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February 25, 1969 Mr. John T. Edmunds Regional Administrator for R newal ·Ass:1,stance Department of Housing and Urban Dev lopment chtr •S venth Building Atlanta, 0 orgia 30323 645 P Dear Mr. Edmund: Subject: Tr•n ittal of Final Documents Youth Opportunity Pro .r Prepar d by Atlanta Ohtldren and Youth Service Council Not to exc ed 45.000 her iWith the final d c: enta d v lop d by the Atlanta Children and Youth S rvi,<;eo Council for th . Youth Opportunity Progr • this w. . included as part of the Atlanta C n1 ty lmprov · nt l?rogr bud t fQ~ 1968 in ndatory Application 2. We are tranamitti, W hav be n ~equest d to relay aev ral r qu sta of the Atlanta ChlldTen and Youth Servic . Co\lncil r lative to continui · th Youth Opportunity P~osram: l. that the Council be allow d continu d u fed ral funds of thoa pproved tn ndatary . plication #2, not be compl t ly u •d to thi• point. I which hav other word•~ in the 7 bl:'Uuy 21, 1968 to pproved budg t r e riod fr bruary 21, 1969, only 2.1,3 S of tb original 30 1 000 hav be•n ua d for thf. l"Oject, l ~tng a residual of ,615 i federal fund • �• Mr . John T. Edmund Pag Two February 2S, 1969 2. Th t th Council ' s original s~ope of servic s shown in Amendatory Appli~ tion #2 be reaffi d and ext nded in tiln for 1969 by HUD. Thi action would be in liew· of th Co\lllcil having to ubmit a cope of s rvic in another Am nd tory .Applic tion for 1969, and 3. tn addt tion to th ·, th Counct 1 requ t ddit1onal fed ~al fr HUD for th Youth Opportunity Progr · for 19:69 in th mnount of $30,000. Th Council ag in would provide th a ary $15,000 in local non- eaeh contributi~na. would ppr ct t r qu .its. W your r view and qonc:ur·r enc Siner ly yout'S, • Gl e c


HUD Ar a Coordinato~ y M. Cook loaure-1 i in th bov �