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~ I BY___ _____ __ ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE OR ANY INTEREST THEREIN BY AGENTS, BROKERS OR arHER PERSONS WITHIN THE CITY OF ATLANTA AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SUCH ORDINANCE . AN BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Cit y of Atlanta, as follows: SEt'TION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person~ firm or corporation to use race , color or ethni c origin int l ephone calls, mailings, handbills , signs, personal vi its or oth rm an tising with the intent to i t1Cit 1 which actually do incit of CODl1lunication or adver tensions or ere t f t neions or creat fear or r as to property valu sin an .£fort to sale or off r for sal, to buy or offer to buy , to negotiat estat, or to 1 £or r nt, purchas , ale or xchange of r al se, r nt or off r to leas , r nt or place ny real SECTION 2. hall b th state in the City of Atlanta . Any p rson, firm or corpor tion who found guilty in th Municipal Court of Atl nt viol ting ny provision of thi ordinanc hall b px-ovid•d by S ctton 1.11 of Part 11 of th City of Atlant puni h d Cod of th of 1953. CTIO 3. i of confli th r .with All ordinane or part• re hr by r pal do f ordi e �