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FORWARD Atlanta proudly acknowledges its title of unofficial Capital Of The Southeast. Our's is an enthused and energetic city. We are enjoying remarkable progress because we have plotted our course carefully. Our preparations to accommodate a professional football team have been thor9ugh. We have not only a young, sports-minded population, but new and impressive facilities. While Atlanta is unique among the South I s major cities, it typifies all of them in one respect: We want professional sports. Like our neighboi-ing cities, we produce a significant number of athletes each yea:r who, following graduation from colleges or universities, pack-up to thrill sport fans in far away ·places. These athletes participate in professional football, basketball and baseball. Despite our capacity for producing them, we have so far been able to enjoy their performances only through news dispatche and broadcast from cities in the North and in the West. Atlantians want a profe ional team of their own, nd teps have been taken to enhance their prospects. A twenty-five year contr ct ha been · igned with the Milwaukee Brave a of th National Le gue to pl y ba eball in Atl nta beginning in 1966. We fe 1 fortunate indeed that Cox Broadca ting nd WSB Radio nd WSB Television in particul r, a1:e playing leading role in our clty 1 Ii queat for profe ional port • We are further pleas d that they have directed their intere t toward curing an Americ n League te m. Iv n Allen, Jr. Mayor, City of Atlanta �