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61 Peyter: Road, S . 'f o Atlant a , Georgia August 1, 1962 1.'.:ayor Ivan Allen !!ayor, City of Atlanta Second Floor, City Hall Atlanta 3, c~orgia Dear Sir: As residents of the Peyton - Utoy Fore s t Community of Southwest tlanta, we would like to call your attention to the "block - busting" campaign whi ch is being waged in our section, despite the poeting of 11 Disp•.1ted Area" signs by property owners. Ve urgently request t hat you do all i n your power to s t op such tact ics by these Negro Realtors o We also request your support i n zoning to Ml, the properties on the south side of Gord~n Road, S • • , between Peyton Road and Lynhu~st Drive . Vie ar e ; however , oppo-.,ed to the proposed Negro cemetary, as well as the proposed Negro Apartments on the south side of Gordon Road, S. V. and east of Pejr,ton Road, s . . We do not under stand why it has to be either the one or the other . e have also signe d petitions for making Peyton and Harlan Roads dead - end near Gordon Road , S. W. We feel that neither of t hese are so - call ed "arterial streets of the city, and t hat our petition should be considered at this time . We feel t hat if we can ston the Negr o Re2.ltors f r om seeking listings in our coJ"lI!lUnit y, and get proper zoning as requested, we can preserve our community and property values hereo We ther vfore request your whole - hearted support in all of these matters . For your i nfor mat ion, the zoning hear i ng is scheduled for Au gus t 9, 1962. Yours very truly, ,0 ~ g~1-~t1~iJ.,(~ James H. and (Mrs .) Valera D. Rish CC;: Messrs. Sam ~Kassell, Jr,, Jack Summers Milton G. Farris �