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August 3, 1962 Mr ., E . E . Rabren 2906 Keats Drive, S . W . Atlanta 11~ Georgia Dea r Mr . Rabren:. May I acknowledge your lette r of J uly 30, 1962 and advise t I have a lso h eard from a l arge num.ber of other residents of your c oznmunity. I want to assure you that my offic e is available at a ll times to a sist the citizens of Atlanta in ny way I can .. This includes matter of which you poke in your l etter concernin bl ck bu ting . If you would like to come and talk about thi , matter and would like for me to set up a meeting ith your ald rmen,. Mr . F rris and M r. Sum.mer • for n overall discussion, l bould be glad to do o~ l h a ve previou ly discussed this matter with a number of people in order to be of assi tance . lt is a difficult problem. As uring you of my copper ti , I Sincerely your , Ivan Allen. Jr •• Mayor 'lAJr/br II �