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1 August 1962 Dear Sir, As a r esident of Atl ant a I am voi cing a st rong protest against the unlegal lies and immoral pr actise of block- busting tacti cs us ed against the resident s To be specific it has beem a common nl ace of t he Peyton-Utoy Fore st Ar ea. T .. i; practise by negroes to repeatedly r i e.e through t he Area and " ark in front of r es idences t hen debarki ng from t heir car ahd standing by t he r oads i de pointing out various features of t he homes. This undoubtedly is being done so an impr ess- ion will be gained t hat the owner of s aid property i s considering selling to a negr o. In conj unction vd. th this J r epeated t elephone calls are and have been made by negro re alties t o property owner s who have posted For Sale and including these who have repeatedly stat ed t hat t hei r homes are not for sale. In all cas e s wit hout except i on t hey inferred t hat it was only a question of t ime t hat t hese home s would be sol d the are a. t o negroes as they have obtained confidential listings in Careful inquir ers by r es i dents of t his area have proved t hat such confidential list ing have not been made . Thes e and ot her means have been and axe being used. I t herefore strongly urge t hat y ou use t he powers of y our office t o st op the se unfair practise s t hat are jeopardizing, whi ch entails and hopes of the citizens of this area. a l ife savings This needless t -- say is your bound moral and legal responsibility as Mayor of the city of Atlanta. Su) ~ ' ~¥/ Sincer ely, A.S. KOBUS �