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September 8, 1966 Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor, City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mayor Allen: Of all the heroism, bravery and citations given out, you certainly deserve the highest praise of all. As chief executive of a great city , it does not call for your risking your very life as you did on Tuesday. I p e rsonally praise you most highly for go ing beyond all call of duty. Even thoug h I have moved out of the City of Atlanta, I was born and raised the re and · will continue to call Atlanta my home. Another thing you did that m y w ife and I both want to thank you for is the fine p e rsonal letter you sent our son, J. R. Bobo, who was with the Fir e D epartment until about six weeks ago. He mad e his d e cision to e nter Bob Jon e s Unive rsity and study r e lig i®tn long b efo re any troubl e e rupt e d with the Fir emen. He holds your l e tt e r with hi g hest esteem. May God bl e ss you and continue to give you strength in running this great city of Atlanta. Sinc erely your s, Tom W. Bobo, Sr . �