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August 3, 1962 Mr . F . E. Bennett !83 Fielding Lane, S . W. Atlanta 11, Georgia Dear Mr. Bennett: May l acknowledge your letter of August 1, 1962 and advise that I have heard from a large number of other residents of your community. l want to assure you that my office is available at all times to assist the citizens of Atlanta in any way I can. This includes matters of which you spoke in your letter concerning block busting. I! you would like to come and talk about this matter and wouldjlike for me to set up a meeting with your aldermen, Mr . Farris and Mr . Summer , for an overall discussion., 1 should be glad to do so. I have previously discussed this matter with number of people in order to be of assistance.. It is a difficult problem. Assuring you of my copperation, I am Sincerely your .. Ivan Allen. Jr., Mayor lAJr/br �