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1. The Department chain and variety stor~ desegregation of lunch counters . 2. ln an effort to move toward equal and full City employment, l have eliminated the Double Regi ster system. 3. Increase in the number of Ne ro policemen and the up grading of ame . 4. Empl oyment o:! Negro firemen . 5. Establi shment of the full power to arrest for all Negro polic men. 6. The elimination of 7. Efforts to reduce police brutality to Negro citizens . 8. Implementation of d 9. D e gregation of Atl nta· Ball Park. egregatcd signs in public building • egregation of city park . 10. Desegregatio.n of A tlan 11. Compl te equality in u e of the Municipal Auditori'Utn. 12 . Support od de egregation of tt n and the A Uanta. Sym tres . th nc to performance of th M etropolitan Oper ony. 13. Continued discu :!lions to d 14. Consistent incr a•e in the r pre en tion of th egr g t Atl nta hotels . N ro c mm.unity on b rd& and committe • appoint d by m~ . 15. Equal cc pta.nc and con ide,: tio.n of p.-e e in City 11. ro candidat • from F ulton Cowity for th potition oi 16. Support of N 17. nd citiz n nt o1 the Con ta.nt public aekn uece of Atlanta ' s lib r l ttit in bandlin all racial matt r . 1 • iti 1 d q t livin ar • for th i er a i I N ro populati I • ccea z. ft e op nin t t of • H est at i & t ran Techw d Viaduct. • n a. 1t p to improv of Atlanta. tural el bOrb ai n in Sl ar aa in 1 62. �