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July 24 , 1962 Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr . City Hall City of Atlanta Atlanta 3 , Georgia Dear Mayor Al len : As a homeowner and civic-minded citizen of the City of At l anta , I am wr i ting this l etter in the inter est of my home , as we l l as t he homes of my f r i ends and ne i ghbor s4 I am a resident in the Utoy-Peyton Forest Area , which is constantly being plaqued with threats from the negro race , to invade on our property , and sec ure our homes . It is not very pleasant to know that you have worked for many , many years , are finally able to give your fami ly what you have always wanted for them , t hen , by no fa ult of your own , have t o unwillingly sell out , and leave i t o Sure , it is said that yo u do not have to sell , that ' s true , but afterteing plaqued with threats from the negro race , as we have been , almost constantly , for the last year , there is usually one , as has been proven in other parts of the City , who will panic - then your community usually goes . I do not believe the elected officials of our City realize just what a threat this is to the City of Atlanta . If not , it is time your eyes were opened to what is · happening and will continue to happen . People who have been forced to give up their homes are leaving the City Limits of Atlanta . The majority of others who are being threatened , or are in a danger zone , are pla nning the same . We certainly have no intentions of staying7 with the possibility of getting into similar situation in another part of the City o e will continue to battle this situation until the bitter end, but we certainly need , and should have the support of you in the City Hall o There is an urgent need for action to be tken to curb this "block-busting 11 that not only is threatening our community , but the City of Atlanta at large o �l Mayor Ivan Allen , Jr. July 24 , 1962 Page No . 2 Ask yourself what will become of Atlanta if the people affec ted leave the city limits? Can ' t you see the potential danger . If you could live in t~e situation , with the people, hear the discussions , and see it through our eyes , I then believe you would realize there is a danger of losing not only a great amount of tax money today , but your white citize~s in great numbers . Then what will happen? I have lived in Atlanta the greater part of my life , love it dearly and would never have wanted to live anywhere else until now , but to have peace and tranquility , it seems I have no other choicee We are not asking or saying that the negro ra ce not have what they justly deserve e we only ask that they get it in their own rights , instead of harassing us , and by hook or crook , get what is ours , when we are unwilling to give it up, but do so through force . Mayor Allen , I would appreciate an answer , telling us just what plans are being made , if any , or what steps we might take to get help in stopping this before it has gone too far . Please let me hear from you in the near future . n,,,.2..-. I.;;/. oflc,,_.,,,l,Cd Sincerely, CC: Alderman Milton Go Farris CC: Alderman Jack Summers �