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7 EYE DEPARTMENT PONCE DE LEON INFIRMARY 679 JUNIPER STREET , N.E. ATLANTA B, GEORGIA OTOLARYNGOLOGY MURDOCK EOUEN , M,D. GEORGE 5. RO A CH , M . D. ROBERT H. BROWN. M. D. MARTON MAJOROS, M. D. OPHTHALMOLOGY MORGAN B.RAIFORD.M.D . FRED L.VIOAL . M . D. ERNEST ACK ERLY, M. 0. PATHOLOG Y L . BIS HOP, RADIOLOG Y E VER ETT .J. M FRANK WALKER, M . D. 0. ALBER T A. R AYLE, .JR . ,M. D. March 2, 1963 The Honorable Ivan S. Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Ha 11 Atlanta, Georgia Dear Ma yor All e n: As a citize n of Atlanta, and on behalf of our entire famil y, I wa nt to _thank you for the manner in which you have r e spond e d to Judge George P. Williams' d e cision. Atlanta is too busy to hat e , and we should do eve rything possibl e to creat e aclirnate of intelligence and cooperation with all k inds of conditions and men that dwell within th e confines of this mun icipality. My for e bearers in Virginia a r e just as guilty as those of past generations in Georgia. By their own gree d and avarice have created a fa c et in human r e lations that should never exist. It is our responsibility, yours and mine, to resolve this in the most practical manner possible. In Medicine, one cannot hate and survive. Thanking you for your fine work, and if there is anyth ing that our famil y can do to cooperate with your fine program, please d o not hesitate to call. Be st wishes. Yours r espectful l y, MR: jg �