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A Message of Appreciation THANK-U-GRAM Grateful - In recognitio n of the good you have done to You ' E" Pr tTayor Allen , T a n yo·i_ f or y on r c o1 r age an d u n 0 r ,n ing in thA Pey to n Ro a d sit1.:a tion • . ',-Je • '.: e fl 'Tli re you r fo rt itud e and a r e s lip or t ing y ou r i n t h i s area . Thank~ a ga in . C! t

,,l~ p143.215.248.55

Dr . J o n F . Be r g st ::..,om / Thank-U-Grams are Free ... JUSI as all the best things in life are. See th e reverse side of this message. �Thank -u - grams arc dcsign·cd to develop the faculty of appreciation. A faculty can only be developed by use. Any faculty that you have developed, you have done in this way. You have used it consciously and perhaps laboriously until it became automatic and unconscious, then it required no action on your part. It became a reaction. The feel ing of a ppreciation will lead ypu into the discovery of good of wh ich you are not awa re. Your perspective will change. Your point-of-attitude will change. You will see that half glass o.f water as HALF-FULL not HALFEMPTY. Dr. Norman Vincent Pt ale says of Thank-ugrams "They are sent, often unsigned, to friends or strangers, anyone .w ho has done something adm irable. 'A word of thanks, Bob, for your patience the other da,y when I was so upset .' - Your chicken pie was delicious last Sunday, Mrs. Peters." Send them to anyone who has brought some good into your experience that day : a cab-driver, a minister, a TV performer, an author or just to a friend to thank him for just being a friend . c~ 1···, THANK-U",fi -.:.- , QIUM .. ' - tirrQ, . -· ~d,,g KIMBALL FOUNDATION The only requirements are : (I ) That the individual prep/ans to look tor two pomts ot gone! each day . (2) That he searches fo r the receive r of his gratitude lhdt driy. ( 3 ) That he completes the cycle by writ ing a nd ma iling the Thank -u-grams tlrat day . Just write " I agree to use Tha nk- u-grams according to the Kimball plan and send two every day." A ten-<la y suppl y wi ll be sent you free as often as you write. Y o 11 m uy inc/11de postage - it is not required , ho,..-e 1·er. If yo u do not let a day go by without fulfilling your pledge som ething wo11derf11 / · will happen to yo11! Begin Today - There's No Tomorrow M i ll ions of T h a nk-U-Gr a m s h a v e b een g iven away by the Foundation th a nk s t o the ge n e ro s ity of its s upporte rs, The idea h as b ee n spr ea d by m a ny R a d i o & TY p e r so na lit i e s Garry M_oore, Bob Cummings , Amy Vand e rbilt and Glor ia S w anson, as w e ll a s T WA, the R e d Cro s s a nd commerc ial in s t i tut ion s . You may have p e rmis sion to r e pro duce thes e by wr it i ng u s , or if for a ny r easo n y o u want larger quantitie s you may mail $l , 00 for 300, po s tpaid, M a tching e nv e l o pe s w ill s o o n b e a v a ilable fo r pur c ha se . A book-le t is includ e d calle d " Ther e i s Magic ina Wo rd of P raise . " BRENTWOOD , ST. LOUIS 17 , MISSOURI �