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August 1, 1962 Mr . R . H . Tomlinson, Ji-. 458 Thackeray P lace, S. W . A tlanta 11, Georgia Dear Mr.. Tomlinson: May 1 acknowledge your letter of July 27.,. 1962, an.d advise tha.t l have also heard from Mr . C . J . Owens at 681 Fielding Lane., S . W . , Mr. and Mr . Bobby F. Farmer at 512 Haldane Drive,, S . W ., Mr . C . H . Daniels at 499 Haldane Drive, S . W . and Mr . and Mrs . J .. H. Thames , 654 Fielding Lane~ S . W . I want to assure you that my office i a ilable at 11 times to asel t the citizens of Atlanta in any way I c n . This include matters of which you poke in your letter concernillg block bu.sling. lf you would like to come and talk about this matter and would like for m to set up a meeting with your ldermen,. M.r. Farris and Mr~ Summers,. for an ov rall diacussion, I should be glad to do so. l have previou ly di cus ed thi., matter with a. numberj:>f people in order to be of a sis nee. lt is a difficult problem. Assuring you of my cooper tion. I am Sincerely your • Ivan Allen, Jr.• yor JA~r/br �