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August 3,, 196Z Mir. a..n d Mrs. James H. Ri b 461 Peyton Road, S . W . Atlanta. Georgia Dear Mr. and M rs .. Ri h : May I acknowledge your letter of August l,. 1962 and advise that I have also heard from al rgemumber of other residen of your community. I want to a sure you that my office i available at all times to ist the citizen of Atlanta in any way l can. This includ m tt rs of which you spoke in your letter concerning block busting. If you ould like to come and talk about thi matter and ould like for me to et up a meeting with your aldermen,. Mr. Farris and M r. SUinmers, for an overall discussion, l should be glad to do o. 1 have pr viously di cuss d thi matter with a nwnber of people in order to be of aa istance., It is difficult probl m . m A uring you of rny coo ration, I Sincerely your ., I All Mayor IAJr/br • J r •• �