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®ffirr nf §nltritnr ~rurral m4atta4anr4rr 3Juhirial (!lfrruit SOLICITOR GE N ER A L W. B. SKIPWORTH, JR. A ssT. SOLICITOR GE N ER A L FRA N K K . M ARTIN AD M I N ISTRATIVE A SST. fililusro9ee arouuty aroui-tqouse aLolumhus, ~eorgia M RS. J. O. BROWDER C I RC U IT COU NTIES C HAT TA HOOCHEE H ARRIS MAR IO N M USCOGEE T A LBOT T AYLO R September 8, 1966 Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor's Office Atlanta, Georgia Dear Mr. Allen: I would like to take this opportunity to express to you my admiration for you and the manner in which you handled the Negro roit on September 6, 1966. I was able to see some of the roit on the CBS evening news here in Columbus, and I must say that you displayed a great amount of courage in placing yourself in the middle of such a mob. However, the main reason I am wr iting to you is due to a remark I heard you make at the heigth of t he roit. That remark, in essence, was when you addressed yourself to a Negro taking part in the roit and you told him that regardless of what he may think about who was running the City of Atlanta that fact was that you were running the city and that was the way it was going to be. Taking such a firm attitude at such a critical moment shows, in my opinion, the true colors of a man and I would say your colors showed true blue. In case you might have some problem in determining exactly who I am, perhaps you can place my by the fact that you and my father went to Georgia Tech together and both of you were S.A.E. 's. Also, I worked for Sen. Harry Jack s on of Columbus during this most recent term of the General Assembly and I saw you on one or two occasions while I was in Atlanta. With kindest regards and best personal wishes, I remain Sincerely yours, ~~!-;t~ ~ Life Assistant Solicitor General FKM : sj �