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Georgia BHsiness Insurance Insiders Silent on New Issue By JIM MONTGO:\-IERY Hottest topic in Atlanta financial circles now Is an Insurance company to be with a big stock issue to come . . ~ But nobody connected with tlie venture will discuss it. . The principals and under- news on it a s planted 11m M•,.--.,. ,by them for the sake of peddling stock. •.; A.nd this is a particularly ":.sensitive time because the company's stock registration "Statement is in Washington awaiting SEC action assigning ·an effective date. But the SEC also has the power to delay the issue if it _;6uspects prem;iture promo)ional efforts. • 'w


talking; . Meanwhile, a call to the fybl:~e Business FEATURES Thursday, Oct. 15, 1964 · Page 46 Fourth Major Producer Orders Increase for Re-Bars l'IEWS-VIEWS UAW Considers Whether to Strike 100,000 SHARES , .story e~~=r:1s!~e ·fa~?/ unr:!!:~ ::;Y THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTIO'."4 and certain of Its partners and their families, and to Bache & Co. "'-Titers greet ---press inquir:,ies with stony silence, obviously scared · stiff that the 'Securities & .J Exchange ·~o mmlssion · will assume -any Youngstown Joins In Steel Price Rise ~~ ~n; 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)e~he~s~~ i~f '{i!:~!~C: o!:te:~~ ; ~ ..Wued in Washington, that is, jlot Atlanta. -~ The SEC announcement • lhows that United Trust Llfe

Jnsurance Co. of Atlanta ac·

,.tually filed two registration Statements on Sept. 22. United Trust, they reveal, Approximately 100,000 shares to United Trust officials and members of their families. The balance, some 25,000 shares, to prospective investors "who may be valuable in marketing the company's insurance policies and develoJ>ing business." The SEC announcement also noted that United Trust al· ready has outstanding 75,000 common shares sold at $10 a share to 15 wlidentlfied preorganizational subscribers, and that management officials as a group own 35,000 of these shares. It further points out that United Trust was organized in Georgia last May, has ol.fices In the Hurt Building, and intends to conduct a life, accident and health insurance business. NET PROCEEDS The net proceeds of the stock sa1e, It adds, are to be used to meet capital requirements for applying for a Ji. cense to engage In the insurance business in Georgia and to conduct an insurance business. The only company official identified by the SEC release is Paul Light, president. While no background is given on him, his former emJoyer sent out a press reease a few weeks ago announcing the appointment of his successor and mentioning that Light had become presldeot of United Trust In Atlanta. That employer was Pan American 14fe in New Orleans and, as best we can rec:all now, L.ight was vice presi-dent in charge of agencies. Anyway, United Trust and its proposed big stock issue are what have been keeping Atlanta financial and insurance executives buzzing with speculation in recent weeks. ,~~eri!iu~~ }:: uand:~h~: r. ~ discounts) through the sale of ·pne million shares of common stock at $IO a share. Right olf hand, wl'.! can think ,of no insurance company that tias ever sought so great an ,lnitia1 capitalization. One or the registration state'ments covers 750,000 shares, of which 700,000 are to be offered for public sale (on "whatever effective date the SEC sets) through an under· --pTlting group headed by Bache ~ Co. of New York and Courts

& Co. of Atlanta.

__.JlO A SHARE , The SEC said the offering -.price, which it estimated at -$10 a share maximum for ~rposes of computing the

~r, 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)at:~~m!~·re a~ ~n:i;

plied by amendment. The re"lnaining 50,000 shares of this issue are to be offered to per· ·sons designated by the com-


•• The other registration statei'!'lent covers an additional

115,000 common shares to be

...Dffered through company ofjicia1s at $10 a share as fol- ~Jows : '"' A tota1 of 50,000 shares in e(p.lal parts to Atlantic Realty 6Co,, in which a majority in· ).eiest is held by Courts & Co. We're holding it on October 22nd ond October 27th (1ome progrom eoch night ) right here in our office starting ot 8:00 p.m. 1horp Write Box NC-498 c/o Journal-Constitution. Lut-minute information from our Research headquartera in ·sew York abould highlight a tborough•going analysis of the indugtries as a wbole----help you make up your mind about the individual i&&1es that make them up. INSURED SAVINGS NOW Ji Jii For a current run-down - plua a good chance to uk any questions you want to - plan now on join· ih, frn \t_ij \Hi in~£ u;~u'd like to come, either alone or with someone else, simply call and' say ~o - or eimply mail ill the coupon below, There I no charge of coune.

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I would like to attend your Forum Thuuday evening OR October 22 0 lrn\tn ?i~;: li~ljj llffll:ll ,t~JS CURREMT RATE DIVIDENDS PAYABLE MARCH, JUNE, SEPT., DEC. Name 5 Address ~/~~ "The most important investment you make is in the sound judgment ofmen.' 1 Robi nson, Humr,h rey & Co. s ince 1894 ho s b« n h el ping Georg ,o n~ to oeh,eve the ,r pe rsono l f,nonciol goo ls Co ll upan our 70 yeors of ex perience o nd knowledge Let one of ovr RegiUered Represen tot,ves ou1st you in atto ,n ing yovr parlieul ar ,n ve~ tm ent ObJecl ives. Phone MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, ~ff :!H "'"" ... -'~' ~-~...'::.•~ ~ !.;.~} PEACHTREE FEDERAL SAVINGS MA.IN OFFICI ' SANDY SPRINGS BRANCH 9030 PEA.CHTRU RP., N.W. 6343 ROSWILL RD., N.E. A.TU.NT.A., GA. Tuesday evening October 27 0 ~·=· Robinson, Humphrey & Co.


ELECTRIC BUILDING, ATLANTA 3 ty J:i 270 Peochtree Street, N.E. 16:28, 29 December 2017 (EST)e; Since UJ9 4 J!ll Jf:! Telephone : 522-1313 ~:erTco;~ ;,t::: ~


1lHI ii ,Ui T! _________________ .,__,,_,_,_"_,,_,.._._,_..._.._._"--'·____,._.,_.._"_1__, _.,_•__. /nsfl/ment r Office open Sat1<r""7 ll'l(lrltln1, for your conttniencc. RhodH-Hoverty Bvilding Atlonto, Georgie 30301 �