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11/11/ 64 CHARGE TO City o f Atlailta, Mayor's Office Book Telegram May I inv ite you t? come to rny o ffic'~ ,°th,,u~'.s.~8iY afternoon, No v embe r 12th at 3:00 p. m . , 2nd floor City Hall , to meet Mr. Th9mas Reynolds, Jr. and other Brav es o fficials . I van Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta Send the above message, subject to the terms on bock he• PLEASE TYPE OR WRITE PLAlt--: 1269- (R 4·55) 'T FOLD �LL ESS GES TAKEN BY THIS COMPA YA ,E SUBJ CT TO HE FOLLOW! G TERMS: CLASSES OF SERVICE DOMESTIC SERVICES INTERNATIONAL SERVICES T EI.EGRAM 'f t ' ~ t dOE&flitlC . Jay l r wrtttcn lo coo~. C'IL.lll r. or 1n :uly !"\I«'. u f t dell\·crythef,.. •owtnatt.ornlc.c. . t:.m rtarce Wlluace .» tor • .! wo:-dsarpUea. �