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Spon:,"brt!d b\ the Sports Dpartment of 11 O Atlanta I 4, Leathers Circle, Northwest Geqrgi,; October 19, 1964 AL . THOMPSO N President MARION E. JACKSON. SR Coo r<linntor THELBA M. BROWN Secr e tary JOSEPH JACOBS Financial Secr etary T. J . CRITTENDEN Trea~urcr The Honorable Ivan Allen Mayor of Atlanta Atlanta , Georgia J. R. SIMMONS Stat iALicirw Ey dear Eayor Allen : JOEL W . SMITH llUtoriographer A\\10.rd, And Rating l 'ornmi tl<'C' RALPH C. ROBINSON, Chairman JOEL W. SMITH MARION E. JACKSON . SR. WILLIAM M. NIX The attached copy of our telegra:n to Mr . Bartholomay is being sent for your infor'Tlation and files . In a meetine yesterday, we also asked our rembers t.o send individual teleBran,s. With best. wishes . Sincerely yours , lnnual Au:arda Danqul't Committ,•r J. R. SIMMONS Chairman WILLIAM A. SCOTT . Ill A . T. HOLLINGSWORTH EMEL J. SCOTT BLANCHARD M . COO KE A. L. Thompson President JJrogram And A.ctiC"itic, Cummittc~ JAMES H. WILLIAMS, ~nclosure (,/ioirmnu JACK ADAM5 DR. HARVEY 8 . SMITH Du.rf.r::,t•t Anti .Ucm.bcr ,hip (;ommitt£'r DR. CHARLES F . GOOSBY. Chairman T. J. CRITTENDEN DR. ROBERT H. JORDAN Re :r·arch Committt·r. DR. WILLIAM B SHROPSHIRE. £.1wirmur, JOSEPH JACOBS HORACE A. BOHANNON Public Relation Nepresent.1t.i1 •' The Mos·; H. Ken.frv. 01ga11b1tzon, IJ'a~hington. V. C. �