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TELEPHONE 414 Di visi on 4-7000 2611 WEST WISCONSIN AVENUE • MILW~ U MILWAU K EE , WISCONSIN, 53233 E X ECU TIVE OFFIGE , E.E,; (_ f November 19 , 1964 Mrs . Ann Drummond Administrati ve Ass i stant t o the Mayor Ci ty Hall At lant a, Georgia Dear Ann: I t certainly was pleasant talking with you yesterday and I was hopeful that Bob Maercklein could be hel pful in some way . Bob handles our advertising and publ ic r elati ons and is a good personal f r i end of mine. He comes from an old Milwaukee f ami l y of high standing, and his uncle i s a former Governor of Wisconsin . Frankl y, having lived here nine mont hs, I am convinced that t his Brave s issue is one now of county polit ics and I feel there i s l ittle hope of changi ng the county officials minds. They have made such an i ssue of this wh ole Braves deal t hat they are afraid that any concession t o Atl anta would assure t heir future pol itical defeat . The attitude even among some business men is, make them play here and refuse to support them . I am afraid it would be unwise f or Atlant a to make any further direct efforts to solicit assistance from the local officials. The newspapers of course enjoy blowing the whol e thing out of proportion . Please give my best to Mayor Allen and if there is any change in the situation or any new thoughts I will get in touch with you. LSF/cw HILTON INNS IN ATLAN TA • AU RORA , ILL . • EL PASO • KANSAS CITY , MO . • MILWAUKEE NEW ORLEANS • SAN FRANCISCO • SEATTLE • TARRYTOWN , N . Y . �