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l THE MACON NEws· Established 1884 PEYTON ANDERSON, Publisher BERT STRUBY LAMAR PARKER Business Manager Ge neral Manager JOE PARHAM Editor Published every afternoon except Sunday at 120 Broedway, Macon, Ga. Second-Class postage paid at Macon, Geor gia. The Macon News Is not r eJponslble fr,r money paid for subscriptions until such money has been received ftt our cfflcc. MACON OFFICE 120 Broadwa~ \ Macon Zip Code 31 2118 JA'I' TRAWICK Mana g ing Editor Single Copy - Dally 10c Sunday 20c Delivery and Mall Subscription Rates Macon and Georgia I Wk. I Mo. J Mos. 6 Mos. I Yr . cl ally and Sunday 55c S2.39 S7.1S S14.30 S2!.60 Dally only 35c $1.S2 S-C.55 $ 9.10 S18.20 • 3% Sales Tax must be added to subscription, In Ga 1,0USTON·PEACH BUR E AU ATL ANTA BUREAU 1.ro4 Watson Blvd. 345-A State Ca ollol Warn er Robin~ 31093 Atl anta, Ga. 30:33"


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Frid ay, September 9, 1966 Th·e Atlanta Riot Georgians respect and ;:idmire the cooi courage of Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen, who walked fearlessly into the midst 'of a rioting Negro mob in an effort to bring orrler out of chaos . Even the wildest of the SNICK crowd, even the most bloodthirsty, recognized the bravery of Mayor Allen. And even the most irresponsible of white extremists, who would condemn all Negroes for the Atlanta riot, must have admiration for the mayor. It is not difficult to figure out what happened. SNICK had been losing prestige and contributions had fallen off dram aticallv. It is said tha t suddenly the civil rights organization found itself in the money again . Bt t it was t.ainted money : possibly from Havana or Mosco w or P eking. In any event, key SNICK people were in Atlanta, spoiling for an excuse to blow the town apart. Demonstrations before an Army induction center failed to capture the imagination of the young Negroes needed to demonstrate . Then a white policeman shot a known Negro criminal seeking to P.scape. Qu icker than you could say, " Black power," SN ICK went into acti on. A mindless mob gathered and , like sheep, followed the admonitions of SNICK professionals . P eople and ca rs were stoned. A great deal of damage was done. Mayor Allen climbed to the top of a car to ask for peace, and was shaken off. P olice had to use tear gas and fire into the air to regain control. Just as it is not hard to understand what happened , so it. is not difficult to predict what will happen in the future . The re wi ll be other incidents used as exc uses for riots and d e s t r u c t i v e demonstrations. These must be put down and order restored as quickly as possible. But responsible Negro citizens must help in this , and white people must understand that this help is badly needed . �