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. - -~·. ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND W ELFARE REG I O NAL OFF I CE PUBLIC H~ALTH SERV ICE Room 404 - 50 Seventh Street, N. E . Atlanta, Georgi a 30323 March 24 , 1969 Mr . John W. Cox, Executive Director - At l anta Children & Youth Services Council 1201-B City Hall City of Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Attention : Miss Katy Young Dear Mr . Cox : A request has b een made by our Headquarters to prepare a status report on t he initial progress and rel ated problems of the rat c ontrol projects in this Region . 'I'his is to request a report from your project that will provide data on the following : 1. Fa cil ities : Are faciliti e s available to accommodate staff? I f not, when will t hey be ready and what is the major conti ngency? 2. Staff : Have pri ncipal staff members b een hired or at least ide ntified? What expectations do you 11ave on ac quL.· ing nonprofess ional staff? Will assista nce be r e quired in their tra ining? 3. Int ernal ope rating proce dure s : Have l ocal ope rating proc edures b een drafted or finali zed? This should include both the techni cal aspects of proj ect acc omplishment as well as administrative matters s uch a s time and attendanc e reporting, proc urement, prope rty respons j_bi li ty, and job descriptions . Have profess ional and citi zen a dvisory groups been establis hed ? I f so, with what results? 4. Expe nditure information: What has b een the approximate monthly rate of expenditure and what is a nticipated for the r emainder of t he proj ect peri od? What pla ns are b e i ng made to s upport t he exnans i on and maintenance of the proj ect beyond t he first year ' s operation? When will the pr oj ect begi n operating and whe n will it r each no rmal capacity? �2 5. External organizat ional relationships : What informal and formal arrangements have been negotiated or will be negotiated with other organizations conc erning matters of mutual interest? 6 . Community response : What publicity has b een g iven to the proj ec t and what has been the reaction of organized groups and the ge neral public? 7. Other : Identify any significant accompl ishments or problems encountered . In particular, describe situations which may be useful to other grantees . This information is needed by April 8, 1969 . that date, it wi ll be appreciat e d . If you can forward it by Yours truly,

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