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February 26 , 1969 Mr . Colliex,, Gladin Directo:r of Planning City of Atlanta 700 C ity Hall Atlanta , Georgia Dear Collier : Re , Your letter to John T . Edmunds of February 25, 1969 This is to re quest that you trans£ :r th $8 ,615 r· maining in Arn nda tory Application # l. of the Community Improvement Progr - m to the Atl nt Children and Youth Se:rvic s Council . It w e th int nt 0£ th P r sident's Coundl on Youth OpportW1ity th t th CRP in HUD b use d imply as a conduit to provide fund s to city youth ag nci e for surnm r pl nning and progr mm.in . Th r w no int nt to re qui1' loc l CRP (CIP ) agand to ju tify th ue of th funds e p rt of the normal CRP progl'am ctiviti This ia · 1 o th undetst nding of J ohn Edmunds . no r son why w s hould not tr n £ r th . r m ining fund s from the I 1968 approval to the Youth Council inune d i t ly so th y ill b bl to continuo th•ir prea nt ctiviti without int i,ruption . Mr . E dmunds ha iniorm(,d mJ th :t th $30~ 000 for 1969 YOP actlv1t1 s h been et a i d by HUD i.n. W a. hlngton for tl nt • ua • .He will 1 t u.a know hortly if yol\r lett r c n s erv th 1969 pplicatlon. Sine r ly your•, D cc! M yor Ivan Alle , Jr. Alderm odn y Cook Mr. J ohn Cox Mr. Charle Davi Mr. Earl Landers Swat �