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A RESOLUTION BY DOUGLAS L . OWLKES WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta were instrumental in the creation of the City of Atl anta - Fulton County Recreational Authority to construct and manage stadium in the City of Atlanta bo house profession 1 baseball t eam, and WHEREAS , this stadi um will b . completed in the Spring of 1965; and WHEREAS , firm contract h s been presented t o the management of t he Mil waukee Braves t o move to Atlant a and occupy this modern stadium and t o c pture t he sports f ans of th s outh- eastern area , and WHEREAS , t he r sidents and offici l s of the City of Atlant a will enthusi atic lly upport this team t o the f ullest extent ; NOW, THEREFORE , BE l T RESOLVED by th of Al d rmen of the City of At l nt of the Mil w uk Brav s to nd to occupy our great new kin tb1 n Be of Al by ho it furth r r tadtum nd w pl dg t o Atlant our support i n sant and h ppy . olv d th teach ndorse the owner thi r emb r of th olutto and so o rd i nifte• his si nature b reto . e it furth r r el o th l ncour cc pt t his offer to mov prosp r ous, pl rmen individually ffixin th t they yor and Bo rd y, C ai 1 that the C ty Clerk l!' orw r y of this r solutio t Willi f th Milw k c. • �I ii|ii i% i' 'J 1=' av'.' viwfhJ


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