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LT. COL. HENRY A. FILLMER 456 HALDANE ROAD, S. W. ATLANTA 11, GEORGIA H n rable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayr, City •f Atlanta, Ge~rgia City Hall Atlant a, Georgia Dear I'.[ay r AlleR; I am writing t • you n the subject of · " Bl ck Busting" by Negr persc,nnel i the n w all-white Peyt m-Utey F rest Communi ty in S uthwest Atl a ta. We are a fairly new c~mrnunity ef only a few years, all four houses are new, we are taxpayers in the City f Atlanta and C unty f Fulten. ~e here in this area love ur community, • ur r cati n, ur neighbers, and e ry mueh desire t keep this area white, as y u and a ll ther white pe ple in Atlanta desire te retai• their areas fer white enly. "Bl eck Busting" is being carried nm re and more in eur area by Negr Real,t'tors, and other Negro Organizati ns , and und ubtedly ba cked by the NAACP. We , in the Peyt n-Ut y For est C mm.unity are asking f r your supp0rt to help keep our community white and t help maintain the peace and tr qui lity of ur community as we knew pri r to about December f 1st year, when the "Bleck Bus ting" really got started. We ask for y ur support i keeping the Negro Realit rs from seeking h use and proper ty l istings in ur area~ We sk for y ur suppert in zoning property along Gordo Road, S .W. as M-l, property is located on the South side of Gorden Read between Peyt0 Road and Lynh.urst Drive, S.W . , hearings for this zoning are scheduled f r August 9, 1962. We also ask for your suppor t in zoning property South f Gordon Road, Est of Peyton Road, and adjacent to the Westview Cemet&ry for a Negro Cemetary , the hearing for this z ning has not, t my kn wledge , bee scheduled, but will be son I am sure. Jfe believe the above, with your support , will tend t keep our community a WH TE Community , and would keep Negro h using out of this area. �7 LT. COL. HENRY A. FILLMER 456 HALDANE ROAD, S. W . ATLANTA 11, GEORGIA I am t aking the liberty ef r erwarding a copy of this l e tter t o Alderm.enMilten Farris and Ja ck Summers , i n an effort t solieit thBir support also. Sincer ely , cc: W.tr . Milton G. Farris Mr. Jack Summers �