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CONCERNING . .. THE MILWAUKEE l BRAVES 11-16-64 Ivan Allen Jr. I think you know most of the facts, but I am sure your prejudiced reasoning forces you to view these facts thru smog covered glasses. Mr. Allen, consider yourself a Milwaukee resident. How would you feel after 12 years of supporting the MILWAUKEE Braves and suddenly have them stolen from you. best t eam La.st year Milwaukee was the ( out of 20) 11th attendance wise in the majors . Can you call this poor support??? NO Is it the fault of Mil waukee and Wisconsin fans that owners have spent money so l ess profit on fool-hearty and mad e the whole. Your eagerness for maj or l eague baseball cannot be condemned. obt in same are Your under handed methods to and deplorable. Baseball has become a touring with Atlanta as one of i ts stops. have as many suckers. We Lets hope you loved our have caused an unjustified divorce, source of evil. Good Brave s but with money carnival , dont you as the Luck in 661. " ~ l y~ Ron Alberts· 1004 Hanson St. La Cros se, Wisc. �