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Mayor :r.van Allen, Jr. and Arthur Montgomery, Chairman of the Stadium Authority, invited me to visit Atlanta to look at the new municipal stadium being built and to make a first-hand inspection of the growth and expansion in this fine city and its supporting region. The Stadiu...,n Authority has given me a firm contract for consideration of the Braves. I a:;:n taking this back to Chicago as part of the evaluation I am making regarding the Braves' future. The Braves :-ecognize the responsibility and public trust involved in even considering the moving of a professional sports franchise from one area to another e However, since ba_s eball is truly a national sport, we can no longer ignore the vast areas of this country which do not currently enjoy our great game. I want to compliment the people of Atlanta, Mayor Allen, Arthur Mont gomery, the Stadium Authority and the other elected officials for their fores ight in c r eating the facilities and atmosphere for the inevitable introducti on of major league sports to the southeastern ar ea of the United. S t ates. STATEMENT BY WILLIAM C . BAR THOLOMA Y CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MILWAUKEE BRAVES -October 14, 1964 �