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August 3,. 1962 Lt. Col. Henry A . Fillmer 456 Haldane Road, S . W . A tla.nta 11, Geo1•gia Dear Col. Fillmer! May I acknowledge your letter and advise that I have beard from a large number of other residents of your c ommunity . I want to ass1.u:e you that my office is available at all time to s ist the citizens of Atlanta in any way 1 can. This includes matter of which you spoke in your letter concerning block busting . If you would lik:e to come and talk about thi matter and would like for me to set up a meeting itb your dermen. Mr . Farri n.d Mr . Summer • for overall di cus io t 1 bould be glad to do o. I have previou ly discuss d thi matter with number of peopl in order to be of a i ta.nee. It is a difficult problem .. A au.ring you of my .cooperation. 1 a.m Sincerely your · 1 Ivan Allen. Jr.~ yor IAJr/br �