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"'};, ,;() 1:. 1 ~~ ~- ~ 7 , 41.. ~ t• Tu:! srn y Jim: 11.e your query AboHt any attitudes I might ha 'JP. t·nGountered about i he Brave8. Jn Phoenix T talked with (~:~T!:r ~-~-'~!f: l)c;>_E~--' --~.b~- ~!'.at.:.~~ erllt.or _'.?Ll_h~ll!.J..Y§l:.U\~~-e S£~t:i. ry_!:l, an~ An'illr: ·~0.1.~\J143.215.248.55L, the HE _?-f _tJw . 1:!i;l,,_Jc;mrp!-!:l, am11t ti~ Brc1ves. /1..<: a IT\9. ttn r <'f' fc: d, eve ryh0rly wrrntecl tn t1. l \r to t. rem a bout t,he sj tlla t. j on. _I have \mown _b o l.li "l"n for a lonF' ti rTf! 1 t' pivc 5 ,:,nnP.l:ir:,rn 1 '.'. t-1·nthf_ir hi.s fjnit Jo b wlwn 1--e got. Nrt, , ,(' l:i.rh:i.gan Sl-1!.p so T nm cr!rtPin th 11 t t.heir r0111,n·kri we.re si:1ce1"('. _, nn'1 nn~ r e .'1.77~· l:, 11r,r.rd cihout 1-.,b~ Bn:11R.s a nJ rr· r· rrnized bR~eb'.lll. arr.' are n a mr ocl 1, n 11,trt. Ur: 11r::- 1·p s :tr- p·11d1 a ::i pos s ible. Sonneborn 5aid, "Ir,lclg:irn• 'rlfl;).t f e ('li nc ·•, [1 (, - ,:H'"~·- !'1 ' ( Iii '-' l\'.i !' eh .'.\' "1 Hri l..r_•r '.-::·, ,. , ,~ 11,"\Jll? I don't l'eC-1.~l.) rrust. !-rive I, ,, he ·.-,ith out a j oli af't r> J' 1~c,v , rin·.'. taGeba l l in Milwau l:GP. for t hir-1,y-sPrn" }T ,1.1' $ ~.:e wnn 't 1-~'l"" : _n, · 1,,;.; m D fl,<,r a yJ:! ;ir." BC1t.} 0 0 G rl:V'- l.}, ,q, l, 1-,e l c1 1-1 i n nn t·,1 r, i1 ' • i Hrr1v,_,: , j n ;1 .i.lw 2.n1~,:,(.! a s l 'Jn f' ti3 p o--: •··q,1_c· . 1 sc11rccl r-ti.ff of t,IY. c"~011r ts :rnrl 1,h:- ot 'if • !' I an:1 ;v,t. ,m ke 1 rir ht., r :ov 0 t. c fl i, l ant.1 / Schl:1.l_,en I


.1 11r1 th,,, _· i n!-.r:in-~ l,o h~ i::i · Lbe

ll t· s ., i d t h::i.t 0l'f'.Rnized hall is ,·,wneJ':3 wa nt, to 11?'; l.J-11bllfJ1 si 1•n, 1 . • , 1()-1 11 n<?xt SP. a '.s 0n. ( Pe :ni.1~ 1.t 1 s t. our-1, t. n trH.lY.J' ;:1 \./L'r.- wlir, ,,,ant:-; t;o r' f! t a r:1 i.v0r r:-e leeep a, s l ee pinv wi t,h 1-,-,r ;,,J:; btnrl nr c1 ; n l,h ,r· jll"' J I' ~n rl., t h,"\ 1 .\ r wh~t th8y int,,nr1 1 \ ·1,n cir,,\ Pr~ S.J.ld i )1 •.' ,;' do n'l, car~ ;_r 11 ".\l•orl,V COE'S tl) t.hr> ("iiP'CS (;!' i f' tl-+:, y rlo n 1 t s P.1.1 c1 ~, eason ti ,,kd. , Hr> a l,lwl f·.J-:,,t. 1,h' Scl·11 i.t z comr:;i.n;r ha rl rmrlP- ::i vr'r'J ri. r,~ jl lYlpord.tj cn t, (1 J.:r•r_, r l.lr- !] 1"1i~~ 1-iJt. 11 0\..r ev en t,\i(' hr c> we n 1 : r~· ,rle, Liv c it.-,- c. nrl ,-, ·, n ty r-tif f-i.ci;:i l s , th1~ \.l u ~d1 ·(':-J1: , .0 11111111 n-i ty L~ un i te d in t.h,:-- erfort. t:,h• f.' r n ves t,hrn 11 :'.h Lh ~ n=-· :<~- ye al'. to h"n · on tn T ri.Vn' t 1· nr:" u.nt.c 1· a ::- :i n?lF· rl i L0r jn P~"' •! lli.Y. --- =1rr: t l-c t nri c w~ s we ll 11isc1 1s:; ,_ •d --- w!w t:yi,:w iU· :izri , i wjL h l\ t. l ~m t ,'.11s n fr c,rt to f t, 1. ·1KJ;i0r l •.! af:'Jl! t en,n, ::: '., e .::..1 iL wa r, t-hr-• t<:• m curru"TJ,··n~i 11;,0d . Thc',V don 't 1il:·i1'1e /\ tl;1~tc'l ~ c:11we H , a ;ip ..; ~···th"t the l1r rt1.· (.!G ~:e m m i nf· t.. , ;,,o v e s ri 111ror l:1.r' p :i.n::-wa:: , hut t h, ·,v

\, f_..£}:tUq_~l _!.!L. .~!:r~

·... cn:~!.' \'...'. ~1~.rlE'_t":o . T~ ~' - S_niJ/0 po j_ n t.p r: nllt tha t. w!1rc; 11r~a1 -· ~ Clri ff ll.l I h u rr 1 clly r'1 OVI-' d 111.s (: l uT/ t 0 /.' i_n '"' c1 r, li '.' t ,i t :i 1<r :-1 , hri 11 L;:, r.e r1 f t, h..1. t. , '-I TV t..crritr,r ;v , LI-Bt tllf' cw :--:P. r c- h,, r,<1:11r f r i. Ph t r-r, c ··1 •JI' t-lie con:;" 1n cn c':!s a r,rl s t., ~ k r n·)th -r c lnh i_n W·,t h:in~<'n. Th• ;: .: "?re a n d .rl o f f'.nvs rrn re nt ~dd l i n r . 0 1 Tr.>rl add: ·! tl ;·1t, wil l tli ne t,lxi Pn.,i o r:, ~-n t.J ·,,· :i J' ; ,('CE:n1lw 1· n~·e t.j11r .Lt..1 ll onst.on r e p or tR.--ll,Y pr o f-Q"',, T" f'or a rv era l )•,nr.-: i n t he f1J·t,ure . Tlrn t w:i l l ci t, i er~ ,1 r h:i n ,y, Vi f.'.'I:~, re::trl;v. Wheth P. r i t, wiU a f'fec t t r,:-, At 1_;:in t n rno vn , T ,_Jo n' L kn ow . Tod s n:r-:-. t·.11 ,1t, Rfl0 i s n,Jl in a f{P')rl µos i t.5.rn brc a11De ·cy , P-u t i:-;hu r ~h, and Cl<~ve l ,'.i r~-J e n rt•r ,·t c h on 01Jr TV t e rritor y, Wn 1 r1 -• .... ___ in . . 1w,:i·i _Ll-r . s,~me·- . s il.u;1l.ic•n . ~s . . . . f-:.l. w.,11kE'e . .. -- ... 0 11 ' 1J 1 exp1:1 n:=-i m as s i.en t,,)rdLoz·y 1. rrl r_r;i '71? ___ .__ \ l_t1.~_ a..i_l]1~r \ __ tn ~J1i,:-ao.1 I r .11i J.n l, "..> J ohrnzy :·cll -"l~t:' , t ~ _ _!.1r: v_E_' At 0~~-:-!.~~!~:!. ,il11. ::1 ND . lfr• l ol rJ JT)2 1. 1-e 1-. h0 h:1A fl\(Wed h:i f: tam:ily t n T•'l. or-idc1

inn t i Jfl.t 1--e rlc\ G t,"l kf>!1 ,"l !1 a p~ rl Tfl n n t i 11 (_' }1 i Ci-\ I?() W}Y! n: th ri C l11r 1 ha<; ll)Q1Tf' d i tr;

nffices . Hp sni rl , ;i o ki ru· l~, , l,fr • t. h 0 ::n0:-1.ks bal;k t o ~U l wau k e~ nmf1r c r·,ver , f' dri. rk 11e::;s b ut J t h in k he ·,.;·•::- 11 !·. t, ~,rjn, r1oro truth Lh 1rn poe t ry . r ·wnril, t. o_school a t I 1 (I Mclla.l ('. s;-i.ys th~ ,- ,le Ilr, 1 k 1s ritizer ·:; (.l ~; i lwn.11 ke c clo n' t care wh,-i, h er ·l, he \ llravps ~t::iy nr n nt b11L t,h,i I. t.Jic, r n L'il, i c i::irn amcl city fat h ers ::ir~ adamant .• HfJ sail i.r\3t trlf' TTny0. r of Atlant a (T think lt was trw rnayo r but if n"fi:. thf' m.'l.:,or SOTll(:' ot,'-x,r hJ !_' h dt _- · ofri.,,lal.) ca1lE1ri the mayor ot' Mllwankee to ,n ·r an ge a quiPt rne eti n1~ :in r,h \.c clfTO t 0 try ani ta1 k t i~ matt er out an::l reach s omf> conclusions. The Milwauke e may or went to the rot e l wiU1 several ofL, 1 b lilas not in a c r,mpr0nl.sing mood, He ev?n 8Ummoned the press , a ccnrrl ' nc Rrr.1 �, ,,·, .: \., ',l-' . , , . ' : . ' ,' •. ' ~ i 1 1 ,' t :' I ·:;'{. \ • ', \ I

' . J If i I,, I ' , • ' ' 11 •


' ' I •i \ \ ' L , \ \,.. ~ , • '. ' ' ' I '. .' ~ \ { . • ' wro, ,' ! I I •' I \. ' t_• ,_). '\

'• ~, • ' • . ' .• ,, ; , I , ~1 • • . '* , I I \ ' 1 } [\ 4;. ' ' '. \, '· , • ' ' ! I ( I •\ J , I ;,-1, • ,~ ~ ' f •. 1~ \': I, • ; ' • • ( . . "· ~


• , /, t ' T ! " ', I ·' \ · "• . , oi I • If• 1' ' ' i . ', ' . '~ . 1 1 \ ' ' I -2- ' to Jolmiv, and that preolu.ded any ·chanoo of arbitration. MoRale did noli appear "'r.Y' .oonfid~~ about 001r4Jletil\l the roan fee next •eaeon. ' SyJ!i)&thetic to · Jv p':l r d~rtal feeling is that . tho oporta fan 1a 1ilwau}C&e -whio.h ·me be en a g:re at epOl'te town. The;, broke attendan01 reoorda, ve~ ~ bµilt a m w .... ota di'9Jl1 won a pennant rOTerbi.al· bag • am n<JW will be left boldifV tbt , · ·· Ao Sonri@borh Ilia.id, ·'Whit n LOll ~~rini brought th!, Brane to MilwaukBe, there wu still a' bu lxu l ~Qlll lAttt in Bc-, t an. I think tb9n 111 a poaaibility of gove rnioont int erve nticn into organiJled ball it tbl Bnvw• go along with a Milwauk a-be-~ d at t 1t \d. • ' ' Tm. arne ro are ot oa.cild . a aou.rt teat of t he, re1ernt olaUllle wbioh keepa the bill play-er. ~ ·'.eona t bi.ng a.kin to peonage ""f .: . · rm· culprit at 1'J•t ... 1n the lid.nor•. i s te le'rl.eion. Snrl.te quote d a r ~ ure whicll I don't recnll but it w a ...,'lll)thing llko tlE Yankees ooke mone1 on te~Tis ion t han l2 oi.hef lTWljor ~~ Jtgue clubs nake ooll1ng t.ickete • .lm the Yanks,


of c ou.n. e, keep it :-e,t. It they split the loot like tm pro football ' leagu., 1 tm re vo uJ4foo no Milwmilw e Jroblem. · . . mare " wxaotq .!l . Hope t;his ~wer~ )"O\ll' qu8-l"l_'•• ••• �