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CALLOWAY DRIVE COMMUNITY CLUB Atlanta 14, Georgia J. L. Dyer President February 11, 1963 G• t-1. Drake ~ - Breene Treasurer The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of the City of Atlanta City Hall 68 Mitchell Street, s. W. Atlanta 3, Georgia Sir: In cooperation with most of our churches and civic organizations that have already expressed disapproval of the presence of barricades on Peyton and Harlan Roads, the Calloway Drive Comnnmity Club wishes to add its voice in deploring this stigma on the City of Atlanta. Cognizant of the fact that you are for progressive government in the City of Atlanta, the Calloway Drive Community Club is asking that you consider what this action has meant and will mean to the future growth of Atlanta and lend your support to the removal of these barricades. Respectfully yours, /,i, Qi-'/U J. L. Dyer President Home address 1853 Calloway Drive, N. W. Atlanta 14, Georgia �