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l(. atzenbach Skirts Demand . To Prose.cute Carmichael - By ROBERT S. AL~EN and PAUL SCOTI WASHINGTON - Attorney General Katzenbach has a "Black Panther" by the tail and· doesn't know whether to try to bell it or let go. The militant "cat" is Stokley Carmichael, 25-year-old organiz.. er of the Black Panther Negro . Party and the head of the Stu- . l ~ . -~ dent Nonviolent , ilti f, , C o o r dinating . ( " \ ,p;.. . C o m m i t tee. i. "='" , ·' (SNCC). A group of , .. Ohio legislators led by Representatives Robert Sweeney, D, . and W a y n e ..,., ~ Hays, D, both . ~ 1, .,, strong civil right '~ , advocates, have · bluntly notified ALLE!I Katzenbach to ., 5coTT either end his vacillating on Carmichael or they will go directly to President Johnson and demand forceful action. For more than a month the lawma er• havf' 00111harded the attorner~~netal With JeLLer.,, i 1:Jephon1calls and telegrams urging r 'osecution of Carmichael for .elling Cleveland egroes to delY the Selective Service law and not register for the draft. the orders of the Selective Service System. "Accordingly, we are request-' ing that the Department of Justice forthwith commence proceedi ngs of a criminal nature, applying the penal provisions of the draft law against Carmichael. "As members of Congress, we have sensed that action of a criminal nature would have been initiated long ago wer-e 1r not for the fact that this individua l has been parading about the land masquerading as a supposed civil rights leader. We are of the opinion that if left unchecked by the government, such dangerous Americans as Carmichael could and will pro- But Katzenbach has done nothing. All Sweeney and Hays have gotten from him Is a polite brush-off over the phone and form letters signed by aides that Katzenbach had their correspon· dence. Stil unanswered is a letter citing Carmichael's inflammable anti-draft statements and urging his prosecution as a deliberate law violator. _.,<u1......,m,,,....,<-.4,.~v0...,.our at ention to the fact that Stokley Carmichael made an appearance in Cleveland recently in an effort to sitr up sentiment against the war in Viet , am," the legislators wrote. '·As part of his presentation, Carmichael counseled his audience, in exce s of 500, that they should 2bsolutely ref us c to comply with the provi ions of the Univer al Military Training and Service Act."

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CITI "G THE LAW - Flatly branding Carmichael as ··a dangerous American who appears on the scene "ith the obvious .,_ra;,.,,_.,os"' ...~e of forn nting riot in our CJ ·es, the I ans continued : •·we are advi. ed that the penal provision· of the Universal M'lltar) Training and , ervice Act . . . d , appl\ again. t such prr ons as Carmichael who would unde take to not only rid1 c I the ml I ar •. hu to coun. el otncrs to avoid ·compliance v.i I mote riots of sizable dimension in our cities and succeed in the develop~ent of a pattern of anarchy m many parts of the land." Should Katzenbach continue to ignore their insistence that Carmichael be prosecuted, the leg. islators will seek a congressional probe. "The Carmichael case involves much more than just one })erson a vocating defiance o the draft Jaw," says Representative Sweeney. "The question is whether the attorney general is practicing a double standard of justice; one for civil rights violators and another for civil rights leaders who violate the law." �