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1309 Faraday p lace Decatur, Georgia 30033 september 9 , 1966 1~yor rvan All~n , Jr . city Hall Atlanta , Georgia 30303 nea r r . Mayor : May I add my congratulati ons and praise to the many you have already received on your handling of the very dange rous and explosi ve situation that took pla c e TUesday . Among my friends and a cquai nt ances are many brave and courag eous men but I doub t i f any of them wou l d have handled the very g rave situation in the forthrig ht manner you displayed TUesday n ight . putting yourself in the positi on of danger as you did simply proves that we were correct in putting you in t he mayor's office t he se c ond as wel l as the first time . ,A.g ain my hearty cong ratula tions to y our handling of t nis very grave situation. sincerely yours, ~~ /4.u-17c.H . H. NI EBRU~ • �