yours, Howard M. McMahon �M O U N T B E R R Y GEORG I A 3 AR EA 0 1 4 CO D E 9 404 o 2 3 2 - 5 37 4 September 8, 1966 Office of the President The Honorable Ivan Allen Office of the Mayo-r City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Mayor: You have earned the gratitude and admiration of people throughout this region and indeed throughout the nation for your handling of the tense situation on the streets of Atlanta last Tuesday evening. You have helped to establish an image of Atlanta as a city, not of prejudice, but of progress. You have worked conscientiously and effectively for social justice, economic opportunity and fair treatment for all citizens. When, despite your best efforts, tensions reached a breaking point, you moved with resolute courage, tempered by reason and restraint, to protect your city against some of its citizens and, in fact, to protect these people against some of their own temporary excesses. We realize that your magnificent performance on this occasion does not insure against a recurrence of violence in Atlanta. I am sure , too, that you can take little pleasure in commendations for your handling of a situation which you undoubtedly hoped would never occur. Still , we should be permitted to express our pride i n a cap t ain who ke eps h i s ship on cour se when the sea is rough as well as when the sailing is smooth . Best wishes for a successful voyage and safe landing from an old submariner . Cord i ally your s , ~tP~ «ah nR. Bert rand Pre s i den t J RB:hd INCORPORATED AS THE BERRY SCHOOLS• FOUNDED BY MARTHA BERRY IN 1902 �MRS. JESSE S . HOWELL SR . 406 AVENUE ""E " WEST POINT. GEORGIA 31833 q-9-~~ /'-1:) Ctjor I VaV\ /-3 l levt :fr . /2:?tla.V\_-ta. ctt-~ Nall AtlaVLiz:t_J 0-eor~i'ct Deo...r /'-Ja~or A ((en : \ 'n. a Ve,- al vtJ-aljo l L' ~ co\ ~ o Wo..s g la.d !jOU u.Jct Vl-o\ Were e{e&ed oux-rw:t!Pr. (I sill I Sot !:J O 1..u·:;· 6 e COL u_c, e l -t0- LlfJ ~ At-la VL:lfa Ct'-tl-\ sc hoob- 2;0 ~ea_rs-' 0- ~ V\O ~e To be a VL /~ t-la vticU/l cuaQ'tn b_1ji-h1~ hm.e VleX:'t ~ect.r:_) L-l. O,_ ('e ' V l ~ & ~ Q. \o \'L l l1a.J;:, ~ r C) e-&t "13 J Cb u r-o..~eo us-J V&r_lj ~l lrt,UJStr<!. iVl yo ~Vl~ t( )) \ ~as Tall \UfOu.d o~ ~ou~ a ~ \ t\oa, Vl K' 8od ~o u_ cle ciLded +o u,5e ~otu0-6 ·l \ ityJ Ta.,~e~ avd T(Wle- to tt'tjanJ 'n el~ 1=->t\. a vctr:l (' e0-C-h h er ~ ote-11t-tt-.:J · f::J nd ~ o u.., ~ t L\ d.. 6 j Ll- t t tha.t j ~ r

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U>coVl 1o w YD.et n (! t ':;"":l a -'y h eools C> Y +vie +he ~0-6 S t f'e-sip ed L-L =vu:k ~ l- r-%:,t<!c th t Vl ,o,,- r- l<) ec<-,, \, S l osre--l :i n hoi- 1::j C> u.,rS ,, ~~ �~ind fil4rhdiau fil4urt4 (D I SCIPLES OF CHRIST) NORTH CLEVELAND AT SOCIETY AVE. ALBANY, GEORGIA Se pt em ber 12 , 1966 RALPH LYNWOOD SMITH, MIN I STER CHURCH OFFICE: 436· 1054 PARSONAGE : 432-2108 Mr . I van All en, J r. C~ty of Atlant a Court House 68 Mitchell Stre e t,S.E . Atl anta, Ge or gi a Dear May or Allen, '· My wi fe and I were in your c ampa i gn .. headquarters on the n i ght of y our first e l ection as ma yor of Atla n t a. We gave y ou our sup port. You have more t han lived up to the ex pect ations t hat we ha d in y ou a s a person a nd y our a dmi n i s tra t i on . As you c a n s e e by t he addres s , We a re n ow servi ng i n Albany , Ge or g i a o Our heart s r emai n in At l ant a and we h ope some 'day t o re turn to se rv e a ga i n . Your r ecent heart ache an d fr ustration over the s udden out burs t of v i olenc e is als o ours. Yo ur courage to ent e r th e areas of t rou bl e and a t tempt to minis~er to the peopl e is mos t c ompassi ona t e . We deeply appreciate your stand for l aw and order an d a t t he same time justice for white and black . Please kee p your fait h and remember the poem by Kip l ing "If you c an trust yourself when al l men a bout you doubt you" ( misquot ed ), "You will be a man my son ." . Mayor Al len you are indeed a man . I wish tha t I had an easy answer. I wish 1 that y ou did. You said that we needed to build better c i ties . I a gree but even more basic we need to build better people. All of this is an inditement of the Church and our failure to become what God intended us to become. Parents, teachers, ever~(!)J]'.'teof us is involved or should be and should have been. My prayers are the friends as They are sound imperfect. u (PS: with you, your family, your administration, and with well as enemies of your basic principles of g overnment. and only imperfect as each of us as human beings are have my respect and support. lease pardon the appearance of this letter ••• today I am my own s e c re ta ry • ) �JOHN P . BAUM MILLEDGEVILLE . GEORGIA ~ - \\) 19 l,~ ~~ ~ - ~ - o..-\ o..~ U ~~ ~ . i> r . ~ ° ' ~ L ~ ~ -~, f) '\ _ • J -r~~ M . ~ ~o • ~ (1,,) ~~- 1~ ~ rcr- ~ -h ~ --.\ ~ ~ ~ \-u,,_ ~ ~~ 1\\X s.- ~. }-) ~ b .~ · ~~t' u. ~ - fi . ~ ~ --t. - J- ~ R-- ½


. �John T. Reeve s 1 3 1 - =.:a_rchL1.a11 St • Br emen , Georgia I. YOR I VAIJ ALLEN TLANT GEORG IA �-, �<ttlptrtq @£ W:qr J\srcnshm ('lliftis.cnpal) arartersuille, <1i.eor_gia S-e::.Tc.embcr 11, 1 966 Tho HoJorablc ;tlvan Allen, J r o Mayor of tlanta Atlanta, Gsor5ia Dear Sir: We 1-.rould not claim to hav a cull l{nowledce of all the events and cii-·cu· . stances of th past ,,;eek, but we do fe 1 that vrn have " see::.1. 11 e:.1ouch, on TV, to J.I1at:s some co '111e11ts, 2nd ive uish t,o cor:-,mend you for the exc'"'lle::.yi:. ::1a·~2.1er iI1 1·rhic h ro have co:aducted yourself a:::.1d g iver- 1 ad e r ship in a difficult time . What. hapx:hs in At l e.nt.a does vitally "touch" us who live L1 Ac·rnrth, Ca:1t.o:a a:1.d Cartersvi_le, and 1·1e are crat ful for t· .. l cac ership th2:i:. you ar£ r( iViL__ to the City of Atla:~·~a . We 1rnuld pa:::.:ticulc:.rl;y- ·c2...re :1ote of the courasc the ·~ you si1m-red in onterin_-· th~ tro bled ar1;;.as, and the :9atic~1co 2.na ti1e fair:1c ss c-.Ld uisdo:-a. thflt nu have displayed. ·we uish to add our tba:1ks and c_:ooa i;,;ishc:s ti1a t you i--Tell aeserve . Si:.1C6:i:'Sly, ¥· I 1Yvw. I'{) l'l ~ l'V\ J).S j____ -mn-,~ ».. .l , J;/~.J°~ JC7!;?;,;i,:,_ (


. ///. -:J./4..e" {._,. yv. Me·nbers of th€ E°)isco al C.llL'C ... of th~ As e '."Sion , CartE.rsv:.J 7 e. (- / ,/ �filqurtq ®f W:frr J\str11sinn ('lfpisrnpal) filru:tersmll.e, ®eor_gia S-e:;,tcmber 1 2, 1 966 The Ho·101:abl e I van Mayor of Atlani:,a Atlanta, Geor6ia All e __ , Jr a Dear Si r : The a ttached let·cor: is a note of api)re cia t ion f rom mysel f and some of t,he members of this Episcopal conzreGation ~ I t repres'e:.1.ts the sentimsnts of ma:ay :-norc persons o~ this conere£ation tha:1 who inc luded by name on thi s l etter . ope::.1.L1 · of our Sunda y School a:1.d other ha')yJ dist,r~ctio:as, some uho 11 re :prcse:1t missed t.he let"i:,er , 2:i. d tl1e op.1ort ·:1ity of sic:.1L1r the let t,er . But 1.,1 i th th 0 But I 1.·muld like fox• ~rou to ·oe assured of our inter st , our support a~a of our ap,reciation. Sincerely, 'P\hU/.) Louis TonsH. . ire Re c tor Church cf the Ascension Cartersvi le, Georgia �C. R . M. Sheppa rd P . o. Box 466 Tucker, Georgi a 30 084 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr .. , Mayor City of Atlan ta Atlanta City Hall Atlanta , Georg ia Dear Mayor Allen: I cong r atulate y ou on your spl e ndid e fforts to maintain r a c i al h a rmony i n t h e City of Atla nt a . Your recent c onfrontation wit h ri ot i ng Neg r o mobs was mo st admira ble. However , I a m afra id that y ou do n ot understand Ne gro p sy cholog y . On numerous occa sion s y ou have made ref erence to the g r a ve i n just ices the Ne gr o ha s s uffered ove r the past 20 0 y e ars - a nd this I c a nnot a g ree wi t h e nt i r ely . Th e gr e at e st fav or ever done f or the Negr o wa s to cap ture h i m, t ak e him ou t o f the jungl e and expo se h i m to civ il izat i on - and i n c ide n t a lly, k eep h i m fr om eating a ll of h is re l a t i v e s . These s upp o s ed injustices c on f er on him no r i ght t o mu rde r , r ap e, mu g a nd commi t a rson. I f thi s were not t rue I would pers onally c a r ry out a vendeta agai nst soc i e ty be c ause General Stterman's men murdered my gre at-g randfather, his o ld e ts s on ( 16), burned his home, ki l l ed hi s live-st o ck and l eft a widow with three little -ch ildren. This i n deed was an inj u sti ce but it d oes not g i v e t he righ t to g o to Ch icago and t h row b ott l es a t the p olice f or ce, k ill loca l r es i dent s or set fire t o the Conrad Hi l t on Hot e l. While on a c tive duty , during Worl d War II , we had a c onstant problem with Qu art ermas t er Negr o troops r ioting after consuming a few bottles of beer . I was assigned the task of breaki n g up these Saturday ni g ht melees and I accomplished the mission in just t wo weeks . It was n ot done b y talking n i c ely to thes e me n , it was done however with a l anguage that they understand. I urg e y ou to use a firmer hand in dealing with these situations or face the alternative of losing c omplete cont rol of the situation. I am gravely concerned with the state of anarchy that prev ai ls throughout the nation. Unless our political leaders exercise firm controls, without regards for the value of the Negro bloc vote at the polls , the United States is g oing to develop into an armed camp and we will all lose as the result of what will take place. Put down revolt among the Negroes as you would if white people were involved and you will overcome some of the deep-rooted and seething resentment that now exists. With best wishes for your continued efforts in dealing with this g igantic problem, I am · ~~--~~ ~ - 0 eppard~ ~ _Q c;...--~ �PHO N E 373-3311 l/ 16:25, 29 December 2017 (EST) ~~ ~ ?; ~._, . . - , d~~ ~ a__f£ /.....-:..---V-~ _/' - ' -.....-'---"~ tiL ~ ·~ ~ ~ ~ d_,, ~ ~~r~~ ~C{,~ ~x;; MAYOR: r ' --<2,{y~ ~ JACK HAMILTON CITY COMMISSIONERS: MRS. C. HOWARD LEVE R ITT MAYO R PRO TEM WILLIAM H . B RE EN, JR. BOB CARP E NTER WILLIAM C . PAINTE R, JR. �CARDINAL GLOVE CO., INC. / Makers of Fine Gloves For Industry 113 ARMSTRONG ST . • ROME, GA. 30161 • Rom e, Ga. Phon e: 404-235-1134 or 235-1135 September 9, 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta , Georgia Dear Mr. Allen: I personally would l ike to commend you on a f ine and courageous job on your performance l ast Tuesd ay , during the uncalled for riot in your city. Ge6rgi a City. I am a Negro, and I l ive in a North I have watched Atlanta gr ow under your l eadersh ip. Both Negro and Whit e should be proud t o have a l eader like you. Again I will congr adul ate you. p. s. My n me is Carmichael, but you can rest assure that Stokley Carmichael and I, are not from the same stock. relationship wha.t so ever . lh There is n �EAST POINT PRESB YTERIAN CHURCH 2810 CHURCH STREET EAST POINT, GEORGI A ROBERT L. M cB A TH Min is ter September 8, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta , Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: Just a note to express my admiration and gratitude for the way you handled the explosive situation in our metropolis this week. Your restraint and fairness; your determination to treat all citizens a'1ike; and your genuine concern for people caught in the urban problems of our day are both an example and inspiration to people across our nation. May you continue to be an instrument of peace and justice. Sincerely, 9JQ.J~ Robert L. McBath RLM:nc �, I ' �U.S. News t World Report A DOWN-TO-EARTH LOOK AT~~ GROWING PROBLEM Following or!!_ excerpts from a letter to " The Beaumont <Tex.) Enterprise" from Mrs . Irene Palmer of De Quincy, la ., and pvbfished in The Enterprise" on Aug. 3, J 966 : These marches, demonsttations, riotings, footings, police slaying.s and the s.1:1ch makes me literally sick, especially the '.:r ~~s oqr ·,Covernrnenf officials are trying to ·erorn down ~ ~hroats. 115 of these law-breaku1g episodes . ~i!'~ ! ~..JO. ?.'~a!!! h;...1! _wc.:k, ho:-·Gfihip. piiiii nnd :,tif{Jrin~ is. ·1 had polio at ,1g.e :f moa.ths which left m y left leg one ., and,-one!.half 'inc~es shorter. than my right and about one third the m.e.

My father diea at 6 p . m. Sunday in 1935, was buried

Monday on !JI)' .1oe,·enteenth birthday. My brother died at 5 a. m~ Tuesday and was buried Wednesday. leaving me with two-·small S-:.sters and my mother to support. · At 17 I was not a drop-out in school. With no education -;not enough, anywa}- no experience and with only one good. leg, 1 quit school and wen~ to work to support a famiTy: l didn't have a teen-a·ge life because my working hours were always from 10 to 20 hours a day. 1n 1948, I got my right hand-my working band ; I'm right-handed-in an electric tee shaver and mangled it. It was doubtful whether I'd ever oo 11-ble to use it again , but after much pain and suffer~ing I learned to use what I had left of a hand. This left me with one good leg and one good hand, but I didn't give up . ~aoses "Follow Me Just One Day-"

,J would like for Earl' Warren, President Johnson, H. H.

l{umphre}i, Ma,tin l.,itther King, and all the hell-raising juveniles to come to my home and follo w me just one day. . t caJ1 guarantee that they wouldn't have enough pep left to go on a demonstration, marching or rock-throwing party. My day begins at 4 a. m. and ends about 8 or 9 p . m ., when my he.11th permits. I do my own housework, cooking, washing, ironing_ se"'ing, raising flowers and a garden. In fact, for the past thre.e. weeks I have been standing in a hot kitchen, over a hot sto.ve, canning my vcgetahles . Have an air condiboner? Are you kidding? Neither do I ru n up town when I get hot and "turn on the water hydrants, nor start rioting and looting stores. Do you see any chil-rights workers doing this bnd of work, trying to add to · thei r income? If you do, !.how 1ne. U. S. "IEWS ~ WORlD iE?OR T Avg . 22 . 1966 1 k1,·e two wnn d erf ul l' hilJren who were reared 11w., t nf their liv~ in hot. crowded apartments. They know "'·hat it is to do \•.ithout a lot of the better things of life . rf we could have alforJed just one vacation for them, it would have been a h1x urv. yet neither are rioters, rock-throwers. nor lawbreakers. J would lil,;e· ttl show some of the officials in Washington, the marchers. rioters, and all those who have their h and stret.(·;11,;d uut fur i:i :1..t.111.!uul , suint: of the:= iu.1ulliL"a:avpeU ~---o· pie who are maki-,1g it on their own and not asking ~·Ir. Nobocfy for an~thin~ . .. . "Excuses for Riots Are Tommyrot" Sir. t-an our Pre,5ident, Vice President. any civil-rights worker, agitator, ur wbomever they ma y be, stand · up and look us handicaps, whose very life itself has been a stiuggle for most of us, in the eye and try to cram down our throats an idea as idiotic as hot weather, crowded livi ng qua rters, low income, hard working conditions and all the other excuses they try to pass on to the people a~ being reasons for these riots we are having? I for 011e cannot nor will I sw al low such tommyrot. You mar see us ha ndicaps becom e fuiious when we see a gang of a ble-bodied . men and women , whether they are hlack. whi te. puq)le or spotted, running 11p and down our nation saying I want th.is, gimme that. without lifting ,, linger to earn it, but you will never see us in a marching demonstratio n line wanting something for nothing. We're too proud for that. I believe a grea t lesson could be learned from the handi caps. First, faith; then courage, patience, love, kindness, long suffering, pride, competence and alJ the things that make life worthwhile . Sir, I didn't intend to wiite a newspaper when I started, but T ha \·e watched so much of thesf' disgraceful crime waves. ,, ·bich are so useless, on television, and read so much about it in the papers, until I just had to say my piece. So I will close and leave an open invitation for the President, H . H. H ., Martin Luther King and his followers, the agitators or whoever it ma y be who thinks it takes a crime wave to make a living in this old world, to come and fo llow in mv footsteps iust one day and I'll show them what can be done if anynne ha~ t he get-np about them to try . 53 �3510 Indian Lane Dora ville, Ga. 3004 0 Sep t ,ember 19, 1966' Mr. Ivan Allen, Mayor City of At ,lanta, Geo)r g,i a De>ar Mayor Allen, P1ease allo-w us to and our· co-m11ents to the gtrowing number of them, that are no doubt coming aeross your desk these weeks after your reC"ent confrontation with the ~orry issue that has come to pass in the wonde·rful city of Atlanta. Ar-though, living in Deiralb County, we are not ac,tual residents or, the city, what affec·ts Atlanta very mucb affects us in the outer limits. Having lived over thirty-five years in the city of Pitt.sburgh before coming to the Atlanta area five years ago, we feel that we can speak -f'or the situat.ions in the northern· cities with some authority. Le-t the colored people here know they get a much fairer· shake herein A"tlanta than they would ever get in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Chicag or wherever·. It is high time that the truth of the si tuat i o,ns be told - in the news media thr·oughout the <rountry. We' thank you, Mayor Allen for your courage in going into the confusion· and bringing about rapid order f'rom the chaos. Dep artment~ indeed deserves e; · The Police medal of honor ••• pa rticularly the colored po·lice 1vho· were very much in evid ence a t the si tu a t ion. This situ ati on, covered in depth by the television, r a dio and the news- magazines- wiTF fie a real eye ope ner ! hr t, os e whose hobl!>y is t,o gi ve a "b la ck-eye" to the south. Where were th e Mayors of Chicago, Dayton, and whe-Tever when eonfusion rei gns? At their desk with the phone - far' from the ecene. In all ~~rresponden c e and phone calls we have had from our families and friends throughout Penn sylvan ia and Oh•io, the constant. c'Omment was "Hats off to your Mayor· down there - he s ure d.oesn ' t stand for much jazz " , does he?? Maybe Atlanta·•·s · fmage ean· be -the Jfegi·n ning.- of a g,o-od show to br-in~· about. the ending of this trav.·e ling d.isru tion of' all our major cities in this country. T'elI us, Mayor Allen, what can Mir. and Mrs. Average Critizen, ~o to, help you:? S1.'n eerely, ')?;:r r,t J '1 )?i,77 ~/ ' duu-c---if '7x/. Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Pruecht, JJ,"·. �ESTA BLISH E D 1871 Gim.IIIF'I@"JIN!.> GIE<I])Im.<GIIA Sept o 9,1966 QUI M BY M ELTON, SR. PUBLISHER Dear Ivan: This editorial, written by my son , Ouimby Jr. , will interest you . Know there will be many such editorials praising you , and there should be. As you know your f a ther and I have been friends for Z:-(-1) Jf ... young many years .. I ' ll never forget his kindness tm me when helped me get many a story that I reporter on the Constitutior, he would otherwise have not "Otten . And to know you and count you a s a friend has meant a lot For the second generation t1elton newsman, to to me .. continue the ' Allen-Helton friendship, is g:&atifying . lory in your spunk a-d'a devotion to -,P~~ be l i eve wl~ 'i ake Atl nta and Georgi a a better live and place in which to w~;k. Sincerely Yours, Quimby Melton. QH/ self. J the thi~s you �UNITED PRESS INTERNATIO N AL NEA SERVICE GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS OWNED IN GRIFFIN AND EDITED IN GRIFFIN SINCE ITS FOUNDING IN 1871 GRIFFIN, GEORGIA , f ~ , ~ - t // , MEMBER: ��----·- .. -- -· -- �����--------------------------------~ 1J c~ _f _j!_ ., Q_)_L ~-~ ~~ - - �r y ,A.--:;,_L ~ ~ _;_ x_,., <j Q lL--<. (_. ,<_ / () u 0...--<.. <0 0L- .__J___ ~ ~ {!_ J,__e_ ~ o.___--w..___..<..., ~ 0- a.~ _,1- ~ C<.--<A- 1 _,, . __,_ _t "7'1 J I C).....J·LtL- / 1'7...e c~ - 1_j (h~ ./-z_.,1.._ -L, ..IL CJ d...J ____,,.J.._ ~~ b.. ,-?~ a - ~ ,J -1~ __.a{__, -A-~ __.,,f a t')..---U.- I;~ d- , ,-., .../2-u Ct 0--A,_ .. Cl '-v--J ~ ~ _p ,(_ o---<.,. .--L- ~ .,.__-L,_) ---LA- ~ I.... ....u.._J °'--1 . . z ~ ~~ J---U ~ 41, ,.,(_,,._) [__p_,._~ ~ 0 _.,{_ $--~ c;J ..eJ.__ -A__.-1>--f ,._ _Q . 0- ~ ~ ~ C'~~ '1-1 ~ �~ _;,,(__

3,(_ ~ --4--_/.l - ~ i 7,J .--<... 1 _.-L..A. A ~ ~ (.J.. 0 j ~ { 0.....-A -"- ~ {)--.A..- -<-<.~j j '-7, , - 0......-' ~ .f! ( _,,~ ~L/ ft-_r;_. -<....--,..-,.._- ,(_ A__,,u..... ~ j _..rJ -< __.___,c __,( _/..}......<) 1:.i -~- ~--1 0,.. D- '-J,- y,._..-<.--?...__.,_ I.J A_... - . I L),.; ' '-- . J-i. -<J-1.¾ - _l.--0 -<; 0-..~ ,(_A_.,.____..,, __,(_ ..-c'- ~ ..1... ....-l....A.J .,A.. ? ------' J,,.A / j ·_Lu -~~ _ A ~ d c:.,._,,__, - - .Y._ ���-~-----.·- /)e,,LLJ . ~ - - - - - 7~(7~ /{~ { 1~ ) A_ '7;~ c~~ ~ ,s~ -:f- ~ � I and DALLAS COUNTY Mr. Khrushchev said "We will bury you." He went on Do you think the salary of the Sheriff's Office hos overcom- to soy that he would use our money and our people to do pensated him for what he has done and been through? I it. Mr. Johnson qnd King rephrased this statement and said think we owe him a little more than money could ever do, "We shall overcome" you. Now who the ' 'we" ore besides and that is appreciation for a job well done. A lot of us hove Johnson and King I'm not sure, but I do know that some of told him so privately, but what I'm talking .about is to do so the good white and colored people in Selma and Dallas Coun- - publicly. Let's have a Jim Clark Doy and honor a public: ty have been flat overcome. How was Mr. Khrushchev going official for doing what he was elected to do. In fact, he has about burying us? Well, let's look at what hos happened. done the most superb job of a ny law enforcement official Ea rl Warren, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, highest in this country. With all the effort the Communist Party put court in the fond I am told, hos done legal work for Mar- forth to get a lot of people killed, not one person who wai shal Tito. If th is is true doesn't that make him an employee, .under the protection of the Dallas County Sheriff's Depart- a gent or representative of a communist count ry? After look- ment was killed or badly hurt. Not one building was burned, ing at the record of the Supreme Court which has ruled the re was no looting, a nd not one machine gun was turned nearly 100% in favor of the Communist Pa rty it looks like on ou r local citizens. Every foll there has a lways been a he, or someone, is st ill representing them. The Attorney bunch of flim-flam artists that have come to Selma ond General and the J ustice Depo rtment has a ided and promoted some local citizen is flim-fla mmed out of his or her money. internal strife led by known Communists, and if they didn't I'm sorry to say that the officials were powerless to stop know it they were too stupid to have the jobs they hold. the biggest fl im-flam of all times. The Sheriff's Office is not Even the President's Office has followed policies that pro- an individually owned office and it does not belong to Jim mote the communist cause. To divide the people, demoralize, Clark, Wi lson Boker or the Justice Deportment. · It belongs create strife, destroy from within, aid Communist countries to the people of Selma and Dallas County and the man who v the oeoole of Set- �faces . We hear about , t he dangers of being destroyed by ma and Dallas County, not t he J ust ice Department. If the the a tomic bomb. I'm not afraid of the atomic bomb, Khrush- public didn't think that Wi lson Baker was a man that the chev, or any knowri Communist. The ones I'm afraid of are J ustice D~partment could work through and run Selma ond the ones who are supposed to be our fr iends, but are not. This Dallas County, then all doubt should be removed when they includes corrupt politicians on national, state and I o ca I stepped into a local . election and had a bunch of ill ega l levels tha t would sell the fu ture of little children fo r money, votes counted, and ·c ertified W ilson Baker as the Democ ratic power and prestige. Worst of all the complacent individuals candidate for Sheriff. You know, I'm told that it was illegal who don't give a hoot what happens, who's in power, what's votes that put Lyndon 8. Johnson in his fi rst public office. going to happen to our children, or what the futu ~e holds Tonight I put the most precious possessions that I own to bed as long as thei r belly's full. Their defense is that they can't - a little girl 10, one 7, a boy 5, and o g irl 2-ond the do anything about it, why should they worry about it. Part thought struck me that I'm responsible for t heir fut ure. I of the plan is to destroy the law and respect for it, holler wondered what I would tell them in the future if they were police brutal ity, and try to make local officials look like a to ask me, " Daddy, what did you do when the J ustice De- bunch of hoodlums. -Such was the case of Selma and Dallas partment took over Selma a,:id Dallas County?" I promised County. Every communist front organization in the country myself one thing, that my answer would not be " Nothing." sent their t rained agitators, schooled in how to take a crowd If you haven't been overcome let's have t he Jim Cla rk Day and t urn it into a mob, create o riot and get someone killed. honoring Jim and the public officials who have stood up for The liberal press was only going to print one side of th e us and the freedom of our country. Let's put this man back story so a s to c reate hate and divide t his country and make in the office he is so well qualified fo r, on a wri te-in t icket. us look li ke a fool all over the world. The local law finds They say it can't be done, but it's legal. They say people himse lf in an awkward position. He has to p rotect the ve ry · won 't go to the trouble to go to t he polls much less write in ones who have come to raise hell . H~ has to p rotect th e ones someone's name .. I don't agree. I've got more faith in the that are to be used a nd also the local citizenry. You may people of S.el ma and Da llas County. I believe that we can hove a husband, brqther o r friend fi hting the communists do anything- until it's J=>reved to us--that we can't. I know one in Vietnam and you might feel flustered and bewildered thing. I'm not going to quit because Jim C lark didn't quit when you know the countries tha t have rece ived bill ions of a nd run out when the go ing got tough and I mea n it did get our tax dollars ore hauling supplies to the enemy to help rough. And it probably will in the future, and that is when kill our boys with. I just wonder how J im Clark fe lt when we will need him a ga in. They said we shall bury you or over- charged with keeping low and order, the Justice Department come you, but Jim said "Never". I'm with Jim. We are sup- tried by injunction to keep him from doing what was neces- posed to lie down, roll over and play dead, but we are not. sary to do. He was harassed from the liberal press and con- Stand up Selma and Dallas County - demned from all sides. He was called all hours of the night, haven't been overcome and if we are buried it will ba stand- threatened, insulted, cursed, and even the tenderest spot of ing up, not lying down. Let's go to work. proud and tall. We all, the life and welfare of his family was threatened. They spent many months in jcul and under guard 24 houri 0 day. tp4. l'ol. Adv. b:, BHI im,ta,nd-Browns, Alabama) BILL ENGLAND �Silver Creek Presbyterian Church Box 176 c. LEE WILSON. MINISTER Lindale, Georgia 30147 September 13, 1966 Dear Mr. Allen: It is with much heartfelt concern that I read of the turmoil which y ou are g oing through in Atlanta. We still consider it as one of our hometowns a nd cherish the friendship of y ou and y our family along with many others. I hope and pray our Lord shall bless y ou with wisdom and patience and for whatever else y ou may need in y our tackling of the task before y ou. And, that , y ou may continue to rise to the trememdous challen g e y ou face with the g reatness y ou hav e shown and with all the fineness within y ou. Pl ea se g ive our r, e gards t o the f amily , and come to s ee us whenever y ou may be i n the Rome area. Wi t h ki nd es t r e g a r d s, I am, Si nc ere l y, L \ I \ ' �@JZ(Yffod ~ 2 14 Rue Rov I Jae. N ew Oriean s, U.S.A. ��Stockbridge , ueorgia Sel-'te .1ber 2u , 1966 Mayor Ivan All en, Jr . City Hall Atlunt· , Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: I t i s a very f i ne t hing when a lea der talces the stand towards a cause you re cently t ook and th0ugh we are nut residents of y our fine city , I wanted to write to tell you how much e ad.mired your courage . For wany years I have carried on a love affai r with the City of AtJ.antq. I wur.-;:.ed t here fo r twe.lve y ea.rs and, of c our s e , we are in eas ;y commut i ng distance now. I t is a l ovely c .1. t y . The stadium is a 1&.ater_iliece and all J f the other oui.lu:imt;s ti1at have gune up are tu be udrr,ired . LooKing at tbe magazine article on At.La.m,a r e cently He cOJmnented how verJ oeaur,iful i t is .•• with one exce,. tion . Just over tne bridge a nd in throwin 5 distance of the Cal-'itol is the slum are· all around the stadium . Couldn' t t his be zoned commercial and motels, fine of1ice bul.ldings , etc . go up instead? It i s so convenient to dovmto' n. Sincerely , 11 Inter -si:.ed" �CITY OF ATLANTA Septemb er 14, 1966 !VAN ALLEN,JR . MAYOR Mr . John J . Jones 444 Pea chtree Street, N.E. Atlanta: Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Jone s : During these diff icult days, i t is g~atifying to have your message o f confi dence and encoura~ement. Wi th appreciation, I a m S1ncerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor (Note to: Linda , Betty, Faye, Evy, Bea, Elaine: With a few exceptions , we are writing replies to the following categories only: Favorable - Atlanta • Favorable - Georgia, outside Atlanta Address by first name, where message addressed the Mayor by first name, but check list of addressees to see if Ann has corrected. Do not make carbons. Return list of assresses to Linda for file when you have finished. Many thanks) �FAVORABLE - OUTSIDE ATLANTA Mrs. Isabelle H. Mauterer 215 Woodrow Street Columbia , South Carolina 29205 Mr . James w. Dalton 103 Antigua Drive Cocoa Beach , Florida Mr . J. Vincent Cook Mr. Gary L. Pleger Mr. P. Mauri ce Boulogne Cook , Pleger & Boulogne 798 Pr ince Avenue Prince Lyndon Building Athen s , Georgi a Mr . L. G. Evans 2121 Riverland Road Ft. Lauderdale t Fla. 33312 Mr. H. H. Niebr uegge 1309 Fa r aday Place De catur , Geer ia 30033 Mrs . Ruth C. Founta in Rt . 3 Box 463-C Albany, Georgia Mr . and Mrs . Wm. R. Wa rwi ck 2356 Old Stone Mounta in Roa d Chamblee, Ge orgi a Mr . Quincy B. Powell 347 Peabody Street Athens , Georgia 3060l Mrs. Archie T. E. McCormick 330 Pat Mell Road , s.w . Townhouse B-3 Ma r iett a , Georgia Mrs. Roland P. Perdue , III 245 Ri ve r side Dri ve Athens, Geor ia Mr. J ames M. Smith 2070 Sy lvania Dr i ve Decat ur , Ge or gia 30033 Mi ss Fredda Lee 413 1 Jan ice Dri ve East Poi nt , Ge orgia Mrs. Gus w. Mann 601 Willivee Drive Decatur, Georgia Mr. James A. Dunlap ( ;f~~s ) Gainesville , Ge orgia Mrs. Anne B. Emery 1273 Holiday Boulevard Forest Park, Georgia 30050 Honorable Jack Hamilton (Jack) Mayor City of Decatur Decatur , Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Carl v. Chelena , Sr . 418 Kenilworth Circle Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 Mr. Charles Elli ott (Charl ie ) 40 1 Flat Roc k Trai l Covingt on, Georgi a 30209 Re v. M t. Robert L. McBath , Minister East Point Presbyte r i an Church 2810 Chur ch St ree t East Poi nt , Georgia Rev. Ral h c. Shea, Sr. Minis t er Jones Memorial First Meth odist Church 189 w. Georgia Avenue Forest Park, Georgia r. ~ax F. Ward, Pres ident ar-Jac , Inc. Air ort Ci rc le P. o. Box 1923 Gainesville, Geor ia 30501 Mrs. Paul B. De, Jr. 660 Victory Drive Waynesboro, Georgia Mr. Lee R. Grogan President Georg ' a J a cees P. o. Box 616 Perry, Georgia 31069 �September 15, 1966 Mr . Lee R . Grogan President Georgia Jaycees P . O . Box 616 Perry,Georgia 31069 Dear Mr. Grogan: During these difficult days , it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragen1ent. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan All Mayor IAJr:lp , Jr. �September 15, 1966 Mrs. Paul B . Dye, Jr. 660 Victory Drive Waynesboro, Georgia Dear Mrs. Dye : During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen. Jr., Mayor IAJr.:lp �September 15, 1966 Mr . Max F . Wa rd, Pr esident Mar-Jae. Incorporated Airport Circle P . 0. Box 1923 Gainesville , Georgia 30501 Dear Mr . Ward : During these difficult days , it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Ji-. Mayor lAJi-:lp �September 15 , 1966 Reverend Ralph C . Shea , Sr . Jones Memorial First Methodist Church 189 W. Georg ia Avenue Eorest Park, Georgia Dear Reverend Shea : During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encourageinent. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen.. J:r. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15 , 1966 Reverend Robert L . McBath East Point Presbyterian Church 2810 Church Street East Point, Georgia Dear Re~erend McBath: During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragenient. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr:lp �• September 15, 1966 Mr. Charles Elliott 401 Flat Rock Trail Covington, Georgia 30209 Dear Charlie: During these difficult days, it is gratifyigg to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 Mrs. Archie T . E . M c Cormick 330 Pat Mell Road, S . W. Townhouse B-3 Marietta. Georgia Dear Mrs., McCormick: During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, Jaam Sincerely. Ivan Alle-n, Jr. Mayor IAJ'r.: lp �S eptem ber 15 , 1966 Mr . and Mr s. William R . Warwick 2 356 Old Stone Mountain Road Chamblee, Georgia Dear Mr . and Mrs. Warwick:. During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 Mr . H . H . Niebruegge 1309 Faraday Pla ce Decatur, Georgia 30033 Dear Harry : During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 Mr. J. Vincent Cook Mr. Gary L . Pleger Mr. P. Mau.rice Boulogne Cook, Pleger & Boulogne 798 Prince A venue Prince Lyndon Building A thens, Georgia Gentlemen: During these difficult days, it is t:ratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, Iaam Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 M r . & Mrs. Carl V. Chelena, Sr . 418 Kenilworth Circle Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Chelena : During these flifficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, i am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. M ayor IAJ r :lp �September 15, 1966 Honorable Jack Hamilton Mayor, City of Decatur Decatur, Georgia Dear Jack: During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, l am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15 , 1966 Mrs . Anne B . Emery 137 3 Holiday Boulevard Forest Park, Georgia 30050 Dear Mrs . Emery : During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor .IAJr:lp �September 1 s. 1966 Mr. James A . Dunlap Gainesville, Georgia Dear Jim: During these difficult days. it is gl'atifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I arn Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 Mrs . Gus W. Ma nn 601 Willivee Dri ve Decatur,, Georgia Dear Mrs. Mann: During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your messa ge of confidence and encouragement . With a ppreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 M iss Fredda Lee 4131 Janic e Drive Ea st Point, Georgia D~r Mis s L ee : During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message oil confidence and encouragement. With ppreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 ' Mr. James M . Smith 2070 Sylvania Drive Decatur , Georgia 30033 Dear M r. Smith: During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr:lp �I September ls. 1966 M rs . Roland P . P e rdue , Ill 215 Riversi de Drive Athens , Georgia Dear Mrs. Perdue : During these diffic ult days , it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely. Ivan A llen, Jr. Mayor IAJr :lp �September 15, 1966 Mr . Quincy B . Powell 347 Peabody Street Athens, Georgia 30601 Dear Mr. Powell: During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidenc and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincer ly, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 Mrs. Ruth C . Fountain Route #3, Box 463-C Albany, Georgia Deai- Mrs. Fountain: During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor lAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 Mr . L . G . Evans 2121 Riverland Road Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33312 Dear Mr. Evans : During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �September 15, 1966 Mr. James W . Dalton 103 Antigua Drive Cocaa Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Dalton: During these difficult days, it is gratifying to have your message of confidence and encouragement. With appreciation, I am Sincerely, Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor IAJr:lp �Septembe r 1 7 , 1906 Br or:1en , Go or gi a. 1 ,o.yor I vo.n llon At l anta. , Ge orgi a. Si r; As o. c i t i z n of Ge orgi a v, ho l ov e s t l o.nt o. , pcnni t me t o c ongr o.tulD.te you up on t ho e x c e l l e nt r1rumc r in vrhi ch you que lle d t ho re c ent r a c i a l d istur bru1cos i n yo ur c i t y . Si n ce my vrifo a.nd I -rrnuld like v ery much to cont i nu e comi n g i nto At l o.nta. on p e ri odic shop p i n g t r i p s , I fe e l ·ou should be mad e avro..re of c e rta i n con- d i t i ons nm·r p r e v Ql 6nt ·whic h prohi bits our doi n g so . The small i;roups of Ncsro you ths nho s t o.nd i d l y on str eet c or ner s a nd shout ob s c eni t i e s at po.s sine; vn i t o motor i st s a.r e de fi n i t e ly not c onducive to good r e l ationshi p boti:rn cn At l o.nt o. o.nd ne i ghb orin g ci t ics . Tho strong p os s i b ility of o. bri ck or b ottle b e i ng to s sed int o o. vr i ndshi o ld ho l d s nbs o lutc l y n o a.t t r o.ct i on f or mo , or uny ot h 0r l o.vr a.b i d i ng citi z en . Soon e r or l o.tor o.n enraged mot orist -r, i ll los e contr ol of his sen s e s , a.nd s ome one e lse vril l d i e ; a.n ether riot v.,ri l l e nsue , nd mor e ha.trod vrill bui ld . Friends te l l me that 1~cc;ro youths saun t e r idly a cr os s str e ets i n f r ont of p a ssing co.rs in mru.1y se cti ons of your c i t y , a nd s eemi ng l y dare drivers to run t hem d ovrn . 1:hon o. h orn is s ound ed , thos e ~o gre y ouths sc r orun cur se s , o.idcd by gr ou p s of a du l t s on the s idffiva l k s . Bei ng a n a.c1mi r e r of y our e xc e llent tenur e of office , I fee l y ou should lmovr thes e thi ngs o.re happeni ng i n At l ant a , o.nd that mor e ru.1d mor e p eople o. r e b oc omi n c d i senc hanted -ui th your city be c o.us e of them . Ve ry t ruly y ours , ~ Br emen , Georgi a �1 229 Lumpki n Street Thomson , Ga . Sept . 15, 1966 Hayor I van Allen City Hall Atlanta , Ga. Dear 'fayor lien : This i s j ust t o tell you how much I have admired you sin ce you t ook office as 1ayor of Atlanta o And never more so than durin your recent handling of the diffi culties in Atlanta. You were superb , and I was happy that I knew you , if only by correspondan ce . · n 1 60- 61, you wrote me twice, and also When my second book , '1ALK EGYPT i/ came o sent me some material , including a book on Indians . I was never so pleased . And when you later ran and were elected to office, I felt as though I ' d been honored . Ay main re gret i.b. that this isn ' t 20 years a~o , and you were just starting out in office . now much you could have already done for the state . But I ' m glad you are in office now. Meanwhile I am J0Ufu\IAL correspondant in Glascock, Columbia, etc. counties--just etc, for my next novels--I 'm having one help you, in any way, wi.hh information, this particular area , HcDuffie, , arren, to keep my hand in and get material, out in February---and if I can ever etc. , please do let me know. srrly, ('. 'Vinnie ( /~~ /tii~n11' Jilliams ~ �Sep t ember 11, 1966 Mayor Ivan Al l en City Hal l Atlant a , Georgi a Dear Mr . All en : I wa nt to t ell you h ow prou d I am of you f or sh owin such goocl jud ement a nd s tr ength of charac t er t hrou gh t h e se l ast trying and urLh8ppy days . I wish you and your s t aff t he best in brining Atl anta ' s prQblems to a happy solution . Yo~ ru~ ( Miss) Eve Bl ak e 3282 Robin Road Dec a t u r, Georg i a 30032 �3211 SANDUSKY DR IVE DECATUR; GEORGIA SEPTEMBER 14, 1966 lfAYOR IVAN ALLEN CITY HALL ATLANTA, GEORGIA DEAR MAYOR ALLEN: IT HAS BEEN NOTED BY THE PUBLIC, THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES;WHERE YOU DID A COURAGEOUS THING IN GOING AMONG YOUR SUBJECTS DURING A RECENT PUBLIC DISORDER. You ARE TO BE COMMENDED FOR THIS BIT OF GALLANTRY ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY, AND I DO NOT FEEL AS SOME HAVE IMPLIED THIS ACT WAS POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. J HONESTLY FEEL THAT YOU ARE ACTING IN THE BES T INTEREST OF A LL CONCERNED . BUT THERE IS ONE THING I AM UNABLE TO UNDERSTAND AND THAT IS WHY YOU WOU LD PUSSY FOOT AROUND WITH TH IS GROUPE OF PEOPLE WHEN YOU MUST REALIZE NO AMOUNT OF TALKING WILL DO ANY GOOD. PERHAPS I AM WRONG, BUT I AM OF THE OPINION THE ONLY THING THESE PEOPLE WILL UND ER STAND IS FORCE. ALSO IT IS MY UNDER STANDING THAT A $10.000 REWARD HAS BEEN OFFERED FOR INF0RJ1ATION LEADING TO THE CAPTURE OF PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SHOOTING OF A NEGRO BOY . THIS I FEEL IS GOOD, BUT WOULD 'l.'HE SAME THING HAVE HAPPENED IF A WHITE BOY HAD BEEN SHOT. ALSO ONE OF THE ATLANTA P OLICEMAN WAS SHOT, BUT VERY LITTLE HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT THIS, fv'HY? !fR. MAYOR, I AM ALL FOR LAW AND ORDER AND I DO NOT BELIEVE IN HATE GROUPS, BUT I DO BELIEVE A PERSON BLACK OR WHITE SHOULD EARN THE RIGHT TO BE RESPECTED. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN FREE HANDOUTS LIKE THE POVERTY PROGRAM, WELFARE, ETC. EXCEPT IN SPECIAL CASES. AND LIKE MANY OTHER PEOP LE, I FEEL THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS ENCOURAGED VIOLENCE AND ANARCHY FOR SINSTER PURPOSES BY REMANING SILENT . THIS I KNOW YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER AND I AM SURE YOU WANT NO PART OF THIS SINSTER PLAN, IF PLAN IT IS. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~ -( ! , ~ �CHARLES S MITHGALL PRESS-RADIO GAINESVILLE ' 114 C ENTER G EORGIA



T~ ~ ~ u ~ ~£~~ ' ' tz::_~ _, �- - - - - - - -- - -- - ~ - - - -= - =~ - - -- Se p t. 12th , 1 965 . His Honor t h e Mayor Cit y Hall , Atl an t a , G'a . De a r S ir: You a re v ery bra v e and , I am s u re, v e r y c ons cien t i ou s . Wh ile I adm ire y our fin e qualities I am concerned for y our we lfare. I wou l d like to s ite for you r c onsidera ti on s everal e xampl e s of mob viole n c e : 1 ) Th e s ton i ng o f S t ephe n - Ac ts 7 : 56 - 58 (They " s toppe d t h e .il.: r ear s " - cas t h i m out - s t one d h i m) 2 ) Ale xand e r - Acts 1 9 : 3 4 - the mob c ried f or t wo hou rs " Great is Dia na of the Ephesians . i.1obs wi ll n ot li sten ~ 1 3 ) Paul - many t i me s beat e n , s to ned , le f t for d ead , f ina ll y be h eaded in Rome. S ome l ist e ned bu t t he maj ority did not~ 4 ) P ilate - saw tha t he could p revail nothing - washe d his hands - Ma t thew 27 : 24 For further referen ce see : Act s 17 : 5 - an u p roa r ~ Ac t s 1 9 : 29 - the whol e city was fi l l ed with confu sion ~ ( and v. 40 - u proar ~) Act s 21 : 30, 3 4 " a l l th e city was move d ~ " some c ried one t hing , some ano t her " I Co r . 14: 33 " Fo r God i s not the author of c onfusion" James 3 : 1 6 - "c onfu s ion a nd e very evil work " " Let a ll t hings be done de cently and in order. " I Cor.14:40. The real trouble is tha t Chris tians h a ve faile d to ge t out the Gospe l mes sag e ~ " Love never faileth " ~ ( I Cor. 1 3 :tl ) �Now it is a little late for this approach. The y will not listen~ May I su ggest th a t a g ood Christian psychologist b e called in to offer his sugg estions as to how to cope with this matter? The only one I know is Dr. Clyde M. Narramore wh o is in Pasadena, Calif •• (his home address is 115 Sequoia Drive, Pasadena. Phone - Clinton 6-2724) Perhap s a phone call would be of g reat help. I was a resident of Atl a nta for t wenty- one of the t wenty-four years I was a captain with Delta Air Lines so you see th a t Atl a nta has a big p lace in our hearts. I pray for your safety and for the welfare o f our g reat city. May God bless you and g uide you in these trying ti mes. ~;:it~~ Ge org e J. Wells Lak emont, Ga. 30552 �Thomas Circle 14th and M streets n w W , , . ., a ,ngton, 0 .C. 20005 �'llnion City ~ethodi1-t Chu'LC!h UNION CITY, GEORGIA HENLEY CAMPBELL, Pastor Sept. 7, 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen, Mayor,' City of Atlanta, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Ivan: It seems a long time since we were at Tech in the early thirties and even longer when our Mothers were in school together. As time has changed the Washington Street area of our City it has also given to our generation glorious opportunities and fearful responsibilities. It i s always an inspiration to see one who is given an opportunity to serve his present age to so courageously endeavor to fulfil his duties. All ministers are not in pulpits, for one is in the Mayors Chair of a great City and mounts the roof of a car as his pulpit to plead with a riotous crowd to remember a new commandment, "that we love one another. " May our prayers for one another be that God will bless and keep us as His servants for tedious t asks through trying times.


V wHc/66 ~ M. E. 1 36) �JULIAN HAR ISON, INC. 1312 TURNER McCALL BLVD. TELEPHONE 232-6504 ROME, GEORGIA 30161 September 9, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ivan: Just a short note to congratulate you on the forthright manner in which you handled the recent problem in Atlanta. The intestinal fortitude displayed certainly is admirable and proves again how fortunate we are to have good people in responsible places. Yours very truly, JH: af Better B UY S with SER VICE ... th a t 's fo r SUR B �MANUFACTURERS OF ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK LUMBER PAINT • HARDWARE B U I L D I NG MATER I ALS TELE P HONE S H 3 -26 42 SEVEN TH & CHERRY STS, - P. O. BOX 196 MACON, GEORGIA 31202 September 9, 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen Mayor Atlanta, Georgi~ Dear Mayor Allen : May I add my congratulations and thanks to many others who have written you? An outstanding contribution has been made. Every good wish for you. Sincerely, �September 8, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: Of all the heroism, bravery and citations given out, you certainly deserve the highest praise of all. As chief executive of a great city , it does not call for your risking your very life as you did on Tuesday. I p e rsonally praise you most highly for go ing beyond all call of duty. Even thoug h I have moved out of the City of Atlanta, I was born and raised the re and · will continue to call Atlanta my home. Another thing you did that m y w ife and I both want to thank you for is the fine p e rsonal letter you sent our son, J. R. Bobo, who was with the Fir e D epartment until about six weeks ago. He mad e his d e cision to e nter Bob Jon e s Unive rsity and study r e lig i®tn long b efo re any troubl e e rupt e d with the Fir emen. He holds your l e tt e r with hi g hest esteem. May God bl e ss you and continue to give you strength in running this great city of Atlanta. Sinc erely your s, Tom W. Bobo, Sr . �~ L ~;J /Pt & / ~ I C2t. 3 , -<:L--0 1/'t .3 c::U?1~, g-d_ , iJ-&:vv /Jlv . att~-/ ~ c~ J ~ ,z~L~


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,,to ~~ J ~~ Le.."-/ fa -e-~~ /,)?uc_L /O!z'~0-, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _a_, --/~ ~L ~-u -~ ~ ____,,;,~~ - y~ ~ ~ /4d 16:25, 29 December 2017 (EST) ~ /.,dc~feu /)..,,C~ J o ~ JI . U-d-( I ½ 7)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tJ ..-<2..-?~ ~ C.,.J ~ ~ V Z ,' ~ J Ll.-,LA, ~~ ~ _/ --yc~'--t.- ~ ~ ~ z . ,, /!,&·--cd ~ .~ /4-cc:~ ,. a,.,-~ rd~, ~ e _jl~~J'a_~ �l FREDDA LEE 4131 Janice Dr. East Point, Ga. Po. 7-6111 His Honor the Mayor 68 Mitchell St., S. W. Atlanta, Georgia Sept. 7, 1966 Ron. Mayor Allen: One of the young people of Atlanta remembers how much a telegram, bringing assurance, of your, Best Wishes to me. I was in New York competing in a national contest; living there during their most extreme difficulties. May I say it was not handled as well as you, "Mayor Allen", managed and lead Atlanta to reasoning. I think the difference was your "Reasoning" instead of Handling the persons involved. I am proud of you. Yours truly, Fredda Lee �JAMES A. DUNLAP GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA September 7, 1966 Dear Ivan: I tried to telephone you this morning. 1\ I think II Snick and that element are acting horribly. Frankly, I don't think you should go into a mob such as that without adequate protection. It scared me when I saw the riot scenes on television last night and this morning. Be careful! With warm personal regards, I am Sincerely, Mayor Ivan Allen City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta , Georgia �September 7, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta City Hall 68 Mitchell Street, s. w. Atlanta, Georgia - 30303. Dear Sir: Please let us join with many others in expressing our admiration for the manner in which you handled the very difficult situation yesterday. There are three thoughts that we would like to convey and trust that you will bear with us :1. Your heroism in facing the personal dangers of the moment must be recognized, appreciated and emulated by people of aJ.l stations. Surely the streets of Atlanta should be sater for all citizens because of your brave conduct. We congratulate and honor you. 2. How long can citizens suffer their duly elected officials to expend their time, energy and public funds in order to quell and attempt to satisfy m recalcitrant group, who repeatedly dedicate themselves toward negating the progress that all other citizens are striving to attain. Certainly it must be recognized that the specific conditions they protest are not the result of mistreatment, but rather are the result of the lack of initiative that has existed in their own forebears throughout recorded history. The physical, financial and emotional burden placed upon others (of all races ) is very great and somehow these people must be made to understand---- not to be mislead------ - for therein lies the great danger to our Country. 3. Of all the candidates presently projecting themselves for the Governorship of Georgia, none can approach your statue or qualifications. We have no political acunen,but we honestly �I -2- believe our State would be so late date, your na:rre could be date. This is just a thought knowledgeable, but we believe tion. nru.ch improved if, even at this introduced as a Write-in Candifrom we who are not politically it is worthy of your considera-- While the above expressions co:rre on the heels of yesterday's episode, they are not quickly conceived, rather they are the result of our long observance and admiration of many of your activities even though we, frankly, have not al ways been in accord with you. Respectfully yours, 7lw.~ eve HAC ~ l }.11 ~ ,,t/z/. Mr . and Mrs. Carl V.Chelena,Sr. 418 Kenilworth Cir cle Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 �LAW OFFICES COOK, PLEGER & BOULOGNE 7g9 PRINCE AVE. , PRINCE LYNDON BL.CG . ATHENS, GEORGIA 548-1952 September 8, 1966 J , VINCENT COOK GARY L. PL.EGER P. MAURICE BOULOGNE Hon. Ivan Allen , City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: The undersigned commend you for your courageous leadership displayed during the recent demonstrations. We are proud of the progress which Atlanta has made under your dedicated direction. With highest regards and best wishes we are, Yours very truly, �1309 Faraday p lace Decatur, Georgia 30033 september 9 , 1966 1~yor rvan All~n , Jr . city Hall Atlanta , Georgia 30303 nea r r . Mayor : May I add my congratulati ons and praise to the many you have already received on your handling of the very dange rous and explosi ve situation that took pla c e TUesday . Among my friends and a cquai nt ances are many brave and courag eous men but I doub t i f any of them wou l d have handled the very g rave situation in the forthrig ht manner you displayed TUesday n ight . putting yourself in the positi on of danger as you did simply proves that we were correct in putting you in t he mayor's office t he se c ond as wel l as the first time . ,A.g ain my hearty cong ratula tions to y our handling of t nis very grave situation. sincerely yours, ~~ /4.u-17c.H . H. NI EBRU~ • �CHARLES ELLIOTT 40t FLAT ROCK TRAIL COVINGTON, GEORGIA 30209 ~--7 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ , / j ~ w,-.,,1_ CL<Z-\'. ~-;:_A_ ' r 6l

" t-?--~

~ ~~ ~"'r~ ~ c_~ ~ ~~,( ~/vh'l" \ ffY'--'- O"'- ~ ~J/. ' tR~ �l 189 W . GEORGIA AVENUE RT . 1 , BOX 25 1 OFFICE 366 -403 9 P A RSONAGE ~~) ~-'-'-- I µ_Q__1 } ~ - c2J ~ ~ ;~ ~ I 366 - 8473- �L MAR -JAC INC . AIRPORT CIRCLE G AIN ESV IL LE, GEORG IA 305 0 1 P. 0 . BOX 1923 AREA CODE 404 - 532 - 8448-9-0 MAX F. WARD . . . SA LES PRESIDENT LARRY UDELL PAU L COCHRAN EMERSON STOW HOWARD RID LE HUBER September 8, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: We would like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest appreciation for you in your courage and fortitude in handling the near violence situation in Atlanta. With people such as you in public offices who could hide behind our law enforcement - people, but do not, the entire state of Georgia is far ahead of the other states and cities that are faced, and will be faced, with such crises now and the near future. Mayor and our blessing s to y ou for the future face. MFW: p p -<_:___T_R_A_Y_P_A_C_K_~~--_P_O_L_Y_-B_A_G_ _ _:><::___W_AX_C_A_R_T_O_N_S_~_:> �1W PdUI 660 ei . DtJ e, Jr. v1cro ry Dr ive WcHJnesboro , Georqid ~_[)~ ffr - ~ ~ . 7,J J1& 6 ~ ~ ~ J - , ~-~ ~ / ~, �P. 0 . BOX 6 16 • PERRY, GEORGIA 31069 • (912) 987-2100 September 8, 1966 PRESIDENT Lee R. Groa-an 908 Sttond Avenue Columbu11, Georgia 3 1901 IMMEDIA T E PAST PRESIDENT W . Carroll Ward WJBF. TV Au1rt111ta, Geotlll'ia 80903 EXECUT I VE V ICE P R ESIDENT Gordon Searborouab, Jr. P . 0 . Box 616 Perry, Geot8'1a 31069 TREASURER Bill Mize 721 1st Nat' I Bank Decatur, Georgia 30030 LEGAL COU NSEL Ben B. Milla, Jr. P . 0 . Box 408 Fitza e ra ld, Georgia 3 1760 CHIEF OF STAFF Phil Westbury P . O. Box 87 J en kinsburs, Geot&'la 30284 NATIONAL DIRECTORS Gene Bis hop 1170 E . Rida-e Road, S . W . Atlanta, Georgia 30311 Hen ry A . Casey P . O. Box 884 Perry, Georaia 31069 Dave Dree21en ,o, K iowa Drive Marietta, Geotiria 30060 Ashley H obbs P . 0 . Box 409 Blackabear, Georaia 81516 Ira D. Ho:iey, Jr. 370 Knox Drive NAS, Glynco, Geora-la 31620 John Lackey, J r . P . 0 . Box 361 Gai n esville, Georaia 80601 Mayor Ivan Allen City Hall Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mayor Allen: May I offer my personal congratulations to you and the citizens of Atlanta for the fine manner in which you handled a difficult situation. Your personal actions have gained the attention of the whole world and I know the respect of everyone. This occurrence should demonstrate to everyone that the Ci ty of Atlant a is f ast becoming the l eading metropolis of the world. Al Rotter P. 0 . Box 903 Milledgeville, Geora'in 31061 Yours in service, Chris Vail 1909 Melrose Drive Albany, Georaia 31706 REGION PRESIDENTS Bill W est 209 Beech Street Rou ville, Georaia so1,1 ~.-fA' Tom Bowen Route 1, Box US Doualuville, Georiria SOI 8' J immy Smith 106 Everarttn Drive Marietta, Georgia 80060 Bob Gurley 1726 Cascade Terra ce Atlanta , Georllia 30311 F owler Brook.a 1699 N . Buford Hwy. Norcross, Georlli& 80071 Bill Jackson 1381 Reynolds Strttt Auirusta, Georain 30902 Tully Dawson 217 Weetwood Drive La.Grnnae. Georgia 80240 Neil Holton 2196 Gen . Winship Ma.con, Georgia. a120, Bill Enalish P . 0 . Box 62 1 Swainsboro, Georiiia 30401 J o hn Mann P . 0 . Box 7092 Garden City. Georaia 31408 Drane Smith 822 Ramsey Pince Boinbrldae, Georgia. 31717 Bobby Floyd P . 0 . Box 691 FiUserold, Gcoraia 3 1i 60 Billy Eason Route 8 Baxley, Georaio. 31613 /(? /4----=-- ---;; Lee R. Grog~ Brunell Lanirtord P . 0 . Box " J" W inder, Georirla 30680 LRG:bkb �®ffirr nf §nltritnr ~rurral m4atta4anr4rr 3Juhirial (!lfrruit SOLICITOR GE N ER A L W. B. SKIPWORTH, JR. A ssT. SOLICITOR GE N ER A L FRA N K K . M ARTIN AD M I N ISTRATIVE A SST. fililusro9ee arouuty aroui-tqouse aLolumhus, ~eorgia M RS. J. O. BROWDER C I RC U IT COU NTIES C HAT TA HOOCHEE H ARRIS MAR IO N M USCOGEE T A LBOT T AYLO R September 8, 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor's Office Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Allen: I would like to take this opportunity to express to you my admiration for you and the manner in which you handled the Negro roit on September 6, 1966. I was able to see some of the roit on the CBS evening news here in Columbus, and I must say that you displayed a great amount of courage in placing yourself in the middle of such a mob. However, the main reason I am wr iting to you is due to a remark I heard you make at the heigth of t he roit. That remark, in essence, was when you addressed yourself to a Negro taking part in the roit and you told him that regardless of what he may think about who was running the City of Atlanta that fact was that you were running the city and that was the way it was going to be. Taking such a firm attitude at such a critical moment shows, in my opinion, the true colors of a man and I would say your colors showed true blue. In case you might have some problem in determining exactly who I am, perhaps you can place my by the fact that you and my father went to Georgia Tech together and both of you were S.A.E. 's. Also, I worked for Sen. Harry Jack s on of Columbus during this most recent term of the General Assembly and I saw you on one or two occasions while I was in Atlanta. With kindest regards and best personal wishes, I remain Sincerely yours, ~~!-;t~ ~ Life Assistant Solicitor General FKM : sj �N . N . BURNES . CH AIRMAN & GEN . M GR . N . N . B UR NES . JR. , P RESIDENT H . 0 . L AN IER . V lCE P RESIDENT JOE L . SULZBACHER , JR . . V IC E PRESIDENT COTTON HUGH S . BURNES. S ECY.-T REAS. MERCHANTS ROME, GA., Sept. 8, 1966 Mayor Ivan Al len City Hall Atlanta, Ga. Dear Ivan: Thanks a nd cong ratul a tions for the efficient, and coura g eous manner that y ou h a ndled the incident in Atlanta this we ek. Kindest persona l re g ards. Your s very trul y, ~ u r n e s , Jr . NNBjr/ mm �