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., ey paid ,hn ha s lllt Bra· waiver waiver


1B1 8 11 OLIVER E. KUECH!..E, Sport• Edi:or . Why Not a Festival Instead of Dinner? · ting SINCE the baseball writers' apnual dinrier· f~r fa·ns ·in ·Janhow I , uary r:i.ay be the . last here for some. time, it· might not . '.~;~ a~1 o,e a ?ad 10~a to do_ s.omething special-even get' away from iit _4oo. tne chnn er idea entirely and into something like a friendly )W the little· fos tival with "booths." The ,----~=--------=-1 n , too idea does have poss~bilities, and -25c a· fistful. But .only' one ,; · -: if . the Braves \\·ould only co.. fistfµl a~ a time. -Jt \.Vouldn't -; -.-. - . operate in a last gesture of fare- n_ecessar~ly have to be me, I · · well, _everybody would have a ~ gue, ~1ther. Custard w~1uld C.. S good time. Atlanta mi <>ht even ~nythmg soft and flu1,y, ror . . " this wouJd· be all in fun and in seo<l_ ~p. Mayot Ivan _Allen , to the friendly spirit of the festi· ,. · . part,c1pa ,e. val. . · · ·. ' nd'e r1cc_ th' A booth, · R,eynolds Rear," 1k Bolling ar O omay S a would have fine possibilities. It ra Qian _c:nd T HERE co u 1 d be a . water would be something like · the .. . : _o f i the dunking booth, foe instance, "pi'.1 the. ta!! , on . the _donkey" fi~ ednesday which · might be', co.lled "Bar- which blmd,o.ded . c h 1 Id re n mi situation tholomav's Batli." Bill would play. Tom could ft)! the role_of ov, · . donkey. Three tails and pms

t season be perched on a chair above a -hat p·ns-c •Id b

Id f . t~E 1 se effect tank of _ice cold water. with the 5oc. ou e so_ 01• ,3.,· s. chair so 'triggered it would . , si

in Mil- d ump him into t he tank whenTroubadou~

~r ever a small target was proper- . in. o~t this ly hit. Ice could be /dumped LITILE: side attractio~s, go right to into the wa ter periodically to be Don Davidson, dressed like th. ,d. · " I'm sure the water was cold. Fans a troubadour and leading his po ' have a would pay 25c for three balls. two pooches which now answer ut( 1em out A fraternity paddling booth to the names of "Coca" 1and -;-: te's a lot could be set up with a certain "Cola," could wa nd er through bound t o d . . d' F 25 h f the c r o w d and occasionally .yers but :~ui1~ ~ne 0 lha~ke~~itli a~ ? reak into his skateless skatbascball. wooden paddle at' tl1e posterior rng ac_t. e r s are of Mayor Allen of Atlanta. Ernie Johnson could imper· ··" · ters, yet "Ivan the Terrible" the booth senate Warren Giles and with • take it could be called. . , map and pointer explain how s got to There could be a booth known the distance between Milwa uyself · al- as "McHale's Meringue." John kee and ~ inneapolis is really the fans would stick his head through a only 240 mik,s, not 345, and the . 1d InakeiI'lOie in a sheet of canvas .and distance between , Milwaukee better." try t o duck fistfuls of meringue and Chicago is r e a 11 y only 80, not 95. Earl Yerxa could pass out old Braves programs _ free _ and ___!l\ _ A71ttJin _ ~ b.' ' when things got a little d ull 1 _ c; Austin Brown could shoot off ,• , those t iny lady crackers. John

chool un- Mullen could sing "Hello, Dolly"

ime head wi th Bobby Br.a gan on the oboe. Riverside Such a festival in nlace of a 'i next 10 dinner WOUid serve several pur- C i ms won poses. It would ra ise the money 'n •nference to enable the baseball writers . · In win- here to continue their scholar- F.

les, his sliip fund . .In fact, it might raise . c.

31 game enough money to let t11e writers buy a college. It would give ff baseball ians here an outlet for P; ·. f t their frustro.tions. And it would, 00 · as mentioned, allow the Chicago t cafi'e owners to make a worth while '.idwe~~ parting gesture t o the city they _ . have treated · _ mp1on....;..·_ _ __ _so_"w _ell." __ __ 1o ·~·.. 90 S ·neSS 'B th l I j. i ' B Don' As J I I i. I


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