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THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL © 1964, bu Th• J ournal Campanu Eighty-second Year - 288 Pages Sunday, October 18, 1964 Circulation Last Sunday. 587,505 Sunday, 25 centl I.:atest Eilition tt usin Feels Discord 'F;::!~:~~:~: County Threatens Atlanta USSR Will Last N143.215.248.55 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)1 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST):. w· th suI.t to Keep Braves


I Facin g Opposition, t~t~;~sc:: ~~;~; :ir~·~:;1~~r~~t1:r Not Expected to Be 1 - - - - - - - - - , - -Long in Control l t'~i~:~n' ~:;~rn: :~~ ::!e~~a:!~:~:~=!~:~ AMC, union New Chiefs Believed Soviet hierarchy, the!r. back• Stevenson, Edward R. Murrow, 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)uSria~d ';;;;e~:;~ 1 Nikolai V Podgorny, the 61 settmg 0 1

has I_urked Just behind Brezh1 th 0 is.. ~a143.215.248.55 e:u::r some high off1c1als here as a m~ to wrch. . notic~ 0 ~/ s:~s::~~ ::;,e~~= new _leadenhip were the express1ons of deference to the eN_•:o~r!:"r::!!~trvtce ;:;at Walhlngton, D. c. _ The adn,inlltratlon 11 convinced that there 11 discord In Moscow and throughout th• Communist world and that the drama of "examples ot excel le~~·.1 day, will be presented at a din- 6y ~~?Je~6!i!hattD143.215.248.55 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST):~:=~ will receive as previously announced, th'e society's highest tribute-the Family of Man •;~:·society was founded by the Protestant council of the ~~t:~: co143.215.248.55 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST) was Near Accord on New p act Negotiators in Detroit no way of know- ~i:::ss~~%o~ ::efo~i:\:d ,,


t io~:;;e0:;u!~;~e:ee~ s~~: ~~!!:~inited States information coa.litlon of contending forces. mg on behalf of these strong Luthul! was designated for Rr um~ 111·,mg And they are thought to be en- centers of pow~r or limply sp, leading the tight against the or The Journal staff 1~fs~f~s7t!oa~ a 'a~rtheid' (white su~remacy) Detroit, Mich. - Negotiator, countering many expressions th of opJ)Osition and doubt from The new Soviet leaden ~re}he Sou African gov- for the American Motort Corp. Communist parties around the sll:'~king respectful]¥ of the l WNDT is an educational tele- and the United Auto Work"n world. m1htary budget, which Khru- vision station owned by Educa- bore down on a nonstop barThese views were given to Turn to PGll*' 2, col. 2 tional Broadcasting Corp. ga.ining session early Sunday President Johnson by his prinaimed at reaching a strike set· d pal national security advistlement before going to bed. er1 in a White House meeting /· It was _apparent that both at noon Saturday. sides felt 1t was urgent to reAnalysts here said they still solve the remaining issues in time to get some work.en back had no reliable explanation for BJ' A.VEll:r WITTENBERGEII G0 Idwater Fears a us .

~h~~d!~~ ~v:~~win1i~~i~~


~l~~f ;i143.215.248.55':i':.'!n h143.215.248.55 Ske pticism Noted . 1;:n:~:;1*'~T~:e; ; e-;;0 :;:~:r f~e t~1a~i ~:;d~I t~;~~:~ 1Saturday, &J)Okesmen reported i~:ie~~a143.215.248.55 ~~ 1 . ~ut there was general s~~p, ~oa~!~a;,cr:~~i:~us:::n~hl~ ..:a~y~~im~:,. c~U:C:,~ the :!!tp:1g~:s bcism here about th e official "one man, one thumb" federal "We don't want on~ man's the strike w~ich, s~rted at;;;~:llo:~:m

Ma~::;::~~ fa~ermo~e: ::i::ti:~g~:r s::~ 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)b ~~e o~h;o~:t'fs,;' . ~i~ :i~~'. The ,complaints ing rights. g S::i~~:: =~g~o:i::: ::· nl•t ))art~ newspaper: ~ere d:~a~:~:~; pl~c:t:~r::~m;, had rJ~~n~1c~'.~i: rea.~ H broad generahzat1ons Communist China would not be- suggested that Goldwater'• fin- ous venion than that offered ger should not be on the nuclear the automotive planu in Mildesigned to please the largest · possible number of party mem- come a nuclear threat to the T waukee and Kenosha. 14 1 2 hen and iubject to a variety of world !or at least 25 years. urn 10 ,,..,. ' co' The company contends that ln~r:~:;!~~:· or a clear In· w!!e143.215.248.55ldt~~: at~::e~;;:.·

r~:~ 3C Killed

as Plane h . 111· . !:k~on~:!!~ n~:~~i1: t!;: o~~ s~nru;r143.215.248.55;us143.215.248.55 ~eking _can dev~lop a Jaunc~::rs~ther appliance manuracThe quick collapse or the ear- mg vehicle for its new atomic A union spokesman said some lier claim that he had resigned warhead. . Antioch, Ill. _ UPI _ Three progress had been made on this for reasons of age and health I The Arizonan, hoarse and persons were kill.ed Saturday issue Saturday, but reJ)Orted was another. suffering from a week long 1in the crash of a <1mall private 1that. the parties still werfc far ras es In Offic~~o.::W:e!ou~.:=!;! . ~~= .:n~=:~~ InOIS three miles east of An· a~~':'men;_ ~'!_!_ ~r~ ~~ Aleksei N. ~osygm coulif long1argued over and over that free . . rvt>pu _ies Tum 10 AMC, IHIU 18 • col. 2 retain effective control as lead. unioni:oim would be de~troyed taid witnes<1es_ reported seeing en ol the partr and govern- by centralii:ed government, the plane "spm out and dive Studen ts P rotest A-Blast rn e n t, respectively. .Though which he contended President intotheground" T ky J n-JP-Abo t 170

~ri~r!:t:;aro~~ot~~d143.215.248.55= Jo143.215.248.55t::

which the M~t!u~:d te;e.::: ~: = = = = ====lvote of orgamzed labor Is pow- or Oak Park. Ill, Walter H onstrated Saturday outside a !~~f= 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)::e~l143.215.248.55 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)\r:~~ On Wisconsin :i~~t:tdu~1~:;!~r::~ed his ~":~~In: a~~· th~r Pl~i ~~ fi~::u143.215.248.55y~hl~~:y h;~:;st:~ 1 "o~:un~~n~ a;:: ~~:a~ ~g~1~ Proposed Nominees;~~d :~torc~u~~m:~;!~I for a 1964 State nb,t,at,o, Blight Award He repeatedly accused John I Not long ago there was formed in California a group which calls itselt the "Los A~;Ies Grue~ome commit· tee. rdlts/ un~tio: ~ : make ~~r~ng~on ~::~:'tfir, 49, of


such rule and could eventually ma~e labor _the pawn or big bu;~ness or big g~v~n~;en~. 'f elec~d s;:;a!~:1~ ~efend ~a:r!, right to strike, bargain collec:~pl:sh:~n:u I~ ~gl~f~:; ti~:Jd:i:c::b~'fJe ~:'1~iectlon ron O tit~ i: ofhe temperature climbed to ~~':\T~ tb~ci:r~~lar approach might :~~wh~~hbe~;:~ 0 ~:aih 1~: ~i~ld~ G~eM:~~ be taken in Wisconsin, which man'a thumb thould be on your high for Oct. 17 set In 1956. has a few eyesores of Its own country and another philosophy It was the warmest reading worth hailing. Why not call It the "Wiscon1in Uglies com-


ho~~,,~i:_:· C. Bartholomay. board chamnan or the Braves, y ~~rsr:~~ the nati?n Su~da; n_ight on '. Conferred at Leng!~ .~~: :~p143.215.248.55so~p;::a~::~ ~~:~ that he had mentioned a Commumst Chma, first nu-, n.1t~~n:'"t~:rT~ hc~:n:;~ht143.215.248.55;Monday in San Antonio, Hou• Grobschmldt Orders Le:tter clear test and the power shake- conferred privately and atl ton, Fort Worth and Dallas. Th& county's letter Pointed up in the Soviet Union. length with Secretary of Stale ~ohnson had pl~~ to tour out that a transfer of the club'.!I .J.ohnson will go before tcle- Rusk and Secretary of Derense1~~y 81:a,\~s woul/Ybe br! franchise f~om Milwaukee i; ~~f:~~:~~i:r~~; :::;~. Tuesday and Wed·1~:!~1~;~~r!'i_~Jc~~;


~c ~:~: :~!.~~;.tc~:;~;a~~f=~

Humphrey South in ~;~~eR~':~ assistant A,hev!U,, N, C-UPI-s,, ,_ corpora~on counsel, drafted and mailed the letter at the recanna~~nt~c~~ttteel~ir: si~"natorBarryGoldwater,thetor Hube": Humphrey talked quest of County Boa.rd Chair~:; ':~ch ae broad':s~ 0 1Republi~an presidential nomi- J)Ower- pohticat and electrical man Euge~e H. Grobsch midt ~~da ?o:~s:~:~~i:~:t~~= ~=(r:~lon~~t1e!:~r:}n°v,ed tour of the JOU th Sat- :::. the s ~ live. " r ~ ~ t ~ hef~re ~e !.h1!i'1u1ed (Dean Burch, the Republi- sl.art of the secunty council teS- i: :e to answer It. U:~ ~~/ ~te~ th,"'"" lhem,e!,o,.J ln Its announcement _Saturday, the White House said the 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST):J~u~!Y143.215.248.55nc~~::i. ~~:o~~::· House. er source said Goldwater still was ~ri~~i~~ T:~~·~;:ee i~:; ~an~~a~;te!~u:e t! h~;~ Tu,n lo,...,. 2, col, 2 fi::rs1::a~~ec1:~e t~th;:s;!t Bad gers Beat Iowa 31 . 21 ' ' for First Big Ten Victory ~ ~:~~: th;o~~:;l :~~wngradcd the military significance of the Chinese nuclear test. He also was assured Friday by Ambassador Ana~oly Do~rynin th ~t Soviet foreign pohcy remained unchanged. Toe president, who had been expected to fly to hi, Texas 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST);/~o:a~tJk! ~o"e~ ~~t 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)Lr:- le~!!: c~nt:peeche,.;t Kn?~~le and fo143.215.248.55:Ct~fcft also asked Ri ~e ~:dy so~!w::t c:~;, tla~;1::.~::h::~fta:


a\.S . n . po ecbut n~ rain was fo recast for the scheduling of a Monday The Milwaukee Journal en· the Milwaukee area. briefing for con~resslonal lead- dones Lyndon B. Johnson for en of both parties, seemed to president, Page 2, Editorial suggest some recent change in Section. The lost art of political heckling is recalled by Walter Monfried. Page 2, Editonal Section. • • • British Labor party leader Harold Wilson is credited personally with winning I a It week's close election, in an article by Edwin Roth, Jour-


1wing through the Lone Star Section. The resort, tavern, restau·

 :: o~~dth~~ee~!'ce::1~;;;:;

~tfivert;:~ to broadcast Atlanta I ~;:~-:i;~ ::~:U~n ~;::ie '!~~ rights ~i~se::\~~::r~:17143.215.248.55.~=: , ton this week. He has not an• nounced the date, but last week Journal Wire Sen·lcu State and other sections of the ,free to accept a standing orfer 1reportedly told the sports weekWashington, D, C-President west, rear~nged his schedl:lle from Joryn~n for secret intelli· ~y. Sporting News, to expect an 1~e;,~ia:~,\~~7::e~:e~~ng th y White ge;~:s~n~f~ncg~ et a r George Haen143.215.248.55 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)m143.215.248.55rd~; here since Sepl. IO when it make the "report and assessCO SN'S f b 11 reftchJi~n~tlast Joni;, howev- :" .. t~ou~~ ~re=~~ W~!am Nsc!red its°t~~t ~ig er. By 5 p.m., the mercury cause for national alarm and Ten victory Saturday, defeathad fallen 15 degree, after no immediate emergency." Ing Iowa, J l -21, before a rec0rd c~td .ff ~- 1~ 3 a S:~:;an~hi:'"w':~ther bu· AbNpt ShHt of Plan, M;di- 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)U~i~tg!OO;~i:~ pollute the handsome scenery ol our state? Candidates for

 :iu1:! 4 bligh,t award might

Billboard Interests, which mar the public view, particu, larly those that created th& iuper billboards occasionally seen from intentate routes. extol with roadside jungles of garish sign!. The junkyard operators who create whole mountain! of rusting metal and shat· tered glass in the midst of scenes of tranquil beauty. The litterbugs who strew our roadsides with debris, our beaches w ith the razor sharp flaps of flip top cans and our waterways with junk. The subdivision developers who bulldoze d ow n every tree In sight and march cracker box houses over hill and dale, and the ow n e r s ol shacks and trailers which line the shores ot once l ovely lakes, a tribute to bad local zoning or no zoning at all. The defacers of parks, the carvers of initials on benche!, t he target ! hooters at highway signs and the daubers of paint on scenic attractions. With such a roster ot eligible candidates, the awa r d ceremony m ii;ht take longer than an academy aw a rd I presentatJori. J0 hnson TV Talk tO Assess Russ1·an Shift Pek1·ng Bomb I :th~r ~~:~L~!mt!e~:; Saturday posed a problem for the storm window crowd. st!~~i:d:~ei~. a better day to leave them lantawouldthrowlnalucrative - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - l ~ r ! : i ; 7 ~ ~ ~ ~:f}n~x:os1on of an th~i~ c~;i~er~J~t~ :ti~ sh;r0:s~;it Record Tying Heat wave =~:r~' g~~;~~g :i~\~·u~::~dl~ Gives way t C00 l F t T,m" '"'" "· <0/. , The w eather "Machine gun alley" is the coast guard term for the ocean off the Cuban shore. ~:d a~~a~:/~}!u~n~t~~;; CompL!•dbyUSW••U.erllurm co143.215.248.55w,S~~d:;:~;·'t:~:~d~i=~~ Mo.ily cloudy and cooler Monday. Hirh Sunday mid1iitie1, low Sun,


about thi• !re!. • Hour j s j s j 1 j a j 9 j1oj 11 j12 She'd rather smoke n good Tem~. 1&~168 67 166 165163 16 1160 cigar than be a dedicated acWllconain - Partly ,unny and treu, says . ~rah Miles, 0°~d; :~d•:~ol:r~~nd~~ud:ig~~ rear old Bntish nonconfo and Monday, Occuional rain af• 1st; Page 6, TV Screen Mag- lectinr about half of the northen, r!,~ ~ azme. • ·• • •• · Th~eP~c~~:t ~~i::i:.h~~l~ Wells ~ e se; ri b es t~e . art ~r~re~~f~~:~erca~pt~g~~ng~ portfolio of his famou.!I Arizer na desertscapes: Albert England of Waukesha shows his political button collection, and photographert take you



~~:1i::.u1hc111t; low Sund.y night

Temperature range Saturday, 8 1

~e!ipji143.215.248.55n~n:0 :.~ at 1:15 a.m.;

Temperature range a year ar11 Saturday, 72 and 56; precipitation, II trace. Sunri,e Monday, 6:09 1.m.; 1un• 1et, 5:03 p.m. nd 1::~: m!':,:~~i:":os' ~:·d!~ m Weathcrm11ponp11ge4,p11rt2.


~~n:t!! C:~\d~~ 0 tury. New Look at China Peking's Progress Visible, Solid This is the first of a JO part series on Communist Chillll, The writer ill a speciali.,t in far eastern affair, for the Paris newspaper Le Monde. He recently completed a lengthy tour of Red China, hi, first visit there 1inc11 1955. BJ' ROBERT GUILLUN Senator Barry Goldwater wu greeted by &irls with bunches of balloons when he spoke at a campaign rally at the AkronCanton (Ohio) airport Saturday. -. ' , 1 1 ~!~. T~=te~oth!oo1r!~t~~ \ 'We Challenge Johnson to Debate Us!' a.m. Friday, M1Iwaukce 1- - Goldwater 1:'tfore a _crowd of re~;:~a~nag;i:O%\~ ~~=m.~~ ~ega~;::hi:h~::~:he~s As he b~ought . the .seventh143.215.248.55 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST) 3 ·:~i:~r16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST),1~~sitln?!~h143.215.248.55 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)i;;;le~~n;;:!'n~;,:;~:tt[~; in Pravda the orticial Commu- week of his pres1dent1al cam- sure destroyer of freedom any- workers at the Kelvlnator ap, tra~1ctory. I , Bill Veecb: hits "greed and stupidity" of Brave, owners. Story on page I, part 2. 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST) f:!~r a143.215.248.55 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)eb~t~h:h: M1~fea:\~ houn of bargairfog emment" • • OtThaJourn11lSt11tt County otticlals took their first legal step Saturday to try to keep the Brave.,. A formal notice wu sent to official• of Atlanta that Milwaukee county would sue them unless they Immediately atopped trying to entice the Bravea Atlanta. has offered the Braves a 25 year leaui for th& 18 mllllon dollar •Ports stadium !~:n!~1 under 1Man,s Thumb Drop Offer' ItGWarns, c or O to ourt lnilucements to Movt! anil Br ealc lease . H e r e 'J!..re Illegal, Letter J\:s serts St~ve to A g r e e in Tim e for Full Day of Work Monday


~we~:s:~~e~:~u:. a 1 1 ~u~:Zs'°~?<!n:nf;d~~; ciZte~e:~: ~~rklJnite4 Sta tee

The new leaders of the Ser - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---==----~ Loe Anrele1 Tlmei/Wuhln&lon POst Nf:WI Servke Peking, ChJna - Well, let's say It right away, at the end of a long journey of seven weeks in Communist China: When Peking's rulers say that they have "on the whole" succeeded, I think they are telling the truth. The Communist regime is now firmly on the tracks, although errors and obstacles brought it close to disaster. There has been great general progress, although there ttlll exist areas-30metime1 immense-of difficulties and 1uffering, as the Chinese concede implicitly and u any objective visitor can see. Enemies of communism would be thunderstruck by the progress; friends of communism would be appalled by the problems that remain. Communism hu won two vlctoriet in China. Firtt, it has conquered all sorts of long standing evilt--Corruption, diaorderliness, disease. The advances I noted in my last visit in the autumn of 1955 have been consolidated. And if it is true tbat the Chinese have suf. fered a famine, they are not hungry toda y. But communism has also scored a second victory. It has decidedly "succeeded"-if that is the word- in manufacturing obedience by pushing its 700 million people through the rollen of Mao Marxism. It was in the three day, 2,000 mile train trip from Hong Kong to Peking that I witnessed my fint surprise. There, carved on the technlcolor landscape, was the Immense effort of • whole people to feed its multitude.. Not a square yard had been left uncul- tivated, right up to the rails, on the very embankments, in the ditches, along the shoulders of the roads, on und banks temJ)Orarily left dry by the rivers. After the years ol the great crisis, from 1959 to 1961, the plannen in Peking had transferred priority from heavy industry to agriculture, and tbe view from my train window answered my question: What would Chinese agri, culture-which is both the bane and the foundation of China's economybe like in the summer of 1964? There was a second surprise. The peasant-in the singular-no longer exists. No more lone workers, but teams, 20 at a time, one behind the other on the paths and in the furrows, making the same movements with the same tools at the same time in clusters over the countryside, like platoon, of soldiers on maneuver. At first tight. anyone could see tha t he was in the land of the communes, Tumtopo.feS,col, J �