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August 1, 1962 Mr . Bobby F. Fa1·mer 512 Haldane Dri ve , S . W . Atlanta, Georgia D.ear Mr . Farmer : Thi s will acknowledge your additional letter and in further reply I would like to restate that I want to assure you that my office i s available at all times to assist the citizens of Atlanta in any way I can. This includes matters of which you spoke in your letter concerning block busting. If you would like to c ome and talk about this matter and would like for me to set up a meeting with your aldermen, Mr . Farris and M r. Swnmer ·•. f.01· an overall discus sion, I s hould be glad to do s o. I have previou ly di s cussed this matter with a number o! people in order to b e of assistance. It i difficult probl m. Ao urin you oi my coop r tion, 1 m Since · ly y ura. Ivan Allen, Jr • . , M ayor "IA.Jr/ br �