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C ITY OF A.rnL ANri:A CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA, 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 DEPARTi\lENT OF PLANNING COLLIER B. GLADIN, Director February 26, 1969 Mr. John T. Edmunds Regional Administrator for Renewal Assistance Department of Housing and Urban Development 645 Peachtree-Seventh Building Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Dear }Ir. Edmuncls: Subject: Transmittal of Final Documents Youth Opportunity Program Prepared by Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council Not to exceed $45,000 We are transmitting herewith the final documents developed by the Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council for the Youth Opportunity Program. This was included . as part of the Atlanta Community Improvement Program budg~t for 1968 in Amenclatory Application #2. We have been requested to relay several requests of the Atlanta Children and Youth Ser vices Council relative to continuing the Youth Opportunity Program. 1. That the Council be allowed continued use of those federal funds approved in Amendatory Application {t2, which have not been completely used to this point. In other words, in the approved budget period from February 21, 1968 to February 21, 1969, only $21,385 of the ori g inal $30,000 have been used for this project, leaving a residual of $8,615 in federal funds . ..-· �I I I f Mr, John T. Edmunds Page Two February 25, 1969 2. That the Council's original scope of services as sho\-m in Arnend a tory Application ff2 be reaffirmed and extended in time for 1969 by HUD. This action would be in lieu of the Council having to submit a new scop:? of ser vices in another Amendatory Application for 1969, and 3. In addition to the abo ve, the Council requests additio~al federal funds from HUD for the Youth Opportunity Progr am for 1969 in t he amount of $30,000. The Council again would provide the necessary $15,000 in local non-cash contributions. We would appreciate your review a nd concurrence in the abo~e requests. Sincerely yours, Q(S)~ ~~-Qc.Q;_, Collier B. Gladin Planning Director CBG:pr cc: HUD Area Coordinator Aldermen Rodney M. Cook R. Earl Lander s Ch ar les Davis Dan Sweat John Cox Enclosures P. S. Enclosed i s a le t ter fr om Mr. Dan Suea t in the Mayor' s Office pertai ning t o t he s ubj e ct matter of thi s l etter . �