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~u 11 st 1962

Atl anta, Georgi a 1 Hayor I von !.llen City Hall i Jlanta, Georgia Dear Sir: l'i:y wife and I feel you should e made aware of the ,hicago t;ype block-busting tactics being practised in the Peyton- Utoy Forest Communi ty by Negro re all,tors uith the tho1 ght in mind that if it is the big Atlanta-of-the-future picture for this area to become colored it should be done on a whol e area basis o ou:bright purchase rather than by sneaky moncy-grubbin pseudo-po_itical trickery whi ch I trust you are unwittingly condo .ing by l ack of information from your constituents o Also, in this vein, ue are deeply concerned about two zoning petitions that effect this lovely corrmru.nity an your decisions will be anxiously awaited. Specifically, they concern property south of Gordon between Peyton and Izynhurst ( ug. 9th hearing) and the zoning of property east of Peyton for a 'egro cemet y (hearing date not yet set) . 1 e trust you are highly in favor of the two zoning petitions or will imriediate y state your position and officiate at the taldng over of this area in a air and equitable manner to all concerned. ~-e hearti y agree the . egro population of this co d-be-1vonderf c ·.ty must have suitable housing but do not feel it should be obtained by piece-meal block-busting of established areas . Atlanta will suf er national stigmatization and eventual stagnation by use of such tactics as business ::ind taxp8i)rers, like in this co1TlI'IUil.i.ty, move to more probressive an pleasant localities o 1 John N. Bliss 469 Haldane Drive, Atlanta 11, Georgia cc to: Aldemen Milton Farris Alderman Jack Sunnners S'.1 �