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THOMAS HUDSON McKEE MCKEE REALTY INDU STRIAL , CO MMERCI AL AND R ESIDENTI AL PROPERTIES 451 6 WE S T UNIV E RSITY BOULEVARD DALLA S 9 , TEX AS F L 7 -533 1 AD 9 -14 68 s aturd:ay J a.nuary 5 1 Dear Mr. Mayor, I hand JOU a clipping from today's conservative DALLAS MORNING NEWS •• a story from theAtlanta :Bureau of The Associated Press. Thia i s another infamous Wall, almc:e t as disgraceful, at leas t in principle, as the om slicing through :Berlin. How cockeyed can you people get, in Georgia! Bow long do y,ou really believe that you're going to keep Negroes from their rightful civil rights in these desperate dayaf To begin with, your lous y barrier will crash when the Courts have time to act, likaa boz: of ttinder. You are making a laughingstock of the American Dream and the pretellsiona of free Americana in the far reaches of the earth. Thia new segregation WALL was discussed for over an hour on REL D, radio, Dallas yester~ afternoon. in the program COMMEm and if aver· Georgians were rediculed, it was then, and pr operly so. It was a great r adio forum program. I' m a whitebus inessman and I despise the ins titution of second class citizenahip.,you. are determined to perp:tuate for Negroes 1~ A tlant a. :But your objecti ve i B doomed tofll ultimate fai lure. It 1B jus t a matter of time. Meantime , shame on all ofyaa.. I showed a house l ast night t o a wonderful couple , a young professional man and his wife . now liV111g IN ATLANTA. They plan t o move to D'. allas in February. ~hey aresidt of Atlanta' s r acial policiea. :Bot h are highly e ducated Negroes and this man i s in a professi om t hat i s desparat ely needed not only i n your city bu.t in most great ci t ies of thie blight ed l and! Wewelcome him t o Da1.1as where, 1DCreasingly, Negroes are regarded as equal to white citizen• and are g:1.ven recognition, as such. You:rare giVing wonderful aid and comfort to the Communists Who will gleefully hold up to all the world their charge, and documenta tion of it, that we 1 re still largely giving only lip serv1 ce to our profeoaod 1nst1W.tSono of freedom aDd libert~ &Dd equality for au, Mayor Ivan All.en Jr. Atlanta, Georgia L~~fµ., ~ �