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July 24 , 1962 Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr ., Mayor - City of Atlanta Cit y H~ll Atlanta 3 , Georgia Dear Mayor Allen ; About fifteen months ago my wife and I purchased the home £or which we have been working f or the twenty years we have been married . It is located in the Utoy- Peyton For est area in the Southwest section of Atlanta . we started with drapes , carpets , and many other things that go into a home , and in about three (3) months here comes the negroes , and it has been a continual fight since that time to save our homes e We have owned and paid taxes on three different homes in the Southwest Atlanta section in these twenty years , so naturally we feel that we have had a small part in building this great City of ours of which we elected you Mayor o We have voted for many bonds in the past to help make our City great . For the last several years the taxpayers that have been paying for most of the bonds , have had to fight continually to hold their homes , schools and churches . Now we are being asked to vote for another bond - Eighty Million Dollars worth . We all want to- continue to help our City to grow , and like any business, it will have to have additional revenue to do so . When one has to fight so hard to hold on to his possessions , there is the question in one ' s mind whether you would want to vote for something that would keep you investing in something you will eventually lose . I Mro Mayor it is my humble opinion that you and the AldermaNic Board should take some positive and constructive action immediately to insure the white · citizens of Southwest Atlanta that our taxes and votes will not be spent in vain o �Honorable Ivan Allen , Jr . July 24 , 1962 Page No . 2 Thanking you very much for your support . Yo ur s truly , ~ !/ ·~-it,//Z, I CC: Alderman Milton G. Farris 1167 Cardinal Way , s . w. Atlanta 11 , Georgia CC : Alderman Jack summers 2335 Wilson Drive , S. W. Atlanta 11 , Georgia ,;;/fez , •'41 �