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Nov . 11 , 1964 Te office of t h e Mayor of Atlan t a, Ga . Mr . I van Allen ( I believ e) Honorable Sir: Several weeks a go I read a statement made by y ou or someone in your offi ce. I h a "i to read it t wice to believe i t, hm-t- ever it went something l ike this:"One hundred years ago t he city of Atl qnta , Ga . was level ed to t h e ground. Today, W§ 've built an $18,000,000.00 stadium on SOUTHERN SOIL wi th SOUTHERN LABOR and with SOUTHERN MONEY. 11 I want · to know WHY you don 't man it with a SOUTHERNBASEBALL TEAM ? With a ll tha t SOUTHERN Gab, I fe el sorry for the Milwau . ee Braves. I hope they d on ' t bring any NORTHERN money wi t h them . Would it be negotiable? I am not a n young punk" neither am I a n "old crank 11 and I don 't usually get p rovoked enough to write "opinion" letters but t hat sil ly-., chil~ish remark coming from the off ices of the Ci t y Fathers was too much- so I wish you SOUTHERJ.'J LUCK. an X s outherner . Mrs Norma Parl ier 2508 W. Carroll ~ve . OAK CREEK, Wisc o (Milwaukee suburb ) 53154 �