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458 Thackeray Place, SW Atlanta 11, Georgia July 27, 1962 Honorable Ivan Allen City Hall Atl.qnta, Georgia My dear Mayor Allen: Home ownership and l::md ownership has been the very foundation of our great nation. Through engendered pride and determin tion, our forebears set the path for pre-eminence of America in world ·affairs. However hazardous land and home ownership may have been to our forefathers, todays insidious movements present equally heart breaking risks. About two years ago I purchased a home after retirement in the Utoy ForestPeyton Forest area. Along with fifty or more others in this area I invested all my savings and mortgaged a limited income. Our little neighborhood is new. We t ake nride in home ownership. Collectively our investment in Atlanta runs to about d~l.2 million. Now we find the future uncertain. Negro interests are trying to move in. Pressure and unsc~pulous practices are being applied. Open as well as covert t acti cs are evident. The objactice - break the community and buy property at a fr action of its real value. What can we do Mr . Mayor ? We are trying to stand together and holj our community intact. This is an appeal to you - use your very powerful office to give us aid and assistance. At least in a moral way through Negro real estate interests. May we count on your support? Sincerely, �