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,------ - November 1, 1962 MEMORANDUM TO: Ivan Allen, Jr. FROM: W. F. Floyd, Jr. SUBJECT: Peyton Forrest Area Last night I had a telephone call from a neighbor of mine who lives on Oriole Drive commenting about a meeting that was held Saturday night somewhere in the Peyton Forrest Area. According to the information furnished me there were some twenty-five property owners present. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss some lots held by Jim Bennett, who is a realtor operating in the southwest section. Bennett had been offered $~5,000 for these lots by some colored real estate operators. Bennett is represented by Cecil Turner , and according to the information given me Turner urged th e property owners to get together funds sufficient to buy these lots at the $~5,000 price or he would encourage Bennett to sell to the colored real tors. Further it is my und erstanding George Wilson offered to pay $30 , 000 for th e se lots and give Bennett an option to buy these back at the expiration of twelve months (I am not positive about this time), at a profit of $500 . 00 per lot. It is my understanding that Turner was not interes ted in listening to s uch a price. The property owners in this area do not have the type o f money that would en abl e th em to get together suff icient funds to buy these l ot s at the $~5,000 f igur e . If these lots go for c olored, then the area is op en f or f urther sales to colored peopl e. I am sure that ther e must b e another side to the story, but I wanted to p a s s the inf orma t ion on to you that had b e en given t o me becaus e I know you have b een act i v el y wo rking on a p r ogram tha t would set up a "buffer" i n thi s l ocation. �